Hi, I'm from Australia (Victoria) too and also studying Year 12 Physics. I am ranked against you in the ENTER score, but SACs do not determine the ranking between us, it only affects our ranking between our class mates. So this is why I am going to help you (I know its probably too late), but it will be useful for future Unit 3 and 4 Physics students. Our teacher gave us three types of experiments we could do. The one I did was the coefficient of restitution which is relevant to change in kenitic energy, momentum/Impulse, and newton's third law. It consisted of bouncing three different balls (varying mass) from up to 6 different heights. We recorded the balls' path with a camera (with a ruler in the background to measure the height of the ball) (Teachers like to see discussions of certain errors ie parralax error, in your report). We recorded height dropped from and height bounced to and then plotted the data on a graph and found it was already linear. You can figure the rest out for yourselves.