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Posts posted by Genecks

  1. Something that I haven't been able to understand is how the cost of getting liposuction is cut in half when a person decides to go to Mexico instead of having it done in America. And I'm not asking for a biased opinion about the danger involved unless it relates to anethesia. However, I am questioning why it costs so much more to get a liposuction procedure done in America than it is in Mexico? What makes the drastic cost difference? The medical equipment? The economics? The politics?


    I haven't been able to understand why this drastic cost difference exists. Does anyone here have an analyzed reason as to why the costs differ?

  2. I just played with google's spreadsheet thing at google labs. Does anyone know where the files are saved? I'm sure there is a link location or something. There must be a way to start linking these files without inviting people. Just curious if anyone's played with it and tried to hack it.

  3. So let me get this straight: Most linux installers have the capability to act like partitionmagic and partition a drive with info on it into multiple logical drives?


    That's still news to me. I'll try it out. I was taught that a person had to start from scratch and partition ahead of time. Afterwards, a person could then set up Windows and Linux. But if this is true, then I shouldn't have a problem loading Kubuntu or Fedora Core 5 on the hard drive with XP still on it.

  4. I was using Kubuntu last time.

    But I don't know if I can dual-boot.

    I'll check it out.


    By the way, I don't have the windows boot DVD. No, I have the restore dvd. It's somewhat limited but will create things onto the C drive. In other words, it won't let me partition the HDD. That's why I'm trying to find some way to manipulate the way it will reformat windows back onto the HDD. I figured using a start-up cd to partition ahead of time (and leaving a logical drive for linux) would allow me to install windows, too.


    Either way, the Windows restore DVD does not allow me to partition.


    I know the basics of partitioning, but I'm questioning things. Maybe I should do more than type.


  5. I recently sold a few books of mine on eBay's Half.com. I made a net income of $50 USD. The sad thing is that I expected more money because I didn't think shipping would cost so much. However, I learned that one should ship media mail instead of expidited. Media mail would have made my capital grow by $10.00.


    A picture of my earnings.

  6. I want to partition my hard drive into two sections: one for Linux and one for Windows XP Home. I only have the Restore (reformat) DVD for Windows. I must restart the computer with the DVD-rom in the disc-drive to load Windows onto the hard drive. However, I'm not given an option to partition the hard drive.


    I was wondering how I could do the following:


    1. Erase Windows from my system.

    2. Partition the hard drive for Linux and Windows.

    3. Trick the Windows reformat CD into loading Windows onto its own partition.

    4. Put Linux on a different parition.

    5. Create a dual-boot.


    I suppose I could create a start-up CD. Afterwards, I could erase Windows and split the drive into different partitions. But how would one control which drive the Restore DVD puts Windows onto? Perhaps splitting the drive into 'C:' and 'X:' would solve my problems. If the Restore CD is picky and consistent, then it might put Windows back onto the C: drive. Yet the Restore DVD erases the information on the HDD. However, I'm not sure if it erases the MBR or destroys the partitions created.


    How would I handle my problem were the Restore DVD to destroy the partitions I made?

  7. Go to something fun like a fiar, the fourth of July would be good.


    :eek: You're right. I forgot about that. But I live in Illinois; it's illegal to light fireworks here. There may be some things happening around town on the Fourth of July. I'll look into it. :)

  8. I would email professors. If one doesn't respond within a week, go up to his or her office and ask for advice. I've learned that asking professors for career advice is a sound decision on many levels. Although one may not have the answers for you, you could ask him or her for resources, people, or other information directories to obtain answers.


    Email people from different universities and colleges. Don't restrict yourself to a local environment. I've emailed people from different spots on the planet when I don't find a question suitable for SFN.


    I've learned some professors hold the (would have)-(could have)-(should have) mentality. Those professors would be willing to help you if you ask enough questions.


    *I have always wanted to get a list of people. in accordance to post-secondary degree level, on my messenger list*


    I've even emailed Kevin Warwick once about what I should do to get into the University of Reading. He told me it was about location. Go figure. However, what I'm saying is that even some busy, special, and important people have time to help those in need.

  9. Be yourself and don't panic. .


    Don't know myself, but I'll work on that. I figure doing whatever comes to mind first is my anti-social personality disorder in work. Since I understand cultural norms and deviance, I keep things on the low until I can sense acceptance from the person I'm talking to. I'll just keep my hands in my pocket and a piece of gum in my mouth.


