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Everything posted by GutZ

  1. Don't you need particles to make a nuclear bomb....doesn't particle generation require a certain temperature and perimeters in order to make a stable particle? If this is true how can the big bang be a nuclear explosion without....particles.... Did energy just decide at one point " F&$# it! I hate myself I am going to run in all directions as fast as possible for no reason what so ever!" I am getting this right? An explosion comes from the repulsion of "something"
  2. What is exactly the argument here...I am kinda lost. Is this Crucifixion vs Construct criticism? (You like that reference don't ya, thats a "no spin" headline in all it's perfection) I see how hypocrisy has no influence on a person's ability to run his position. I don't think this is the issue. I see this more of a republican ideology that clashes with what they deem moral or unnatural and what is reality. I think too much is focused on the individual, but the individual is the on making the example of the hypocrisy of ideology. I don't think it's worry for the majority of republicans because...well...rush...you know his listener types...It is a relevant conflict with in the party and I think it only hurts them in the long run... It's inevitable, all of here can see and has probably even shown at one point the fallacies of "sanctity of marriage", even if our positions are different we all agree that it's a bullshit term. I may want civil unions for all relationship, or just have the government not recognize relationships at all and have whatever religion or group preform whatever ceremonial crap they want within their own communities. So I don't see where that leaves us within this conversation. What other way do you express concern? especially since we probably all believe gay deserve the same rights as straight people. Let's not forget that politics deals with lots of social issues and parties are suppose to represent the views of a particular opinion, so what level do you hold an individual responsible for an action that doesn't register with what he suppose to be pursuing? You have to accept with the job you are a voice or the figurehead of the populous you represent. I don't think this is the same as a " some regular job position...guy" who commits adultery....At least from your parties, maybe the problem is more that the party seems to ignore the issue and continually ignore it. Like I said before the Repub need to new message....it's not in tolerence or religous base. This path they take is there own destruction. Worst part is I consider myself more conservative in nature but there hasnt been one party that I see really who represents it. Maybe the green party here in canada but thats gone like off the edge lately.
  3. GutZ


    I love you CharonY don't worry.
  4. When it comes to arrive at the same conclusion, there is a point where the sake of being correct is less effective than acceptance.
  5. GutZ


    Facebook was the only thing I used for social whatever, and that was only because I was begged to try it. That's all I need to use inorder to leave messages to people that are not phone worthy.
  6. How does apathy apply to half that?
  7. http://www.google.ca/search?q=jsaldea12 Don't even bother with him... He does this everywhere. Should save you on warnings if you can see evidence of copy and pasting, everywhere.... It probably only work with unique names though.
  8. Given the summer time I've always wondered if there were any substances that would help in combating heat and humidity without using airconditioners and electrical appliances. I was looking at a chemical approach. Is there something I can make that is first cheap or moderately cheap that would take away (absorb) humidity? and is there any safe reaction I could do that would have a decent endothermic reaction that would effectively cool down a small room?' I think if there was I it would be well know, but I figure I would give it a shot. Any help would be cool. ( that pun is for phi)
  9. That's nasty...geeesh we are twisted. I still stick with no ban. I really don't know. I've been thinking about this for the past two days. It's just hard for me to get around the efficiency of the gun. I am sure explosives are efficient as well; and all you need is the internet and some chemistry knowledge. I plan to make some medieval weaponry once I get a place I can put a furnace in and take a few blacksmith courses. Work on casting and forging. If you are lucky I may make you something. It wont be for a while though.
  10. Don't be so modest! You haven't but you could. Be proud of your intelligence, just don't let it blind you from the truth. A man who tries his best to see truth and tries to get his/her mind in the best possible condition I would say that person is an intellectual. It gets bad name because some people want to make at if it makes them a better person than someone else. We don't condemn athletes for being in amazing shape, nor do we condemn them or call them elitist. It's those who like dr. here thinks that intelligence is about being better than someone. Usually those people have issue, and aren't always what they project themselves as. Then there are people who are elitist's and they deserve the title lol. They are just pricks. From Dr.'s responses...I doubt he is the latter.
  11. That's a huge problem with the republican platform. It's very black and white and absolute. People do make mistakes. I think they deserve to be called outed on it (hypocrisy, since they created it). Who really cares if some guy is getting special time somewhere, obviously if he can still do his job properly, whatever. If you preach about morality and stuff, the republicans are going to get smacked back by reality. We all are animals in our own right. No sense denying the beast. They need to take the approach of this whole thing differently. LOL did fox place him as a Democrat?!!?!? That's gold.
  12. You can make anything logical so long as you set up axioms properly. If you want your logic to remain in reality you have to match against it. I would say it's like have a bunch of paths (tree like if you want) on a piece of paper. On see through sheet you place another pile of paths. You're trying to place your top sheet (your logic) over the bottom sheet (universe's logic) and have them match. I think that's what science is essentially. Some people don't put their logic up against anything so it is logical in sense but if you were to ask does it hold up to reality? No. Religious people believe there is more to the bottom sheet so they exclude it...but by that same token you have to exclude the top part and accept that basically you have faith, and there is no proving it with any set of logic.
  13. To create something is normal term, over zealous religious folk have kinda hi-jacked the term. My desk is my creation. Darwin's theory is his creation, Evolution is our Creator ( doubt anyone would use the word in bio paper), all though it's not an entity but the consequences of laws and behaviour.
  14. You are talking worst case scenerio with drugs and best case scenerio with guns. Do you know how many people I can kill with an assault rifle and a crowded area? Drugs just don't compare, yes they can be abused and they can kill. but they are not designed to kill. The kicker is you at least need a prescription to buy certain drugs.
  15. bascule do you support strict licensing of guns or do you feel more that guns should be bought by anyone with an ID and money or somewhere in between? I agree it's fun to shoot off guns but there are a lot of things that are fun to do...I wouldn't mind letting 500 kilo ton fission bomb off somewhere, I don't know if I want anyone to have that ability. I know that's umm farfetched...but a gun not a toothbrush.... It's designed to kill. Where do you stand on how one should acquire guns? (and of course bring the reasoning behind it as well.)
  16. I see no fault in his logic.
  17. you guys are hilarious.
  18. Damn, I missed that angle. I change my story....I am good good friends with aliens...so I don't die ever. lol Now I am solid!
  19. GutZ

