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Everything posted by Genecks

  1. Find an organization/business that specializes in things that you are interested in. Donate money to it. Possible example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immortality_Institute
  2. Please watch the movie Æon Flux. Consider that a person can be determined or socially engineered. Aeon Flux revolves around the idea that most of humanity has been eradicated, thus people have been cloned para repopulate Earth. The governing bodies makes clones of themselves and primes the children to continue the system of government that has been developed. Valid.
  3. Responses: 1) Assume that current technology permits 2) By prodigy, I mean a person to carry on and continue your life ideals and goals 3) I've maybe watched only two episodes of "The Island," and I thought the show was stupid. I think that was years ago.
  4. I updated my post. I'm not sure what the wikipedian(s) thought of "temperature jiggling."
  5. No, that's alright. I didn't correctly read your question the first time around. Termination http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_synapse#Termination My alternative guess is that either some process in the synaptic cleft or a process in the post-synaptic neuron causes an allosteric change in the receptor, thus causing the ligand to release. The below is saying that rapid action potentials in the post-synaptic cell can cause the ligand to release. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=1&ved=0CAYQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.slideshare.net%2Falxndr01%2Fchapter-03-synaptic-communications-presentation&rct=j&q=%22neurotransmitter+release%22+%22release+from+the+receptor%22&ei=zam9S-nxB4TWM9vvhIQK&usg=AFQjCNF7CiXVyQ5ShG9ZF8672x2VU_xtbw I'm not sure of the answer. Here is something more: http://userwww.service.emory.edu/~wfanteg/6.pdf Look at pages 10 through 12.
  6. Underlying idea: The clone will start off as a child. Two parts to this thread: 1. Making a general clone of yourself as if having a child 2. Making a clone of yourself with the purpose of making it a prodigy. 1) If you could make a clone of yourself, would you? If yes, why? If not, why? Do you think other people are justified in doing such? What ethics do you consider to surround this issue? 2) Would you make a clone to be a prodigy of yourself? If yes, why? If not, why? Do you think other people are justified in doing such? What ethics do you consider to surround this issue?
  7. You could do it. You'll have the undying sensation to chew something, though.
  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reuptake http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JSGczqVLLg
  9. Alright, I will keep that in mind. I guess the next thing I should move on is finding the other professors and asking them if they have opening. I'll see how fact I can accomplish that. At best I'll be able to cancel the meeting 48 hours before it occurs if necessary. I probably jumped the gun because of how I've psychologically gone through the process of getting a job in my last town. A person basically had to accept any job that was given to him/her and learn to accept it. I HATED that process. I've been told that at least one year of research with anyone is a good thing. I'm not saying that this research project is bad, because it's been given a lot of funding. In general, if I'm put in something like social learning, though, I'm going to have to turn that down. It's one of the active projects she's doing; and I'm definitely not interested in social cognition. Also, it seems like there is the option to join her lab in the summer. Would it be bad to join in the summer, be in it for a while, and then decide whether or not after the summer I want to stay or leave? I'm not sure if some of these people are actively hiring, so I'll keep the appointment. It's better than nothing, I believe.
  10. I'm not a mathematician... but does it matter? I voted for the institution with the most money... and a history of crazy people. Ditto.
  11. Background: I'm trying to get into a research lab. I'm an undergraduate. In general, I made the stupid stunt of jumping the gun too early. I recently told a professor I would be really interested in joining her lab. She suggested that as a neuroscience student that I look into some neighboring professors' labs. Nonetheless, I told her that I'm still interested. That doesn't necessary mean I have commit myself to the lab. Here's the professor and her lab: http://tigger.uic.edu/~jwiley/eyelab.html And here is the lab of a person she told me to look into: http://ccm.psych.uic.edu/People/Investigators/ragozzino.aspx I've seen that last person's picture around various parts of the university's website. In general, I'm more interested in learning in terms of biochemical processes. The last professor is actively doing that. The first professor appears to be working with cognition and observation of learning processes. It does not appear that she is actively attempting to observe changing levels of neurochemicals. The second professors appears to be observing changing levels of neurochemicals. Truthfully, I didn't know some of these chemical-basis learning people were around UIC. I kept asking my ^&%$$#@@# neuroscience advisor if he could give me advice as to various labs to look for. He didn't really give me much help, which was really annoying. He also didn't help me figure out a certain class I need for graduation was offered in the fall. Taking it in the fall would help me graduate faster and easier; and it prevents time slot conflicts from occurring in the spring. .... *is irritated* I seriously dislike not being able to rely on advisors to help save time and get good advice. Oh well. Anyway, I think I jumped the gun too early. I have an appointment set for next week to talk to the first professor, and about me possibly joining her lab. Technically, I could see good aspects to joining her lab. I could get a better background in cognition rather than hoping that certain biochemical processes actually do turn out some results. But then with the second professor, I would actually get some research related to the biochemical basis of learning, which is what I originally came to this university to do. Any ideas? Any ideas as to disarming this meeting I'm having with the professor about joining her lab? Any ideas as to how I can put it off or delay it? Yeah, I shot myself this time like an idiot. Hopefully some of you have some ideas.
  12. Genecks


