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Posts posted by Genecks

  1. So


    infinity = constant

    to count to infinity, you must = constant of infinity


    What's to say we aren't already constant, though. I mean, matter doesn't get created nor destroyed...


    'Twould be odd to say you've already counted to infinity, so you don't have to now. Hmm.


    I wonder if a number system, however, is a good way of saying you can't count to infinity. I mean, counting up is not a constant. But staying at one is a constant.

  2. I don't see why not.


    However, from our current knowledge in science, we haven't been able to experiment on a ghoul, nor actually prove they exist. This, however, doesn't mean we would not be able to figure out their physical composition were we to find one and dissect it.


    A new branch of physics would have to be created, since we've never seen something like that before.


    It's like asking if cats exist and we can understand their biology and physics, but in the situation where cats have never been seen on Earth; so in point, we don't really know.


    But sure, anything is possible. However, that doesn't mean it exists.


    After studying metaphysics, I've determined to call that which is metaphysics unseen, unknown, or untouched.


    Now, from a physical standpoint, if we did find these things, we'd use empiricism to analyze them. Otherwise, we'd have to create a new branch of physics, as stated. If we couldn't use our system of mathematics and physics to understand these things, then apparently something is wrong with our system, or something in our system has not been 'empirically' created.

  3. Good job, dude. We need more intellectuals on Internet forums. The more, the better.


    But, you've got to remember one thing as you gain power and move up the ladder: Don't let it go.


    So many stories I have read about people reaching their goals and then slacking off. Hit it hard. More power to you.

  4. Eggs, tuna, peanuts, sesame seed kernels, peanut butter, broccoli with cheese, spinach, etc.


    The trick is to get foods high in fiber and protein.


    I can easily live healthy on $60 USD a month if forced. The trick is to be a decent cook, have a good understanding of food and health, and be able to keep track of the budget. However, one must remember to take a vitamin.


    Rice will make you hungry, and its loaded with carbs. Sugar tends to make many people hungry. I'd stay away from sugar, and find things that curb your appetite.

  5. Oh, wow! That's such a great idea.


    I know what we should do. We should create a system for these new boxes with wires and electronics in them. I think we'll have a way of transmitting messages to tons of them. We could set up signals and wires to allow people to communicate. Yeah, that would work.

  6. I setup Vista on a computer a couple of weeks ago. I told the person, "I'll set it up, but there's not much I can do beyond that."


    I set it up, but then I tried setting up a wireless network between Windows Millenium and Vista. I was trying to setup the printer from a different computer. I couldn't do it by myself, so I tried doing it with another person. We both couldn't do it in the end. I couldn't find anything about it on the Internet. I don't know what went wrong.


    On a side note: I have never bought a Mac. I will never buy a Mac. I hope to God to never use a Mac for more than a couple of hours once a month.


    I hate Macs. I don't like their file system. I'm accustomed to the Winfile.exe type setup. I'm from the days of DOS and Windows 3.1. I've never like Macintosh computers.


    I'm not saying it would be a bad idea to learn how to use a Mac, but I would not use it. I'm already annoyed by how Linux and Mac share a filedirectory system that looks the same.


    CD and DIR/P/W are all I really need

  7. Depending on social context, blondes could possibly encounter social discrimination. Perhaps because they are seen as sex idols from earlier generations. Or perhaps they are seen as dumb. Or perhaps as a form of earlier social discrimination. Thus, this can create a society where dumb, blonde women occur.


    From my perspective, I've met some intelligent blonde women. However, they were always high and mighty of themselves, and they were too social. I don't typically find this with other women.


    So, is acting high and might dumb when you're intelligent? Sure is. It's a good way to get stabbed, too.


    But to say the least, don't commit the fallacy of hasty generalization.

  8. It all depends on the students and the teacher. If the teacher can't teach a wide, varied audience, then the teacher sucks. Therefore, the students will suck, too. Primarily because they haven't been guided correctly. It'd turn into a scenario where the teacher expects more than he or she taught. Not a good scenario.


    I figure most things depend on a teacher with wisdom and intelligence. Such a teacher can be a leader and an organized one. Smaller would help, but being able to deal with a crowd would be a good idea.


    The trick is to control students and make sure all succeed. That's why I think student-teacher conferences are a good idea.


    I don't do an honor's program. I wouldn't bother. It's a bunch of BS, anyway. More work? Why?! I can study and surpass my peers in more ways than one. I already do. I could establish my credibility, but I don't like being cocky. Someone from the University of Chicago recently called me a sociopath. She didn't feel like giving me the title of megalomaniac.


    I wouldn't want to waste another hour in a classroom. I already place my voice recorder on the table, ignore the professor, study, and play it back twice as fast when I get home. This is my way of saying college is a waste of my time and I wish it went *faster,* not harder.


