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  1. Hello, First, just so you understand my level of physics knowledge, I am what you might call a layperson. I have a question or two about the absorption of light by materials (solid state). First, it my understanding that the light absorbed by solid lattices is due to interactions allowed by the lattice. Typically there is a particular wavelenth that will come back from the lattice, and cause what we normally would say is the color of the object(a red apple, blue shirt, orange street cone, etc). My concern is with the behavior of that wavelength (that is reflected) as it interacts with the object. -Does the wave simply bounce off of the object, as opposed to being absorbed, like sound off of a stiff wall? -Does the wavelength get absorbed then emitted back out (if so, is there an analogy or picture for this)? -Is it something else? On a side note: I asked some questions regarding this on another board(which I will not name). Some of the members tried to be helpful, and give me understandable analogies and such, at least to get me to the point that I am at. Other members were less than helpful. I thought I would maybe try here instead. Thanks in advance.
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