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Everything posted by Genecks

  1. I'm reading an article, I don't know if some of you can get access to it, but I'd like to know what some of the scientists here think about it. Personally, I think the results are bogus and insignificant. I think over the 8 weeks that people just got better at doing certain tasks, because people get better over time at doing certain tasks. The brain starts forming to do those things better. If I'm understanding the statistics right, there isn't a large difference between the placebo group and the treatment group. There was an enhanced self-confidence effect from the insulin, though. I'm not sure what psychological consequences that would lead to, though. I haven't the slightest clue. --------------------------------------------------------- Psychoneuroendocrinology Volume 29, Issue 10, November 2004, Pages 1326-1334 Intranasal insulin improves memory in humans authors: Christian Benedicta,*, Manfred Hallschmida, Astrid Hatkea, Bernd Schultesb, Horst L. Fehmb, Jan Borna, Werner Kernb Abstract:
  2. What are your thoughts on citation trees? Are they a way of mapping out evolution and progress in research?
  3. Perhaps watching a man have sex with a woman will cause jealousy or a negative response in the male watching the pornography. As such, the male will like lesbian pornography more than male-female pornography. Furthermore, I've read and heard that pornography attempts to remove the face of the male most of the time in order to give the male viewer the impression that he is the one in the scene with the woman. p.s. This would more than likely be better in the psychology board.
  4. I have a hard time these days deciding if someone is either trolling or attempting to become a more critical inquirer and thinking on SFN these days. Once in a while I'll actually read a thread in the speculation board; sometimes we got mad scientists with absurd theories (but I'd still like to see why there is such a large post count and the mods/experts have taken the time to be more critical about their rebuttals). I wouldn't say the theories are legitimate, but they seem worth arguing. Then again, I think some of the kewlish trolls can be turned around and made into serious scientists. I was a bit of a kewlish troll many years ago. Trust me. SFN is pretty relaxed about its banning procedure. Well, the majority of the mods/admins anyway... I've seen so much worse, though. I've seen worse on other websites. But those sites often had people discussing dangerous topics along with dangerous materials, as such they would ban people because they either thought the persons were trolling, or the persons didn't live up to the forum's standards. The general rule was be quiet, be educated, or talk and get banned. In terms of social psychology, people tend to outcast and ostracize those whom don't attempt to make an effort in the group nor attempt to assimilate with the thoughts of the group. It kind of reminds me of the fact that I got kicked out of the University of Illinois at Chicago Graduate Neurobiology Journal Club the past few months. Reason? I don't know; I stayed quiet and only make positive critiques of the research done by the graduate students. Also, I'd say what I liked about their presentation. I think it was the fact that other undergraduates started coming into the club and talking out of line... It could have been about sitting space, too.
  5. I'm guessing you want us to interpret data that you provide and attempt to create a psychological generalization about the social and individual experiences of the individuals within the varying scenarios? Hmm..... Well, one of the things you have to love about psychology is fitting theories to observable phenomenon and hoping it upholds and can be used again to analyze individuals. The Internet is interesting in that you're starting to see a variety of psychologies displayed that might not occur in the real world. In the real world, a person whom impersonates another is conducting an illegal act. But on the Internet, multiple persons could hold the same screen name, thus same "identity"; but not necessarily be the same person. One could assume it's like impersonation, but it is not. I suspect the person is either trolling or defending his/her individuality as a person in the world. *bites lower lip* 600th post.
  6. I'm reading about the neurophysiology of eating, and I considered a few things. 1: 2: As such, here is my main question: What molecules can be used to inhibit insulin? Here are the questions that revolve around that question: 1. If a molecule were used to inhibit insulin, then this would this inhibition induce the body to breakdown fat? 2. How safe is such a proposed idea?
  7. Hey, people. I'm taking developmental biology in the fall (it's a 300-level class). My knowledge of developmental embryology of the human species is quite lacking, as it is with other animals. I plan on taking a developmental biology course, but I am not sure what kind of things will be covered in that class. Does anyone have any ideas of what a class like that is like? That catalog said we'll be looking at cell division and differentiation. However, I'm wondering if it will be more intense and cover a variety of mammalian species. I'm not sure what will happen in that class.
