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Everything posted by Genecks

  1. Perhaps some chemical reactions with the esters occur within the atmosphere, thus turning them into acids/bases/other, of which the are the molecules that act as keys for the receptors. You're not simply talking about the esters but the molecules that can come from the esters which might cause a pleasant or non-pleasant smell, right? http://www.scribd.com/word/download/35336?extension=pdf Here's something else: http://notes.chem.usyd.edu.au/course/schmidtt/chem1101/lectures/lecture%201101_17_2007.pdf
  2. Would it be possible to make a rechargeable nuclear battery? You know, the kind of batteries that last a super, super long time. Is there a rechargeable type? Can a rechargeable type be made? How possible would it be to recharge one? How long would it take to recharge? Months? Years?
  3. Molecules smell like keys. I suppose it would be possible to prove, but you'd have to fight against the bio-social-psycho triangle. It could be argued, but that is not the point of this thread. Now in the sense of this thread, I suppose the person is questioning different types of stimulation (sweet, bitter, etc.) of the brain and its receptors.
  4. Mice are too fast and agile to be captured by a car. Now, building a car that surreptitiously follows and shoots a dart at a small, moving object... that might work.
  5. I figure it happens for unethical conduct.
  6. Ditto. It's about statistics, probability, and time. I'm sure if you could remain "immortal," but you had cells regenerate overtime, then you would face a very high chance of obtaining cancer. So, immortality isn't all it's cut out to be.
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blanka I'm thinking the person would have to have very resistive nerves and things, so the body doesn't go into shock or have a stroke.
  8. As time passes by, I'm starting to notice the advancement in video games. You have Tetris Weightlifting, GameRunner, the Wii, DDR, and various games that include mental and physical stimulation. As I look at these things, however, I'm starting to notice these would be the kind of things involved in using a Gundam. If you think about the various Gundam series and the way pilots used them, you understand that all this future technology could easily be used to help people pilot Gundams. We're preparing the next few generations to use Gundams.
  9. I'm starting to think that for something to be alive, it needs an immune system. Otherwise, it has to have a significant impact on the biological immune system of another species. I had to write a philosophical essay about what it means for something to be alive. To say the least, the word is pretty much thrown out of my vocabulary. It's a word attached to a concept that creates an illusion. Now, the importance of something depends on a few criteria I've created: 1) Does it influence me? If yes, then it's important. 2) Does it communicate with me? If yes, how so? 3) Does it influence my biology? If yes, how so? 4) Will it destroy all of my biological unit if it's not there? 5) Will it destroy all of my biological unit if it stays with me? Most of it has to do with communication principles and communication transfer. The term "systems theory" comes to mind.
  10. Research and prove the validity of stabilizer muscles and their influence on the skeletal and muscular system. When you're done, post your finished essay here.
  11. I can't remember the exact terms in accordance to modern psychology, but I believe I have an answer to this question. It has to do with the nervous system and how your psychology is at the moment. For instance, let's say you put yourself in the illusion that right now is wartime. Someone is coming after you, and that person is not going to stop. You're mentally primed: You're facing death You're psyched: You've got to fight to avoid death You have a reason to keep going: The reason makes you work hard. I can't remember the term, but I think it has to do with "inhibited psychology." Someone correct me, because I'm pretty sure i'm using the wrong term. In other words, the body and mind is so relaxed, you need to bring it to a new stage of alertness and need. How to do that? A good way is exercise. I would do pushups and crunches inbetween study breaks in order to keep alert and active. I needed to keep my mind psyched, and my body's flow of adrenaline active. To say the least, the body is relaxed. The mind is relaxed. You need to bring them out of a state of relaxation. The trick is finding a way to do that. Mostly, it's about staying determined with a one-track mind. To me, there is a difference between a person who wants to do the work and the person who does not want to do the work. A person who wants to do the work but procrastinates might have a form of ADD/ADHD; otherwise, the person might be going through an inhibited stage: the person isn't psyched enough to do the work. The person who doesn't want to the work simply procrastinates, because he she simply does not want to do the work. It's pretty cut and dry on that way. Otherwise, the person doesn't have much of a reason to do the work. I'm sure rewards come into play somewhere, but I wouldn't put too much emphasis on it. People who understand the rewards of work may or may not do the work, depending on the person's view of the reward.
  12. Not sure. I would suggest getting a new microwave.
  13. I'm getting annoyed by it all. So, who would stop me if I decided to melt the icecaps myself?
  14. So, if I take land away from humans, they go extinct? Awesome. I'd have to say that cutting survival needs and food supplies would pretty much kill off any species. If a species can't find a way to protect itself, nor feed itself, then it's going to die. I figure that's more of a physiological look at it. I don't think animals put too much emphasis on their feelings in order to survive: they don't become suicidal. I'm sure animals can become nomadic, but if there are predators and no food, then they become the food. I think the Galapagos Islands are an example of not really having predators. Pandas are a good example of picky eaters, too. I think the Land Before Time movies are prime examples of how an animal could just pick up, move, and go somewhere else in order to survive. Whenever I watch one of those, the dinosaurs are moving, because of environment changes or food shortage. I don't think most animals would be so stubborn to stay in one place because of a social system.
  15. I'd go for the Master's, but I'd think hard about where I get it from. If you get another bachelor's, then you still have the master's to get, don't you?
  16. I thought something was missing. How about giving members that have been here over a year with over 30 posts some space for uploading images? Maybe 3 megabytes.
  17. On Valentine's day I gave over three girls flowers. I got the interest of two women, and the other one of the four actually blushed--even though her and I have been arguing and bickering with each other for a couple of months. But altogether, it's just a day to be free spirited and tell someone or people you like them.
  18. Earthlings simply want to boot us off our planet. Your governments have always used distracting/confusing/strawman ways to make people do something. We don't really like it.
  19. For some of them, I tend to put the dots around the central atom in a type of symmetry (think 5-point star, 6-point star, 7-point star) if the atom does not follow the octet rule. In other words, I don't put them in four directions as I would for lewis structures that follow the octet rule. Afterwards, I try to redraw it according to VSEPR, but I typically just use lines (I don't go into the whole this-angle-is-bigger-than-that-one, which-is-why-it's-bold-and-that-is-dashed thing.)
  20. There are mentors in the sense that people sometimes help people with learning things. Also, sometimes the assigned "experts" help people learn things. Other than that, you can become a mentor by helping people, too. However, that doesn't mean you're given any forum power. Lock please.
  21. Personal testimony is a type of evidence. However, it might not be the most supportable.
  22. I know how to draw them and whatnot, but I was wondering if there was a database full of the diagrams.
  23. Daoism combines forms of transhumanism and philosophical thinking that Earth is heaven. In other words, they emphasize living in the now, understanding what we have, and adjusting your life in order to obtain happiness, good health, and universal awareness. These things are very much in tune with the idea of transhumanism, which emphasizes good health and heightened awareness. More information.
  24. Does anyone know a good website with tons of molecular geometry and VSEPR diagrams? Are there any books that contain many of these diagrams? Perhaps with descriptions of the experimentally found angles and more?
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