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Everything posted by PEEWEE

  1. Parents often pressure their children to get good grades. If their boy or girl doesn't reach a certain level of expectation, the parents may reprimand, punish or ground the student. So the kids may have to cheat to reach their parents' expectations. What are these children to do, someone has to help them. Not everyone is a scholar. O the Humanity won't somebody think of the children!!!
  2. I think that humans are from another planet. Well at least I am.
  3. I am the way I am due to science, it's amazing what they can do now a days. Long live the Soviet!!!
  4. I was reading an article in the paper the other day, and I young girl ws abused by her father from the age of 3 up until the age of sixteen whn she left home. Her brother also began abusing her at the age of six (both are now in prison I'm thnkful to say). Was it the brothers genetics that made him do it or was it the envroment the brother lived in. I beleive both factors probably caused this partly genetics and partly as said above the enviromental factors the brother lived in. Genetics must have some impact on our behaviour. e.g. Turtles eggs are buried in the sand and they are left there, but when they hatch they still know to head to the water. Which is obviously animal instinct which must come from genetics. So therefore some of our behaviour must be impacted from our genetics. Agree?
  5. Are we the way we are today, because of genetics or is it due to our child hood and the way our parents/gaurdians have raised us.
  6. Economists lead us to believe that an economy is a means to produce economic activity as defined by the almighty Good for Nothing PredictorGross National Product.5 But the GNP is not itself a good. It is an economist’s means of measuring the performance of a national economy. The GNP only measures the activity of things as valued by money. It has nothing to say about the happiness of the people. It has nothing to say about the distribution of wealth within the society. It has nothing to say about any activity not involved with the exchange of money. Economists exhibit an inability to prove anything about the economy, economic policy, and the functioning of society. If economists really knew what they were talking about, why are we so consistently making such a mess of our economies, even using their own definitions? Why are there times of boom and bust entirely unpredicted and unexplained by these economists? Why are there so many opposing economic opinions? Economists are striving to understand and ultimately predict the economy. Unfortunately for them, the economy appears to be so fundamentally complex that their efforts at understanding through simplification result in reducing the meaning out of the questions.
  7. That seems fair remove all the jobless from existence, this would ensure that we remove any parasites on our resources.
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