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Danijel Gorupec

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Everything posted by Danijel Gorupec

  1. So, why can this extracellular toxin removal process only happen during unconscious state? Accidental evolutionary path or deeper reasons?
  2. [ Off-topic, but because you are the original poster: When I have an opportunity, I like to read mythology. I am mostly familiar with Croatian and Serbian mythology, much less so Russian (yesterday I read a synopsis of the "Tsarevitch Ivan, the firebird and the gray wolf" which is a pale example, but still contains motives of revenge). A hero is often on a revenge mission, although sometimes the act of revenge can be executed by nature or super-nature. The revenge is often bloody and can be worse than the original sin... There are many other motives, including forgiveness, in mythological stories, but somehow I noticed this revenge. This got me thinking if revenge is regarded in higher esteem in some cultures than in others... If one would need to estimate how high the revenge (or forgiveness) is regarded in a certain culture, I think that analyzing myths and legends of that culture would be a good way to go.]
  3. Sorry, maybe it is better if I refrain for commenting it further. I can easily be wrong as so many times before. (I was thinking on some folk tales, myths and legends spoken in Slavic culture where revenge is a common motivator, but I cannot compare them to other groups so these might be nothing special. I was also under personal experience of the recent war in my country.)
  4. Well, not that Hitler planned it that way... but it seems to me that, at the end, German people can be lucky that the USA entered the war. Without this power balance I wonder what would Russians do to them (Revenge is very much glorified in Slavic culture, I should know... Remember that Nazi-germans regarded Slavic people as non-humans, and for this the punishment could become unspeakable.) Under USA 'protection' at least one part of Germany had the opportunity to develop strong economy and healthy democracy. Yes, it is my opinion is that Nazis would lose the war even without USA involvement (with even more damage on all sides).
  5. Did I just read that well-fed kids might grow into people that might have some under-sized internal organs for their body size? Like broiler chicken. Hmm... not entirely senseless if we suppose that evolution optimized our genome for a restricted-diet childhood... But even if so, I guess medicine will find methods to counteract. If so (and I am a complete ignorant in this field and short), I guess that somewhat decreased oxygen supply to cells (under-sized lungs, heart, blood vessels), or decreased cell waste removal, or possible problems with temperature regulation could have effect on DNA damage by reducing cell ability of DNA reparation.
  6. Multi-layer insulation is used on spacecrafts.
  7. I did not understand... does this fee includes energy cost or just manipulation cost? BTW, I detected several problems with battery leasing model: - Returning a not-entirely-empty battery and requesting a 'full' one. You should of course expect to pay only for the difference. But I am not sure if we have a reliable method to determine how much energy there is in the battery...or? - Possible excessive self-discharge of overly old batteries. Who pays for this? - Battery abuse (overcharge, overcurrent, over/undertemperature usage...) that might age the battery quickly and increase self-discharge. What prevents me to do that to leased battery? - Fire caused by malfunctioned battery. I guess that this part will be solved by insurance companies. Still I think that battery leasing is a viable model and many car-owners may not even own batteries at all. Probably each leased battery pack will have to have a government-calibrated metering device.
  8. Thanks for your comments, guys... I guess that pure-isotope metals are made by laboratory methods. If wider market is ever found, industrial production probably could significantly reduce those crazy prices.
  9. I guess, maybe even flywheels could be an option (free vacuum; less gravity; moon rotates more slowly - all this potentially helping with loses). Especially if electric cargo-launching systems will be used (might require flywheels anyway).
  10. I noticed that some metals, like copper or iron, have more than one stable isotope. For example, copper has two abundant isotopes, 63Cu and 65Cu... A short search revealed that it is possible to buy pure isotopes in powder form, I guess, for chemistry/biology research. But I did not find any data about bulk (poly)crystals made of single metal isotope. Does it mean that I should not expect any difference in properties like electric conductivity (interesting for copper) or magnetic permeability (interesting for iron) or gran size in such single-isotope metals? Why so? I hope somebody tested it.
  11. If this are his claims, and I guess so, then for sure are false. I can only suppose that he was either looking for funds or for attention or he just lost it. Any of these reasons won't surprise me because it seems that human ultimate destiny is to fail, one way or another... So I like to say, don't measure a man by computing his average, but measure him by finding his peak size. Although personally I am not much of a Tesla fan, I must admit that he was great at his peak. Always considered him an excellent engineer and fairly good scientist. I find his recognition and development of AC (multiphase) system quite cool. Even cooler is his recognition and development of asynchronous motor. I consider him properly recognized by scientific community (as Tim88 said, they gave him an SI unit!... I myself cannot hope that they will even consider my name for the unit of mediocrity, lol). In popular science he is, imo, mentioned more often than expected (in comparison to, say, Oliver Heaviside or Murray Gell-Man). The real problem regarding Tesla is this kind of mysticism (or whatever) that surrounds his name. I cannot tell if he personally did something to become this kind of mystic/guru (can a man do this intentionally?). Probably not, he is just the 'chosen one' by those many people that search for occult in their lives.. I am afraid that it will grow worse. I won't be surprised if one day there will be a sect and Tesla will be their god... So, the thing we hear about Tesla in certain society groups tell us more about society than about Tesla.