    Because of the physical existence combined with conscious awareness. Given that a being were simply a physical organism, it wouldn't question things. But since the physical organism has consciousness, it has to question whether or not to fight existence as it is. Thus, this would be a sign of free will within a deterministic system.
  13. Despite your request captain, I'm going to ask something in relation to "evolution." Minister Comfort, in your opinion, is it morally alright for Christians to be transhumanists? Also, if it is not morally alright, why not?
  14. Genecks


    I don't think this would work out. I like the idea, but I don't think it would work out. I see two scenarios: 1) In terms of genetics and molecular biology, you have genes that are already being expressed, and those genes output certain biochemicals that are required for living. If we were to have viruses insert duplicate genes into the genome, then there is the possibility there would be twice the expression of that gene, thus twice the biochemical product. 2) At best, you could hope that the new genetic information put inside the cells would be regulated by proteins. As such, they would be expressed just as much as the previous genes there, or better yet, be expressed as the OLD (aka: now defective) genes were, thus acting as a sort of gene renewal. More than likely, the first scenario is going to happen. This could be destructive toward the organism. So, to answer your question, I don't think that's a feasible solution. If you're interested in aging, you might want to look at the wikipedia article "aging." Also, you may want to look at the wikipedia article on telomerase.
  15. Anyone? I read about this each year. I keep getting the impression that scientists are stumped.
  16. Right... because if there is excess calcium in the body beyond the set point... the body likes to store it in bone... meh... I'm not sure how well that contributes to stature, though. 7 mm doesn't seem like that much.
  17. Supposedly, human growth hormone injections help increase height. I'm not sure how effective they would be at your age, though. Maybe they would work. I'm not sure.
  18. I don't want to apply CSS. I want a color scheme option.
  19. You need to study, memorize, recall, and apply ideas. You need to constantly study. You will be dealing with a lot of schooling. As such, you will need to maintain focus and the ability to prepare and take exams. You will need to do well on exams all of the time. That is the worst and hardest part of the process. In order to do well, you need to seek out help from tutors (ask for pointers in studying), find people who've taken the class already and ask for help, and be able to quickly figure out your weak points in order to make them strong. In terms of those classes, yes, all of those classes would help you. But that's just the material. Medical schools expect good grades. Worry about the grades, but do care and love learning the materials. Stay mature, stay calm, and stay serious. Also, attempt to plan out how you will go about studying and attempt to quickly change for the better when problems come about. Also, you'll come to understand that the educational system includes a lot of short-term memorization and regurgitation. Little of it is actually learning. You learn to quickly memorize something and apply it. You forget it later. Whatever stays could be considered learned. That's my opinion on it.
  20. It would have a picture of Washu (from Tenchi Muyo) on the front page as part of the banner. And I would be a moderator. :3 And it would have an over-abundance of nerdy women. But more realistically... I think this forum works out quite well. It doesn't get quite as much attention as some other websites, though. I think that's because the other websites are more developed and specialized. That isn't to say this website doesn't have said potential. I use different forums. I use chemicalforums, sciencemadness, linuxquestions, sos math, and sometimes biology-online. I'll be on zoklet if I feel like killing some time or talking to a more chaotic, abrupt crowd. That's the gist of my activities.
  21. Have sex when you feel right and ready and when it is presented to you. Until then, tell people that you are not interested in a physical relationship or short-term sexual encounters. Also, it might be wise to stop telling people you're a virgin unless they start questioning your ethics, morality, religiousity, etc.. aka: your character is put into question and you want to use it to support your character. Sexual behavior and destruction are inherent behaviors. Be glad that people in society do not really need to kill and destroy to live. For what I've learned, using one's sexuality (male or female) in a safe way is a good way to gain resources to live a decent life. The psychological consequences? That definitely relates to the individual. There are definitely psychological consequences to having sex with another person. It can give a person a higher sense of confidence. Make a person desire it more. Make a person less depressed, less unfocused, etc.. It can have good and negative side effects. I believe people should be having sex more often. That's what I think. People shouldn't really put too much of a psychological attachment to it as something of incredible worth (except in order to reproduce). Conflicts can come about when people put too much psychological attachment to it. People need to have sex more often; and I think society has become sexually restricted. No-strings attached sex can be useful. Then again, there a lot of STDs going around these days, which may be another reason sexual repression affects many people. I've heard a lot of arguments, and I think prostitution needs to be legalized in America. I think it would solve a lot of issues. People need to fulfill certain psychological stages in life: Sex is one of them. I could argue that a person is ultimately a child (despite how mature) until completing that task. I'm not saying that you should go out and have sex tonight. But I'm saying that it might release you any psychological issues that woe you from not engaging in the act. Being released from such a prison can be a good thing. Me? I'm a moral person. Probably brainwashed as such, thus incurring a variety of neuroses and doubts as whether or not to live a life of chaos or peace. But I understand that there are good outcomes from doing things that a person don't usually do. You ever argue with a priest? Try it. You ever walk past a priest with his hand extended and not shake his hand after a sermon he gave? Try it. It will have effects on the psyche. In terms of the serial killer thing? It's just not the same. Murder is illegal in the civilian world. ...
  22. Hmm... I think there is a way to create drugs to reduce eating and cause the fat to be better burned up by the body. But yes, I see your point. Alone, an insulin inhibitor would do damage. I suspect it's got to be mixed with other stuff to make a better potion.
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