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Everything posted by Prime-Evil

  1. I think it is best to focus on what is easiest to track. I would suggest total global biomass and CO2. Research how much biomass there was 500 years ago vs today, and predict for yourself what it might be in 2100. Same with CO2. Work in units of billion tons of carbon, because it is easier.
  2. I think I'll just go with it. The avatar should help.
  3. Thanks insane_alien. I'll see if I can find one.
  4. Well this sucks. I've decided I don't like my username. It's even creeping me out. It was meant to be a play on primaeval, as in forest. Is there any way to change it?
  5. Darwin said he couldn't stand the sight of a peacock, and then he figured out that all that plumage was to impress the ladies that they must be a good catch because the could succeed not 'because' of their plumage, but 'despite' their plumage. If oversized houses and overpowered automobiles and other such behaviour are the plumage of modern man (and woman) have we much hope to ever learn to live sustainably? Are we predesposed to being self-destructive pyromaniacs that abuse our position on the top of the food chain? I think we have been predisposed to oversized houses for quite some time, but what other forms of plumage did we possess before overpowered automobiles? Will we able to find a more environmentally friendly substitute? Is an overpowered hybrid any better? Can any $50,000 vehicle, or $50,000 house for that matter, be considered anything other than plumage? http://www.microcarmuseum.com/virtualtour.html http://tumbleweedhouses.com/houses.htm#roof
  6. That's a great article. Thanks.
  7. I recall reading something about some well know phenomena that when one part of the globe swings a certain way, another spot swings the other. I forget what this is called in general, but the North Atlantic Oscillation is an example. For me it is easier to keep an eye on CO2 levels than global temperature. I would also like to keep track of total biomass, living or recently demised. Does anyone know where I can get historical data on that? I assigned the job to some passenger pigeon awhile ago, but he hasn't shown yet.
  8. Hello I am new. I think we are missing the boat a little. I think most scientists agree that CO2 levels of 380ppm are high and are going to 400ppm by 2020 and 500ppm by 2100 at our current rate of deforestation and fossil fuel burning. Where I think we are missing the boat is we talk too much about its effect on global warming and sea level rise and how that will impact human life in the cities. I think we should be more concerned about the impact on biodiversity. I think we can handle a certain amount of extraordinary temperature rise and sea level rise, but we can't handle temperature rise and sea level rise if it is combined with deforestation, desoilification, and desertification. What I would like to know is what the total amount of living biomass and dead organic matter is in the world today compared to 100 years ago and 500 years ago. I suspect that by 2100 humans might make up 1% of the living biomass and that is way too much for a bunch of self-destructive pyromaniacs on the top of the food chain.
  9. I wonder if there is less total biomass, especially because of deforestation and charcoal burning since 1500, and this has made the world more vulnerable to increased carbon dioxide levels caused by fossil fuel burning. Where do I get data on global biomass levels since 1500 ? My current best guess: Year 1800: 1 Billion People 0.03%, Trees 75%, Total 1,000 Billion Tons Carbon Year 2000: 6 Billion People 0.33%, Trees 50%, Total 500 Billion Tons Carbon Year 2100: 10 Billion People 1.00%, Trees 25%, Total 250 Billion Tons Carbon Just guessing. Any good studies on historical biomass levels?
  10. It is my understanding that it is a combination of fossil fuel burning, which really only got really going since 1950, and deforestation and charcoal burning, which is an older game, but still a ver popular one. I think animal husbandry may also have played a role, but this may have been partially offset by killing off bison and other large mammals. It is hard to get data on historical biomass levels. I will open a thread if I can.
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