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Everything posted by theMaharajah

  1. What... like Harvard is hard to get into? pssh please.
  2. yay Nanobots! Aren't they those things that can turn from a monster into a machiene into a car and into a tank?
  3. Let's not play God now young JC1.. unless that stands for Jesus Christ, which is highly implausable.
  4. what about deltaS and deltaH, dont those factor in somewhere?
  5. No... the number of diamonds is greater than 1 and I wear them, they're like super reenforced braces, so please dont be so judgemental, it wasn't my choice
  6. Wingardium Leviosa
  7. 1 tequila 2 tequila 3 tequila floor a guy walks into a bar... ouch I'm here all year folks
  8. p.s. this is totally wrong nice try though
  9. We are all inter-related in the brotherhood of man.
  10. Go to your local high school and ask a teacher where they get thier labs from. I sound like the guy from Reading Rainbow.
  11. I believe Lonliness is a terminal illness... I'm sure many of the people on this forum can confirm this
  12. can someone explain Gibb’s Free Energy and how it is applied and it's relation and changes to entropy... thanks!
  13. Thank you very much woelen... I greatly appreciate you taking the time to answer my "dumb question"!
  14. You are wrong, young one.
  15. Where's Jeanine? let the speculation begin!
  16. Very good Callipygous; you have learned well. A Grill: And yes, Callipygous was correct again.. mo' indeed means more. The answer is not 40, I know you will be able to figure it out eventually.
  17. if you have twenty diamonds on your bottom grill, and twenty mo' at the top, how many diamonds do you have total...
  18. Mehh your thread does not use correct grammar, I believe the word you were looking for was TOO not TO.... cool edit: grammar LOLZ
  19. KNO3 when mixed with H2O produces what? :confused: :eek:
  20. What's the difference between these two? Other than the equations, when do you know when to use Molality and when to use Molarity?
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