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Everything posted by GutZ

  1. No one is leaving Iraq for a long time. You might as well never release the photo. How relevant will it be like 30 years down the road. Releasing the photo's later, but I have an issue with not releasing them. Sure you could put the troops in danger, they are in danger everyday! The general public is sick of the war, Obama replaces one set of troops with another and calls it a withdrawal. That is his plan no? I see Obamas position, and it would be hard for me not to do the same thing, There is always a reason not to do something. There is always an arguement for illegal wire tapping, take away freedoms, Where does it stop? The America public doesn't need to specifically know a lot of things that go on in white house or pentagon, but how will we ever know that the people we put in charge are doing thier job properly based on our requirements? I bet you Dick Cheney realized this long ago and knew that they could get away with everything. There has to be some sort of system change that from now on the government has no choice but release information. If it's horrible than we toss out the guilty. THAT information would of ended the bushs BS long time ago... Hell we could of avoided this economic crisis potentially. This is not just some pictures. I hope for you guys this changes, because...you've give your leader a free pass to do anything. "IT;s in our best interest". With the past, I think I rather decide for myself what's in my best interest, with idiotic and sly people in power, I refuse to take it lightly. I feel bad for Obama to be in the hot seat, but hes a smart guy, he should know this as he was running for prez.
  2. Good Luck! Do you get guns? I have no idea what I am talking about...but there is always the chance for guns.
  3. Yeah, as well as being part of it. It's not like the big bang happened, then expansion. Space has been expanding since....(???) to now. A dimension is more of a measurement. It's hard to define., in the sense we are talking about but... You know about 2 dimensions(X,y). we are selves are 3 dimensions (x,y,z) A 5ith dimension would have to allow some other measurement. You would have to find it first to link it to gravity.
  4. I am taking a guess at this but don't take my word for it. I think the big bang is just the name for the event that took place with a specific duration at the begin of the universe. After that it just expansion of space and cooling of matter....I think... As for time creating gravity....I don't think that works out. If you look at relavtivity space definitely has a role. Matter curves space-time. So yeah, it probably does, but not in the way I think you, as in that it's a like a direct consequence. I can't tell you for sure...based on what I know I don't think it's possible, or atleast there is no evidence for it.
  5. Giving your child random medication is as dumb as thinking pray would work. Even for myself I'll phone telehealth Ontario to make sure I am not killing myself out of stupidity when I don't know what going on with my body. If i am debating of giving my child 4 apsirins I am debating going to the hospitial as well (then again it's free here...not to rub it in or anything) or 24 hour walk in clinic...SOMETHING other than flooding my child with potentially unnecessary drugs. I would say that's definitely neglect if you kill your child with self experimentation. It's dangerous when you start allowing people get away with making stupid decisions. "OH sorry I just ran you over...didn't look...damn." "OH! you're only 12 years old...oopps" "OH you mean if I stab someone with knife they die?" Regardless of what the reason for doing it. Yeh I ma sure most of us aren't fans of the religious side but that doesnt mean even with the slight bias that it's wrong. it's a situation that regardless the reason....it's negligent. Yeah I m baised but it doesn't change the outcome in this specific case.
  6. Crude but I can't see it any other way. Natural Selection. Let parents kill their kids. If you force the medical procedure, also forcing the doctors to be responsible, and something goes wrong, you also make the myth stronger. I am only concerned with these ignorant parents here, I know that the majority of doctors are very accurate, but shit happens and accidents do occur. With the normal populstion this is understood, and that they will fair way better taking a doctor's advise when they say it's critical than to wait and find out. There is no need to place so much regulation, especially if it will help build the idea....sadly people are that stupid that they would need the deaths of many before they realize...hey I am an idiot. I think this more a societal issue. I am more interest in elminating the stupidity all together. This stuff is going on right now as we speak....Even if faws are in place this stuff will still happen...no one is forced to do anything. You could save this people children and the mother might mercy kill the child because science is the tool of the devil.... These people are that f'ed up...lock them up after their idiocy makes them loose the child.
  7. I bet! I am having issues with concepts of EM Force. This part won't be a modern physics question but the one after will be. How exactly do the electric and the magnetic field work? If someone has the time to answer, could you use the earth as an example as well. It will help me visualize it. Like ummm...It's my understanding that a moving electric charge creates magnetic fields, so besides getting into the mechanism that create the electric field in the core, how does the motion bring about a mag field. And with a electric field is it seen as specific matter or particle become -/+ charged with in it? and what is the consequence in being charged differently? Is that just purely on the propteries of the particle. Then are all particles the same in the sene that they are more or less who they are purely on state of being, or otherwords is the electron unique to the proton, or are they just energy in differnent form.
  8. The soul would need a medium to communicate between the material and immaterial. The issue I have with that is at one end, the physical end....the soul would have to be constantly updated...even further has to be instanteously updated (unless is like windows and can update it self later). I don't know any other method besides quantum entanglement that can do that....and if I am correct, there is no daily operations that deal with quantum mechanics with information transfer. Even if there is; you could test for it BUT....I doubt you will find anything though.
  9. Dude they're obviously triangles.
  10. lol my Mother still randomly copies shortcuts lol....it's hilarious fixing up her computer.
  11. It just makes himself look bad....he's the crazy guy on the street preaching crap. I hate him too, but I don't think it's necessary to "take away peoples rights to be assholes" as Simon Phoenix puts it. If people are only getting offended, that's far better than lossing right to potential to create a host of laws regarding what you can and can't say. Once you say that one thing should be regarded as illegal, it opens up the potential for more. Normally the potential for something to happen isnt a strong arguement but that usually when there is more to lose, more pain. People have the choice to be offended. Who even cares about the KKK? Besides the violence aspect of course (any group can be violent) No one really cares what the KKK thinks and says, as it should be. It's bullshit....just like "9/11 is inside job!" and I made this movie with "loose change". It will naturally all fall in it's place. Savage will have no credibility, people will get sick of him, they will expose him, he will look foolish. He'll probably get caught with a male prostitute one day.... Let it go...and keep the freedom.
  12. It's not only that, now people can leave text messages and crap. I thought I was odd one out. Thank God there are more of you. At the age of 25 though like I am slightly overwhelmed. Everyone has one of the damn things. You even have bluetooth. For a 100$ (good one) I can look like I am talking to myself! I mean I can see the convenience, It's just not me.
  13. GutZ

