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Everything posted by bjaminwood

  1. Thats great but as evolution is a theory it is not based on complete guesswork. I have another theory for you humans were created in the same week as monkeys and dinosaurs roughly 6 - 10 thousand years ago.
  2. This discovery does not surprise me. As it says in the Bible Genesis Ch3 v14 "So God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, 'Cursed are you above all the livestock ...You will crawl on you belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life.
  3. If we are supposed to have evolved from apes (a theory which I certainly do not agree with) then how do you explain that fact that the only mutations that have happened only loose vital information and DO NOT gain the information needed to go from one species to another.
  4. You assume that we had hair to lose. I have a theory for you. We have always had the same amount of hair. Think about it you are talking about something about which there is no proof. There is no way to prove that we once had hair all over our bodies that over millions of years (somthing else that can't be proved) we lost.
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