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Everything posted by chuinhen

  1. What is the differences between the SEED of monocot and dicot ?? I heard that Dicots do not have ALEURONE LAYER !! is it true ?? Can anyone contribute to this question ??
  2. We know that a simple reducing sugar can be divided into 2 groups: The aldose and the ketose A ketose contains 1 group of Ketone group . However , ketone is resistant to oxidation in the organic chemistry context. But ketose is a reducing sugar !!!! Can anyone give an idea to this question
  3. The melting point of the Graphite is higher than the diamond !! Can anyone explain why is this happen ??
  4. Often did i said that Mnemoniacs is very important in studies!!!! i have some stuff here : 1) benzene has opens its mouth and says 'No Enzyme No talk ' every electrophilic substitution needs enzyme 2)Alkyl halide is a druken man . it likes warm beer . every necleophilic substitution requires REFLUX and alcohlol as a medium .
  5. Please make sure that your HBr is pure i.e. HBR(l) If HBr water is used , the product may be different
  6. The strongest oxidation reagent in organic chemistry context 1) acidified KMnO4 2) acidified K2Cr2O7 3) alkaline K2Cr2O7 The strongest REDUCTION AGENT : 1)LiAlH4 lithium aluminium hydride Stick to these reagents . These are the strongest reagents to undergo REDOX reaction . In addition , u can get the major products that u want by using these reagents .
  7. Alkyl Halides are not ionic compound but Polar molecules due to the electronegativity of oxygen is higher than the carbon atom . We can say that it is a covalent with ionic character , but it is not a totally ionic compound i.e. it can undergo chemical reactions that ionic compound does . Yes alkyl halide can react with ammonia . This is a Nucleophilic substitution .The Halogen atom will be substitute by nucelophile in this reaction . Other nucleophile like water , cyanide ion , hydroxide ion , which has lone pair electrons can react with alkyl halides . The product formed depends on the nucleophile. eg. alkyl halides react with ammonia to give you Amine. Unfortunately , certain condition must be fulfilled before the nucleophilic substitution takes place . temp : REFLUX reagent : the alkyl halides must be in the alcohol
  8. Depends on what is the producy you want. 1)Intramolecular Hydration temp :180C reagent :Concentrated Sulphuric acid PRODUCT : ALKENE 2)Intermolecular Hydration temp :140C reagent :Sulphuric Acid PRODUCT : ETHER
  9. The best way is to use binomial expansion . EXpand (x+1)^0.5 untill u get the term aX^0.5 to get the most accurate 10 dp answer ..
  10. \int x^5\ln(x+3)dx = \tfrac{1}{6} x^6 \ln x - \tfrac{1}{6}\int [x^5\int ln(x+3)dx] dx
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