  12. I am interested to learn how you are going to do it? Manually? I know how that precise convex lens can be prepared and polished manually (although not exactly up to that size, I believe), but how do you make concave shape?
  13. Or is it maybe about CO2 concentration in 'air' that will no more support burning?
  14. Well, you may call this phenomenon 'cloud computing'.
  15. Yes, I think "is acting from" could be better description. In my language we call it 'hvatiste' (with an inverted hat over 's').
  16. I am afraid I have another quick question... I remember that long time ago I read that a very small grain of iron might spontaneously become magnetic (will exhibit external magnetic field). Is this true, and does this effect have a specific name? The effect seems logical to me, but I cannot find anything about it - possibly because I don't know search terms.
  17. I cannot recall where I read this and I cannot tell if the source was reliable... but I once read that most precise measurements of that time came from work of Tycho Brahe and Kepler was his assistant (according to Wikipedia). Edit: If you ask why those measurements were made, the same source gives following answer - to make horoscopes. Apparently horoscopes were very popular at that time and noblemen did invest into it. Brahe was given lot of money to build very powerful observation facility. Brahe, the same source says, apparently published 'corrected' results (to make it inline with theory of that time), but Kepler possibly had access to raw measurement data.
  18. Backspace? It is my favorite. I also guess that Shift keys are too far away. But I liked your attempt anyway.
  19. Nuclear fusion technology is in terrible situation. I will be positively surprised if ITER ever gets finished. Enormous technical problems seem easiest part here. There is no public support and no government can make any political benefit from promoting nuclear fusion technology... Ironically, what keeps ITER project still in motion, I would say, is the low profile they keep wisely.... The ITER already spent as much as the Manhattan project. Until now it only spent 1/4 as much as the Apollo program, but the Apollo was enthusiastically received by public. (I think that ITER is potentially more important than both Apollo and Manhattan and I am not regretting money spent. I will regret the money spent if the project gets closed after spending 30 billion without a chance to provide any result.) The European Union might not last long enough. The DEMO project is unlikely to even start, imho. There are no concurrent projects which is always a bad sign. My only hope is China. Maybe they will realize that nuclear fusion is the one thing where they can still outrun others. Being the first to put fusion under control is so much better than being the second on the Moon.
  20. As my studying of the problem continues, I learned to accept the fact that the wire on the picture B) (of the original post) will 'feel' smaller force, likely significantly smaller, than the wire on the picture A). 1. I believe now that a current-carrying wire always 'feels' a force that only depends on the B field that actually crosses the wire; the surrounding B field has no effect on the produced force. This is so from the definition of the B field - the B field is defined by the force/torque it produces on current-carrying wires and moving charges. For example, saying that there is no B field in certain region is equivalent to say that there will be no force/torque excreted on moving charges there. 2. Because in an electric motor wires are often placed inside slots, I believe (as Bender confirmed) that these wires are actually immersed into considerably lower B field than the surrounding iron. Therefore force/torque excreted on motor wires is relatively small... But as we know that motors are not at all weak, it seems to me that the motor torque is mostly generated inside iron. 3. The fact that motor torque is generated in iron seems quite obvious to me when I look at the motor macroscopic-ally, from perspective of magnetic energy minimization. However, I keep failing to understand how the force/torque is generated inside iron at microscopic level - so I must continue my studies until everything fits. If you have any tip or find any error in my thinking, let me know.
  21. Maybe so. We shall see. [but I bet that both sides will screw up their operation a big deal - shit happens when you don't practice regularly]
  22. As most people here, I also think that aircraft carriers are not obsolete - they are still useful (for bullying too). I don't think they can have any role in the first and the most important phase of a full-scale nuclear strike. Only rocket will be used (for offense and defense) - aircraft carriers are too slow. However, aircraft carriers might see some action during the second phase of nuclear war: the first country that 'regains consciousness after the mutual KO' will use them, as well as everything else available, to butcher the opponent while still on the ground during this phase of uncontrolled genocidal rage.
  23. I saw people building home-made jet turbines from used car turbochargers. You need a turbocharger, then build a combustion chamber (probably with implemented cooling) and hook it to the turbocharger. Source of compressed air is probably needed to start the thing. You need a large backyard and tolerant neighbors as the thing is noisy. There are safety issues as always when you burn fuel.
  24. Last time I checked, neutrinos were said to have a mass (tiny) because they seem to 'oscillate'. Do we have additional proofs in meantime? Is there now a firm knowledge that neutrinos have mass?... I find it intriguing that we never observed a slow neutrino directly (or did we?) - can you shortly explain why is it so hard to find a slow neutrino? (I am not sure if this is off topic.)
  25. Cannot find English term... In my language there is a very specific term for a point or area where a force is acting upon. A force has direction, magnitude and this-thing-that-is-its-origin-point. A direct translation by google translate tool returns the word "vertex" but I don't know if this is it... Anybody knows what I am talking about?
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