    I'm typically not a normal wreck. I've had some bad experiences, and my brain went on restart a few years ago. Never been able to pull myself back together. Been thinking about checking into a mental insitution, but I don't want to be locked up there. I have studies, academics, and research to do. My family and living conditions aren't in the best shape either. So I somewhat put my own concerns on hold until I get other stuff done. However, my mental instability with people has always challenged my reasoning. I don't get angry at people, but I will say stupid things and look stupid. I don't think before talking. Sometimes my attitude and words can seem mentally sadistic. I've been working on improving and being kind once more. I use to be kind, but I hate the world and its people. I'm sure you know the syndrome. Nonetheless, I've always been kind to women unless they start a fight with me. I had one girl call me a dumbass. That really annoyed me, but I kept my cool and made her talk about her problems. Maybe I misinterpreted a type of mite as a chigger. So what? I make mistakes. (I don't even know that's why she called me an expletive.) She was angry and called me a dumbass a few days later without justification. She was kicked out by her roommate, so I suppose she was angry at the world. Maybe she was angry because I couldn't help her with her living predicament. 'twas no reason to be rude, though. I would bring her some food whenever I came to her house. I suppose it was her living conditions that made her angry. I suppose my understanding of people isn't what it use to be. People seem to get angry at one another. I don't usually get angry at people. I've become passive, and anger isn't really one of my thing. People have always been mean to me growing up, so I don't like the idea of being mean back. However, seems that everyone is angry these days, angry fools that talk too much. It's just one of the reasons I don't like hanging out with people: people talk too much with anger.


    Although, I don't feel like being Dr. Phil anytime soon. I have my own problems to sort out. I believe I'll have to socialize once more to enhance mirror neuron strength and social adaptation.


    Those are some reasons why I've always been iffy about going out with another girl. I don't socialize with people alone. I don't have 1-on-1 contact. Rarely, if ever.


    Well, I don't social with girls. I don't really talk to girls at all. I usually talk to guys. Girls cloud the mind and my mentality changes. I don't like the change of mentality. There use to be a time when I was accepting of women as an equal. I don't mean to discriminate, but somehow my brain switched back into 1930's lifestyle and dating thought. When I was in highschool I was a drama student, and I would have to act out scenes with girls all the time. I became adjusted to this very quickly, and my mentality was just fine. The girl ratio was much larger than the male ratio. There were about 6 guys and 20 girls. The ratio was crazy. Being away from that type of things for a period of time has set me back into some different mentality, as though I regressed. I can't quite explain why it has changed, but maybe I'll figure it out one day.


    I do socialize, as in, I go to clubs and sit by myself while watching アニメ (anime).

    I never do anything outside of school with the clubs. I didn't even attend the last "lock-in" function.



    She's also a vegetarian, but she will eat fish. I'm mediocre when it comes to the culinary arts, but I'll figure something out. I haven't told my parents about her. I never tell my parents anything these days (I don't really have to, but it'd be nice). However, this age thing could be a serious problem. I'm not going to do anything really stupid that I'll regret, so I won't worry about it that much. I once knew a person that dated a younger girl. He had to stop dating her because her mother learned about the relationship. I don't want her parents to get angry or anything in the sorts. I'm up for quite the predicament.

  10. A girl asked me out the other day, and I said ok. So now we're dating. But I don't know what we should do. I haven't picked her up to go on a date, and I'm somewhat low on cash. Plus she's 17 and I'm two years older. She just turned 17, so the age thing is going to be a problem for a year or so. I thought about taking her to a dollar movie, but I decided I'm going to take her out Friday to the library. I thought about showing her around the college. Yes, I'm a freakin' dork.


    I don't know what to do. I'm not good with girls. I don't know what to do. :(

    I'm trying to save up some cash, and I really don't want to spend lots of money. Someone always told me to never spend money on a girl. Hopefully, we can find something to do. I told her that I was a broke fool, and she didn't care too much about that. I've always been paranoid about girls because of past relationships I had. However, this girl seems different in a sense that I ask her a question and she gives an honest answer. I don't feel that she's holding back anything. I like to know that someone isn't holding back. I like those type of people.


    However, I can't say I've never been with a girl. I was with one for the first time earlier this month, but that was kind of weird in itself. I went to with her but nothing happened. She was a teddy bear. ^_^


    By the way, I don't go out and socialize and the girl asked me out. ^_^;


    That's kind of bad in a way. Because I don't know exactly how to socialize, I'm going to stay calm and reserved. Sometimes I say stupid stuff, and people don't take it very well. But she's open and considerate. That's why I considered dating her, because she's wise.


    What do you think I should do?

    I take her out on Friday.

  11. http://savetheinternet.com/


    I've been reading some stuff on the web about congress shutting down the Internet. I don't think it's very possible. People can create their own Internet these days. To take down the Internet would mean taking down telecommunications, phone wires, satellites, etc..


    I don't think it's possible for the government to ban the Internet.

    It's possible to destroy the Internet, yes. But for someone to ban it, no.

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