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Everything posted by Aka

  1. Aka


    Melting point -117 °C Boiling point -19.3 °C are these correct, i found alot of different boiling and melting points
  2. Aka


    ^ oh thanks for your help
  3. I think there is one math contest you have to right at least twice if you want to apply to a university.... that I forgot the name of ( not very help full, eh?). In Ontario, you do not need to take a test to enter university, as far as i know of anyways. I think in the US you need to take SAT
  4. Aka


    then i dont understand this "formaldehyde is produced by the catalytic oxidation of methanol."
  5. Aka


    ^ Thanks but, there is one other thing i don't understand. formaldehyde is also called Methanal but aren't they two different chemicals?
  6. Aka


    what does the sentence "It is incompatible and reactive with strong oxidizers, alkalis and acids, phenols, and urea" mean? doesn't "incompatible" and "reactive" contradict?
  7. Aka


    ^Thank you for your help, so... the propername would be Methanal right?
  8. Aka

    Rap or Crap?

    I don't listen to much rap, thought I have to admit some songs are good. I listen to a wide variety of music J-rock, rock, Hindi songs,chutney (some what) anything that sounds good, but ,I'm ashamed to admit, I don't understand any of the languages ( except English ) completely, so I'll only have a vague idea of what's being said. I think if you listen to music that you don't understand you appreciate it more because you focus on the melody etc.
  9. Aka


    Whitch one is the common name and whitch is the "propername" formaldehyde or methanal, methylene oxide, oxymethyline, methylaldehyde, and oxomethane. Also, whitch one is the correct chemical equation? I can accross these ones while serching on the net HCHO CH2O H2CO
  10. I heard there is a check list of things the universities look for when you apply, does anyone know what they are? I know if your part of a club of team is one of them but, whats the rest?
  11. Aka


    ^ ok, thanks, but how did you calculate this?
  12. Aka


    Hi, can some one pleas tell me how to do these questions? Thanks. How many atoms of C are in a mixture containing 0.237 mol of CO2 and 2.38 mol of CaC2? calclate the following the mass (g) of one atom of xenon the mass (g) of one mole of xenon atoms the number of atomic mass units in one gram
  13. #4 Nickel Became less smooth and less shiny Copper Nitrate No noticeable difference. #5 Nickel Nitrate White liquid floats Copper Increases shine Retains other characteristics thoes were the results
  14. ya i did do the experiment but i think the question is why was there a diference if the products were the same?
  15. Compare the results in lads 4 and 5 then provide an explanation for any differences in your observations lab 4-Cu(NO3)2+Ni= Ni(NO3)2+Cu lab 5-Ni(NO3)2+Cu = Ni(NO3)2+Cu why would there be differences?
  16. Aka

    Chemical equations

    Copper is lower on the list than nickel so the nickel will replace the copper right? so it will turn out like this Cu(NO3)2+Ni= Ni(NO3)2+Cu but what happens to this one Ni(NO3)2+Cu= does it stay the same??????
  17. Aka

    Manganese + Hydrogen

    ur right its manganese dioxide I feel really stupid but i don't understand what u guys r saying...the manganese dioxide would decompose the Hydrogen Peroxide instead of the other way around...it that why there was still some on the bottom of the test tube?
  18. Aka

    Manganese + Hydrogen

    ^ Sorry Hydrogen Peroxide
  19. when you mix Manganese (s) with Hydrogen (L) the manganese remains at the bottom of the test tube, why is that? Is it because the hydrogen solution is fully saturated?
  20. Nickel Nitrate-Ni(NO3)2 Copper Nitrate- Cu(NO3) Ni(NO3)2+Cu= Cu(NO3)+Ni= help!
  21. Aka


    How can you predict weather or not a precipitate will form in a chemical reaction? can some one pleas help me with this i have no idea what the answer is
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