    Founding Fathers

    Yeah I don't mind people using it when it's the correct form...It just seems like politicians and average people don't quite get the point. Too me it more of an evolving idea, a way of life. hmmmm it's so hard to get my idea accross here...The founding fathers were people, but they had an idea. The idea doesn't change, but people seem to think that the people were more important. It also seems like they are put words on the mouth of the founding fathers, because they have no chance to speak for themselves. They lived in a different time. A lot of things were different. things like this: http://www.eadshome.com/QuotesoftheFounders.htm It's not really fair you know. I don't know, there is something cylic about it, that somehow overrides the very message. You and I know the purpose behind the message, the reason for the consituition, the need for rights and freedom. Do people really understand even why the constitution is important...do they think about it? How do they know the contiution is good? I think for me the problem is not so much the usage of the phrase, but that when some people use it they haven't even thought about why its important. What is it that it actually represents? Maybe my problem is that a lot of people jsut don't think about things anymore....we all know the constuition is a good thing...but could the average person know why? To me it scary because you can abuse ideas. The idea's of the founding fathers shouldn't be...in essense it should be untouchable, because it evolves meaning as we evolve as a society. The idea of freedom may change but freedom will always be held as an important idea, why? because we know what it's like to not have freedom... Like hell, I don't know... I dont want those ideas to die by stupidity...
  14. GutZ

