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Lepton (1/13)



  1. First of all, sorry for my bad English. Regarding the polemics about new measured proton's radius, I am informing you that I calculated it theoretically several years ago, in my yet unpublished book. That new measured value of proton's radius, mentioned in Nature 466, is 0,8768 fm which coincides with the result I have theoretically calculated in my book: 0,8876 fm. I used it for calculation of gravitational constant, with formula in the attachment I also calculated gravitational energy of proton. The rest of the book demonstrates the existence of the ether, as a mechanical fluid which fills the universe. Ether presents the basic factor of all the phenomena known to physics (mass, electrostatic field, electrodynamic field, gravity field, nuclear field). All the physical characteristics of the ether, including its density, energy and chaotic speed of its particles - are defined and calculated in the book (along with mentioned new proton radius). Due to notorious ignorance of scientific institutions, my book and discoveries in it remain unrecognized. For guestions contact me on sava.cupac@gmail.com.
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