    Waste of time if you ask me.


    So my question is wouldn't it be better if states built larger campuses to accommodate all of the students?




    Apparently, you haven't been in college that long. To answer your question, the way to fix these problems is to make a standard. By "standard," I mean a way for people to say, "The material covered in that course in College X is equal to the material covered in University Y."


    I recently took a religion course, which was very philosophical and taught by a priest. He had a lot of knowledge in the subjects, and he did various jobs for people and taught them religion. He didn't teach them Christianity, mind you. For example, he would go to Chinese persons' homes and teach their children Chinese religions. He taught various religions to various people, and he taught various religions to us students.


    Now the problem is that I got a hold of a document from another philosophy professor saying there was going to be a meeting about that course with staff from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I got this hand-out by accident. I took the liberty to read it on my own, and the professor wasn't too happy about me reading it.


    The meeting was whether or not that course was the same as "course z" offered by UIUC. The meeting took place, and the people from UIUC said, "No."


    I talked to the professor the next day and asked, "Why is that?" She said, "Because they have a superiority complex."


    My premise is because that university is more of a business than an academic center.


    However, I know very well the course is the same freaking thing in both places. And I know if I were to take it at UIUC, it would be the same freaking thing. And that's why I'm angry that the same freaking thing isn't accepted.


    by the basic principle that a larger school is a better funded school, and can offer more diverse classes, and provide for a better experience than a small community college.


    Wrong. Sure, it might help the social scene, but people can't strive for individuality that well. Also, larger classrooms mean less time for the professor to reach each person. That's why I always talk about professors being more organized. After being in college for two years, I've learned something: For having a PhD or Master's, professors are unwise, unintelligent, and lazy.


    i've heard the statistic that only about 20% of CC students will eventualy get a bachelors degree, mostly because of the gap between CC and university.


    See, that's one of the reasons. That statistic signals to the professors, "Not many of your students are going far in the future. Therefore, don't waste too much time on them."


    In other words, professors start to see various students as uncaring degenerates whom won't make it far in the academic world. And I dislike those types.


    Professors don't care to spend much time on their students. A larger amount of students is only going to make sure each student DOES NOT get his or her own time with the professor.


    In order to pay fore these larger campuses the school could absorb the funding that normally would have gone to the community colleges and then agree to admit a certain numbr of students from that county every year.


    Wrong. Many colleges are already in debt. They have money to spend, but they aren't going to spend it on the students. Nope, they rather find a way to make more money with their money. And that means not spending it on the students. Rather, they have the students find ways to become natural-born MacGyvers and improvise all their academic needs.


    It's true. I've seen it.


    It somewhat angers me because of the whole determinist vs. freewill thing. In other words, you must teach someone how to be MacGyver. Afterwards, that person can choose whether or not to be MacGyver.


    If you don't teach that person, then expect the person to never get there. However, if the person goes through trauma, psychotic experiences, etc., then the person will take free-will and teach one's self. Then again, something like that doesn't happen when you're cooped up in a safe environment such as college for two years. It doesn't exactly work that way, and that's why I find a lot of professors to be fools. I hate intelligent fools.

  9. It could be your diet, but it sounds neurological because of the dizziness and eye complications. I'd visit a medical doctor because it sounds 'too' neurological.


    It could have to do with the central nervous system. I suppose, too, it would be neurological in that case. Visiting the medical doctor would be a good idea, because nobody wants to lose a child.

  10. Cut back sugar to 40 grams or less a day. Clean the house/apartment at least one hour a day. Take breaks and clean the living area on your breaks. If you're not doing anything, then clean.


    My house stays clean because I clean it during my breaks. Clean, clean, clean, clean, clean... it's a form of exercise.

  11. As a note, I've been in a college for a while. I don't play games anymore... not really. Having a laptop for playing games is not a big concern of mine. Having a laptop that allows me to make backups of important documents is a more valuable laptop than anything else.


    For a student, all a student needs is a TI calculator with keyboard. From there, he or she can use latex commands to format the text. Afterwards, he or she can run it through a processor and have snazzy documents.


    But, for the person wanting to be a conformist, I suppose a laptop with 512 MB ram, a dvd burner/reader, USB, and peripherals will do ok.


    External Iomega with USB extension allows for decent backups. Otherwise, manipulation of autohotkey allows for disc-burned backups.

  12. I often plug in my U3 jumpdrive, and it will load this annoying pop-up screen asking me what I want to do with it. It tells me to pick an option.


    I went into explorer and customized the drive by telling it to pick "Take no action" within the autoplay tab. However, it didn't seem to work. It didn't seem to work because explorer keeps opening the drive folder of my USB.


    I'm getting annoyed by this, and I want to stop it. I don't mind if the smart u3 program starts, but I don't want to view the contents of the folder. How do I turn it off?

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