  8. Look in the avatar bin, as I call it. It's part of the user settings. The avatars are alphabetically listed.
  9. Yeah, life is full of that. The best thing to do is attempt to make friends with people rather than enemies. And wisely choose your friends and enemies. I try not to hold malice against people, as such I will attempt to turn my enemies into my friends. Otherwise, I will presuppose them as friends until later deciding to keep them as enemies. You can learn a lot from enemies. In general, be a friend to people (even if you hate it) and make friends with people. These actions sometimes work to bring peace in life. Also, attempt to focus on things other than people. I won't deny that there are a lot of ignorant people in the world. The amount of such people is going to increase in the future as resources and access to a strong education decrease. Then again, having enemies can make life much less dull.
  10. If you told me that today, then I'd reason that by your belief that is no tomorrow. Nonetheless, there is a yesterday for me. Even if the reality were that there is no tomorrow (someone found a way to destroy the universe), I'd assume there was a yesterday. Any further than that, and we're getting philosophical.
  11. This needs to be saved to the SFN avatar bin.
  12. Are the blogs suppose to be ahead by one day? I'm not sure what's going on with that...
  13. Hi, guys. I'm thinking about becoming an art major instead of a scientist. Do you have any advice?
  14. It's nice to hang around a group of smart people in person. It helps cut out the riff-raff. And you might find some people you'd want to hang out with more. Otherwise, I think honor societies are a waste of time.
  15. What kind of research and findings from the squid would convince neuroscientists, anatomists, physiologist, and cytologists that they no longer need to use it as a model organism? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedI believe this is a past interview from a different website if anyone is interested in reading it: http://www.tonmo.com/osheainterview.php
  16. I don't think I would agree. I'm sure a person could find some statistical studies. In general, if someone looks like they have a Wal-Mart shirt/overshirt on and some denim pants, I'd say that person it pretty normal. If someone walks up to me looking like a punk rocker with a quetzal haircut, then that person needs to be wealthy or very educated. Otherwise, I'm going to suspect that person doesn't understand the importance of ethos, thus informing me the person is uneducated. As such, if the person does know the importance of ethos, the person still loses ethos, as the person has rejected the notion of persuasive rhetorical paradigms in order to live a more chaotic and spontaneous presence. I like a semi-casual dress-wear with a hint of subculture to give a backstory.
  17. Given said genome of a mammalian species, such as a white tiger, how much is known about the proteins that are involved in its biological development? The proteins used to guide cell differentiation and control the genome in those different cells at different stages? Can it be assumed that all the proteins necessary to sustain and allow cell differentiation exist in the egg and sperm for such a mammal? If so, have scientists taken effort to document such proteins? Is there a database or databases that discuss proteins that are used for developmental processes per particular species?
  18. I'd say there could have been two primary scientific premises for believing such (none belonging to be discussed in the physics forum): 1. Technological advancement became out of control 2. Resources become so scarce that society feuds Technological advancement has become out of control, but it's availability to the general public and the ability for the general public to moral decision about it isn't there. It's one of those things that have been concealed. How many people really understand cell differentiation with stem cells? Resources are not that scarce yet. Give the world about 30 more years, and perhaps they will become more scarce than before. And then there would be death and pestilence. Typical biological species counter such things, though. So, in general, there wouldn't be a destruction of the human race. At best, if someone made a grey-goo bot, flung it out in a field, and allowed it to deconstruct the world, yeah, the world would end. From what I understand, it's impractical for the world to end. Maybe if a black hole generator got out of hand, then there would be some serious problems.
  19. Genecks


    Yeah, we cover this cryonics issue every so often. Let's make it philosophical rather than biological. *spins the wheel* I state cryonics are ethical and good, because they allow people to hibernate and consume less physical resources. Nonetheless, it might not be beneficial for people, as they may miss out on life opportunities or be out-competed by members of society.
  20. It's also sad that a bunch of mature people pulled out loans without the ability to pay them back. And it's also sad that businesses and banks allowed them to do such. Maybe the correct choice is having a civil war in America.
  21. Maybe. From what I've been reading, there has been an active attempt at preventing and weeding-out people from being officers. I don't necessarily see the logic in it, though. Once a person is in, that person is in until released.
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