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  1. OK you freak, none of those posts or what you are saying has anything to do with my thoughts or my post. Move along...
  2. I never stole anyones idea, I came up with this laying in bed last night, and even googled everywhere to see if someone else had come up with this idea. Show me one post presenting this theory anywhere. Evidence...OK, we know for fact that time moves at different speeds in relation to motion, which is why we have to adjust the clocks on satelites for our GPS systems to work. We know for a fact we are spinning around the Earth, we know the Earth is spinning around the Sun, and our galaxy is spinning. This all has to affect time, as just the slow change in speed for a satelite orbiting the Earth has consequences. Im trying to stick with evidence here. An object in space between galaxies would not be moving. So this is all evidence, so at what speed would time exist for that object not in motion? Something has to give. "Queer creator"? Really?
  3. Time is a dimension like every other dimension. It is so commonly overlooked that it has caused us to come up with the "Big Bang Theory", and "Dark Matter" and "Dark Energy" to explain our Universe. Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. If you approach the speed of light, time for you moves incredibly slow. No one ever thinks in the reverse. How slow can someone go? Right now if you are on the equator sitting in your easy chair, you are actually moving approx. 1.3 million mph. If you add up the motion of the Earth as it spins, the Earth rotating around the Sun, the Sun rotating around the galaxy. What if an object or person ever left the galactic orbit? Time is a creation of motion, so time would speed up incredibly fast. There has to be a limit to this. Once time speeds to a certain point (Incredibly fast) Time itself causes the object to move. (Nothing in the universe can be completely motionless and still or time would come to a stop and that object would cease to exist) So time is actually the thing that is causing the universe to expand, it is the "Dark energy" that we cant seem to find. The Big Bang Theory is partially true, but time itself is the thing that began, so the small dense universe had to start moving, expanding. If there are any physicists out there, plug time into your equations, and soon you will find that everything starts to fit together.
  4. You are all wrong. The BB theory is based on the assumption that the Universe is expanding because stars are all moving away from each other and the assumption is wrong. Stars are NOT accelerating away at a faster rate. It just appears that way because we assume that time is constant and flowing at the same speed. If you put in to the equations that time is slowing down and eventually will come to a complete stop, there is no need for "Dark energy" Stars appear to be moving away at at an accelerated state because time itself is slowing down.
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