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Everything posted by Shwarzchild

  1. Smoking is the person's decision as to wheather or not they want to or don't want to. If they decide to get the vaccine, so be it ^^
  2. You would be shorter in length, increase in mass, and slow down (from an observers view), but to yourself, you'd feel normal.
  3. Hello all, my name is Will. I'm a sophmore in Highschool and am currently taking Physics (online), Chemistry, Anatomy, Astronomy, and Biology science classes
  4. Light is constant. If you had 2 photons traveling in opposite directions, they would still be traveling the speed of light relativistically to each other. Once you approach the speed of light a lot of strange things happen. Your length decreases, your mass increases, and time slows down from an observers view. It is impossible to travel the speed of light because light has no mass. The equation for time dialation: Time dialation= Time of the origional/square root of 1- Velocity squared/speed of light squared The equation for Length contraction: Length observed= Length of the orgional x square root of 1- Velocity squared/speed of light squared The equation for Mass increase: Mass observed= Mass of the orgional/square root of 1- Velocity squared/speed of light squared. /= divide x= multiply
  5. Molarity is how concentrated a substance is. It's moles of solute over Liters of solution. A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances in a single phase, and solute is the dissolving medium in a solution.
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