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Everything posted by GutZ

  1. lol...That one will be a good story for the kids later... w00t though? really? lol congrats anyway [irish accent] best the luck to the two of yeh [/irish accent]
  2. GutZ

    Chris Wallace

    In the context that it was asked no. Wallace was smirking like a stereotypical smug Conservative though. Clintons reaction was over the top, and it wasn't needed but I can understand. I can't really say it was a "hack job" but I wouldn't be suprised if it was.
  3. GutZ

    Animal Testing

    ok to kind of continue from where I left off and last point. Ultimately I can't see morality having any relevance outside the intellectual human species or above. Because of that I can't see it being based on logic unless there is a collected agreement amoungst the species. This will be essentially subjective and baised. If we valve life and want to minimize harm then from that I can only conclude that animal testing is wrong. I agree with that. essentially it seem as hookie as like with honour and pride, but I like that sort of stuff too so...yeehaw!
  4. That's how I'd react if some told me that, just probably laugh at them with maybe a comment like "Are you serious?" then walk away. That or hit him over the head with a snow shoe....
  5. GutZ

    Animal Testing

  6. omg I didn't think people like that existed. Your ex-husband sounds very smooth/cool guy that last line was slick. Hope all goes well.
  7. True, but as weird as it may sound some people are just odd socially. I am more relaxed and at peace alone, then am with people. I was lonely at one point because I felt I should be social, that I needed to be around people to have meaning in my life, which wasn't true, the more I forced it or other people who forced it the worst it got to a point that depression was the least of my worries. I can't truely explain it. This board and my posts are who I am without restraints of reality, when I am in a real situation it's different, my mind is triggered with some sort of self-programmed delusioned view of the world. It's like riding a bike. You can't explain to someone how to ride a bike, it's something you have to experience. Try learning to ride one without a proper sense of balance though, imagine you can't grasp balance because to you inherently lean to the left. Some people might have to lean to the right cancel out that inherent behaviour. Naturally you can't stay on the right too long because it's not different from being on the left all the time, but in the process you start to understand balance. It's not the greatest or best method, but for me, and probably others it will be the only way. the other thing too, by herme saying "I don't care anymore" (From what I experienced) doesn't neccessarily mean it literial sense. It's could be just the best way to describe it for him. I am certain its by comparsion where he cared too much, and when you care too much the stress is quite high, when you let go of these things it's such a relief, its how you naturally expressed it. I did that too, yet I still cared far more then normal people. Of course I don't know herme all too well (just his posts), so I agree with basically everything you said (caution is need), at the same time I've been in similar situations, and came out A-OK
  8. GutZ

    Animal Testing

    Ultimately I agree with you but... Where do you derive the moral standards from to make them logical/reasonable? At some point even within a most apparent logical moral system you have to question whether or not the foundation of that system is true and can be proven to be right.
  9. Don't listen to these people they know nothing lol. I am probably very similiar to you, getting rid of the stress and anixety is the hardest part, I am isolated by some people standards but I am comfortable that way, I don't do it on purpose. Eventually you'll be more social when your comfortable in that setting, and that comes with no letting things bother you, its hard to explain precisely. I don't understand this obsession with forced extreme social behaviour. even if 90% of the human population likes it, doesn't mean I would or someone else likes it. It's probably how the problem starts, you have to be like "that" guy, pfffft. You have to realize that H3rme already lives in a self-delusioned world. He's just switching from negative to positive, eventually (or more hopefully) it will merge with reality. Niether delusion satisfies for long. He'll find the right mixture.
  10. Awesome! this will speed up my understanding. Thank-you.
  11. GutZ


    No. Hey I have an idea to test if they truely are vampires then! *cocks shotgun* herrrrreeee vampires! With my luck I'd get atleast one vampire which at that point will be extremely pissed.
  12. Finally I found site that explains thing in a manner that I understand. You might find that primative but it's really put everything in perspective for me. in regards to physics I've even done some Lepton Type Conservations questions and got it right! (very rare) http://particleadventure.org/particleadventure/ Does anyone else know sites like these for all aspects of science, more inportantly biology and chemistry?
  13. GutZ

    Animal Testing

    I was being semi-serious but I am talking about lifers and death row inmates, people who are just sitting in their cells wasting other peoples money. You would pick inmates that are 100% guilt of their crimes, that alot easier because they probably committed many horrible crimes. I'd like to add that my view is very much like a combination of In My Memory and ParanoiA. I completely agree that morality is completely subjective, but on the same hand to keep our society running you need rules. We should try to minimize the confliction within those rules. So if it's not ok it kill/test people, then it should not be ok to kill/test animals. Ultimately I see no reason to believe either is correct, but if you adopt one, you should adopt the other. Morality/Ethics is a difficult subject from what I have seen on these boards. There seems to be two basic catagories within it. The group and individual morals. The group is more absolute, the individual is more subjective, but thats another topic.
  14. GutZ

    Pets V Slaves

    Most animals are more suited in the wild, whether or not we find that difficult or not is irrelevant. My lifestyle may seem chaotic to you, but to me it's how I do things. Domesticated animals are just the few selected that are behaviourally tamed in comparsion, and then breed. For a domesticated animals to live in the wild, now that might be hell, because they are not well equipped. Some with many anxieties can find what we consider civil, relax and normal very stressing with the contrast. They would function better in a chaotic enviroment, or atleast have justifcation for the anxiety, which helps alot.
  15. True enough but I think he means like: Lets say these lines are different dimension: 1)Your idea: ------- | ------------ | ------------ | --------- | ---------- (D1) ------- | ------------ | ------------ | --------- | ----------- (D2) --- = dimensional line | = break point 2)continuous ------------------------------------------------------------- (D1) ------------------------------------------------------------- (D2) Your saying at the break points if you close your eyes you return in another dimension correct? If time is continuous it wouldn't have them, you would have to physically make one (I think like a wormhole idea). Time still exists without matter correct? you just have nothing to compare or measure it too because it's all relative? Can you even test that, like in an absolute vacuum?
  16. That's a waste, horses are glorified cows, better allow it on some type of cool animal that natural selection didn't feel sorry for.
  17. I will try, T"he announcements" pop up that message so I knew those times in there were because of the approval system, but other places not so, I will try that, because I do use the quick reply.
  18. I thought you scientist record everything I was just joking. It might be useful in the future to set specifics so people are not complaining that he/she were perm-banned one ban before the other.
  19. I tried
  20. wow I didn't know you could do that. Interesting. It's been so long for me. I need to get back into math again. why 6/4 though? just to simplify?
  21. I've had it happen in the Announcements, the GD, Sciences, all basically, at random times. I do copy my post once I have the problem, but after a while it works fine again, which of course after a few weeks I forget and just post regularly. Maybe it's something like pressing the edit button (which I painifully do alot ) too fast after I submit.
  22. I've hand washed a few in my day, that colour happens to me too. For me it was work clothes with materials I didnt want to leave in a washing machine. Never used dish soap though...
  23. Perfect. Except I'd do 5 days and after the first ban it gets exponentally larger. SO if you get banned a second time its, 25 days, then 625 days! I find that quite rational... XD
  24. Ha! so was I, if that's true they are extremely relentless. Apparently now one of them showed up. Very odd and frustrating, I fear making any post over 50-100 words. After 2 or 3 times making the same post, all enthusiasm is gone.
  25. My posts keep disappearing after I sumbit them and refresh/change page/etc. What I am doing wrong?
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