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Everything posted by Neil9327

  1. Here is an apparent paradox They say that everything was created by the big bang whıch was a single point event. So both big bang background radiation and we the viewers of this radiation were created by the big bang. The radiation is travelling at the speed of light Then surely we must have travelled faster than the speed of light in order to get in front of it to be in a position to view it. sorry about the lack of punctuation. Im in a turkish internet cafe with funny characters ığüçö
  2. The normal wisdom is that it is not possible to take drugs to lose weight and that exercise is the only way to burn fat. But surely this cant be right. My question is what is the direct cause of fat to be burned up. I dont think it is messages from the nervous system to the fat cells to say burn up. It must be the presence or absense of some chemicals or hormones in the blood stream. Perhaps the presence of ADP. So why not hook up fat people to dialysys machines overnight for a number of weeks and get these to add/remove the offending chemicals from their bloodstream as they sleep and they will get slim
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