    Founding Fathers

    There is something I don't understand about you Americas and your love for referencing the "founding fathers" all the time. No doubt I probably would agree with A LOT of what these fine people had to say. The founding fathers were people...they weren't perfect...not only that I think it defeats what they represent. Freedom, truth and justice. I can't really explain it but I just get very uncomfortable when mutliple sources use the term to strengthen their ideology. It's becoming to the point it's almost used to get people to listen to there side, it's like an automatic attention grabbing device, because everyone holds the "founding fathers" in such high regards. It's getting to a point to me atleast that it's almost a pointless phrase to me. It's almost, especially the media has taken the idea behind it and destroyed it. We constantly grow further away from the very concepts of the founding fathers. Yet we quote them more in different context... It's like Giuliani and his 9/11 crap DO you think the average citizen understand the bases behind the founding fathers anymore? What do you guys think?
  15. Let it go he doesnt want to put the intellectual effort into it. He want's to believe evolution is wrong....nothing you guys say will change it...no matter how convincing you could present it to him...even if you could simulate evolution before his eyes he would deny it. he continually mis-represent the facts on purpose.
  16. I dont have a cell phone...I use a land line. I will never get a cell phone unless work tell me I need one. People do not need to reach me 24/7. I am not that important...and even if I was ...I still don't want to be reached 24/7
  17. I struggle with this. Savage in my eyes abuses freedom of speech. I think there should be some fine or something when a person is spouting a hateful message that has no relevance except to hurt other people. The issue then I have is that anything can be labeled a hateful message with no relevance. Saying creationism is bs could fall under that catogory. With the amount of idiotic and corrupted people in power....it's not that much of a long shot. So because people are morons like savage...we are forced to listen to them...
  18. bet you 50 dollars you can't bite your own ear.
  19. Maybe it wasn't 120 exactly..The man had muscles. His lats are insane! he could fly with those. Mokele: Is there anyway that the actual quality of the muscie is different, I have a very crude understanding, but is it possible that the quality of the tissue or many the micro-tears heal better and where you get more density per volume? I guess that would come as weight right? at 135 -145, he is still limited. lifting a barbell infront of you is tough. I see what your saying There are alot of feats that he has done that are recorded I will look around to see if there is any evidence....could be just a made up fact. I got a barbbell here at home with 85 pounds on it for curling...I tried to do it myself...I couldnt even get my arms out straight. I could probably do 50. Edit: Yeah it wasnt 120ibs it was 75ibs for 20 seconds...That's tough still. sorry for the incorrect info.
  20. Good excuse I can use....I ma just a bad cook.
  21. It has nothing to do with Chi. Bruce Lee was just a phenomenal athletic human being. He could hold a 120ibs barbell out infront of him, and he weighed 135ibs. The man was insane for his size... That came from hard work not Chi.
  22. Here you go:
  23. I am an athiest...I wouldnt care if the church said I couldn't get "married". So long as the law permits to show that my relationship is seen as any other relationship. The thing is Atheist are being denied to be married by the church...unfortunate for couples who are of the same sex...can't really hide it...I don't see why Atheist would want to get "married" except for legal recongnition. If I went to a preist and said "Hey we don't believe in God we think it's BS! Can you marry us?" I doubt it will go over so well. That's not even the point though...I do believe everyone should be recognized....which isn't as mokele said even exists. But I believe that's what gay people and straight people, atheists and theists should be fighting for. I think it more correct and fair. I think we can all agree though that model is hot! (probably not...)
  24. It's true that some people hate homosexuality and will use whatever power to make sure they do not have the same right. These people should be pointed out and corrected. You can't ignore that the other side has every bit of hatred for those people condemning them and want to do similar things. BUT I don't think the issue gets anywhere that way. It's like a two brothers that want the same toy...it's childish way of always wanting what the other has...and they will destroy or try to ruin the other side. I think we have come to the point of realization that this doesnt work, compromise (FAIR compromise) and understand is needed to move on.... except neither side is willing. We know how we are....Even black people with all the rights that white people have STILL get discriminated against. We have this mentality of us/them....It doesn't do any good. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged I wasn't making a reference to anything, I know it's not written in stone, hense why I put in spirit anyway. Yes mostly the church state this...whatever...as stupid as it sounds...I ma not going to protest womens groups because it's only allow women to participate. That's how it's organized. Privately I believe anyone can do anything aslong as it doesn't hurt anyone. Hell I'd be all for a group of gay people to make a satirical verison of the church and have a gay jesus and a gay God...and have gay orgies...so long as they are willing to except the indecent exposure laws that come with it. ( p.s. I am not saying that all gay people do is have orgies...I think every human species is sexually exporative...I ma just making the point that I don't care what they do) The church will hate it, but they have no say...we respect their wishes...tough luck. I am just not for telling people what to do if I see no reason to.
  25. I am with Severian. Marriage is defined as heterosexual relation or at least in spirit is. Now the issue is with giving rights to people who "marry". That should not be the case anymore. We have evolved pasted that prejudice and we accept homosexuality much a part of humanity as heterosexualty. The system has to evolve as well. Don't make marriage legally recognized. They should seperate it. Have people do the legal aspects of being recognized by the government...like filling out your taxes and leave the celebratory social thing up to the people. I don't think forcing a group of people to adhere to your view is right. Why would you want to. The very reason you have homosexual exceptance is because someone accept that all people should have rights...even if the majority doesn't like it. So why do you have to force the church to recognise your relationship? Why not make your own method of celebration? Acceptance goes both ways. I PERSONALLY think it's dumb that the church does want to wed gay couples, but that's their choice...This is the logic that has been going on for years, this is the very logic that allows for homosexuality to accepted, that people overall have choice as ;ong as it doesnt hurt others or disadvantages other. All you have to do is make marriage ceremonial only. Problem solved. Neither side wants this because they want it THEIR way...Supporters of gay marriage are no better...It's not based on reason, and equality. People like to argue... This issue would of been solved if people were to generally look at the jssue and see that really it's a non-issue if you change a few things and the sad part is that neither side would lose rights or their way of life....
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