    Being open minded

    I think the bit on climate change was a bit much. I think it's a lot less certain than evolution theory. When someone can model the climate change in a world with and without humans I might agree with it but it seems like the video states that skeptism of climate change is by their definition "baloney". I am not saying it's not true either, but I think more data is required to make a good judgement call for either position. I tihnk the rest of it was pretty damn good though.
  20. No, these aliens are bored and they really don't feel like doing a lot of work. This is mere entertainment for them. Hense they don't mind to test out their weapons of mass destruction. They are not perfect themselves....It seems impossible to rid one self from primitive root. or at least that what they say..... Phiforall: How does that make the world better?!?!? besides helping people with poor memory. I like rules 1 and 3 though. Severian atleast started on the road to change. Remember politicial correctness is not needed. You can do whatever you like. I want to see if there is a way to do better without rules and regulations. I want to see if freedom is really worth what we give it. What we would have to suffer to get the best possible life on earth, and if out current direction is the best possible way. You have to admit we are limited in what we can do by the rules we set, and I understand the social reasoning for them, but you know, we have a tendency to be comfy with a specific way of life, regardless if its for the best. We have so many possible paths. lets hear some without fear of being seen as a monster. Just prepare I might call you on out of a pure knee-jerk reaction...and then pretend it never happened. ----------------------------------------------------- My personal view, no matter how ruthless I am I still have the problem of allocating resources fairly. There is no based idea that would grant a perfect life style because no matter what someone will not be happy with something. Like even if I killed off everyone with less intelligence than...well let's say...."me" (good standard right) and we work into creating a society based on logic and reasoning, scientificially advance race with the ability to create natural resources from pure energy...(we would call it the "materializer") we still have the problem with jobs because people get bored, and how do we limit people on what they can "materialize". ****ing human nature....I guess I could engineer us all to not be so fricking greedy.
  21. I am for gun control, not banning them, but proper registration like here in Canada that only someone with a really interest in hunting or collecting makes it worth while going through. There is nothing wrong with guns, but what I notice is the mentality difference. States is like: "It's my god given right to stock pile weapons" Canada: "It's not worth all the hassle to get registered" Ithink the states has an unhealth obsession with guns.
  22. You have to remember that just because you deal with elementary electrical particles doesn't mean that the quantum effects that go on down there affect what's happening at our level. If that were the case quantum theory would be a normal notion. It's probably a good idea too with all EM waves going around and sub atomic particles. Who knows what havoc that would bring if our brains were quantum controlled.
  23. What about an underground base made out of depleted uranium. Bury deep enough that it not a hazard but still traceable. Isn't the half life pretty good for DU?
  24. Hypothetical...and no talk about whether they exists (I personally don't, but pretend with me) Say an alien race did exist, and they came down from "where ever". They tell you (somehow) that you are choosen to rule the planet. They are sick of all the BS (yeah movie-esque) that goes on and they feel you have the ability to get the world on track for the best suitable advancement and best possible life for every single human being and animal. These crazy aliens, they have the firepower to back you up. I mean they can take out a continent within 3 seconds. 1) Do you accept the mission. 2) How do you plan to make the world as perfect as humanly possible? ex. Do you allow wars to happen? Are you going to implement different systems? Remember this isn't a democracy so you don't have to appeal to any group or being. Your job is to basically make the best possible scenario for life on earth.
  25. It's more the fact that I plan to do everything I ever wanted to do by that time. I don't think it will add anything to my life. Of course I am going to try to keep in the best shape I can. The less you use the more you lose. Most likely I will go past 65, my whole family are frigging 100+ or 70 and it great shape (still play tennis). I will except that I may change my mind down the road....I doubt it though. I am content you know. I got to experience life, which is pretty amazing considering how it all slowly came to be. I was given at least some level of intelligence that I can get a laymen understanding of it all. honestly that's all I need. I wantto learn a bit more...more fields but... Maybe I am just too simple, too content with so little lol. I hope this place is stil lhere when I am 65, then I would have the pleasure of harrassing the youngsters, and using purposely old sayings all the time. Call everyone sonny.
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