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Everything posted by Genecks

  1. I would email professors. If one doesn't respond within a week, go up to his or her office and ask for advice. I've learned that asking professors for career advice is a sound decision on many levels. Although one may not have the answers for you, you could ask him or her for resources, people, or other information directories to obtain answers. Email people from different universities and colleges. Don't restrict yourself to a local environment. I've emailed people from different spots on the planet when I don't find a question suitable for SFN. I've learned some professors hold the (would have)-(could have)-(should have) mentality. Those professors would be willing to help you if you ask enough questions. *I have always wanted to get a list of people. in accordance to post-secondary degree level, on my messenger list* I've even emailed Kevin Warwick once about what I should do to get into the University of Reading. He told me it was about location. Go figure. However, what I'm saying is that even some busy, special, and important people have time to help those in need.
  2. Genecks


    Don't know myself, but I'll work on that. I figure doing whatever comes to mind first is my anti-social personality disorder in work. Since I understand cultural norms and deviance, I keep things on the low until I can sense acceptance from the person I'm talking to. I'll just keep my hands in my pocket and a piece of gum in my mouth. I'm typically not a normal wreck. I've had some bad experiences, and my brain went on restart a few years ago. Never been able to pull myself back together. Been thinking about checking into a mental insitution, but I don't want to be locked up there. I have studies, academics, and research to do. My family and living conditions aren't in the best shape either. So I somewhat put my own concerns on hold until I get other stuff done. However, my mental instability with people has always challenged my reasoning. I don't get angry at people, but I will say stupid things and look stupid. I don't think before talking. Sometimes my attitude and words can seem mentally sadistic. I've been working on improving and being kind once more. I use to be kind, but I hate the world and its people. I'm sure you know the syndrome. Nonetheless, I've always been kind to women unless they start a fight with me. I had one girl call me a dumbass. That really annoyed me, but I kept my cool and made her talk about her problems. Maybe I misinterpreted a type of mite as a chigger. So what? I make mistakes. (I don't even know that's why she called me an expletive.) She was angry and called me a dumbass a few days later without justification. She was kicked out by her roommate, so I suppose she was angry at the world. Maybe she was angry because I couldn't help her with her living predicament. 'twas no reason to be rude, though. I would bring her some food whenever I came to her house. I suppose it was her living conditions that made her angry. I suppose my understanding of people isn't what it use to be. People seem to get angry at one another. I don't usually get angry at people. I've become passive, and anger isn't really one of my thing. People have always been mean to me growing up, so I don't like the idea of being mean back. However, seems that everyone is angry these days, angry fools that talk too much. It's just one of the reasons I don't like hanging out with people: people talk too much with anger. Although, I don't feel like being Dr. Phil anytime soon. I have my own problems to sort out. I believe I'll have to socialize once more to enhance mirror neuron strength and social adaptation. Those are some reasons why I've always been iffy about going out with another girl. I don't socialize with people alone. I don't have 1-on-1 contact. Rarely, if ever. Well, I don't social with girls. I don't really talk to girls at all. I usually talk to guys. Girls cloud the mind and my mentality changes. I don't like the change of mentality. There use to be a time when I was accepting of women as an equal. I don't mean to discriminate, but somehow my brain switched back into 1930's lifestyle and dating thought. When I was in highschool I was a drama student, and I would have to act out scenes with girls all the time. I became adjusted to this very quickly, and my mentality was just fine. The girl ratio was much larger than the male ratio. There were about 6 guys and 20 girls. The ratio was crazy. Being away from that type of things for a period of time has set me back into some different mentality, as though I regressed. I can't quite explain why it has changed, but maybe I'll figure it out one day. I do socialize, as in, I go to clubs and sit by myself while watching アニメ (anime). I never do anything outside of school with the clubs. I didn't even attend the last "lock-in" function. Eh. She's also a vegetarian, but she will eat fish. I'm mediocre when it comes to the culinary arts, but I'll figure something out. I haven't told my parents about her. I never tell my parents anything these days (I don't really have to, but it'd be nice). However, this age thing could be a serious problem. I'm not going to do anything really stupid that I'll regret, so I won't worry about it that much. I once knew a person that dated a younger girl. He had to stop dating her because her mother learned about the relationship. I don't want her parents to get angry or anything in the sorts. I'm up for quite the predicament.
  3. Genecks


    A girl asked me out the other day, and I said ok. So now we're dating. But I don't know what we should do. I haven't picked her up to go on a date, and I'm somewhat low on cash. Plus she's 17 and I'm two years older. She just turned 17, so the age thing is going to be a problem for a year or so. I thought about taking her to a dollar movie, but I decided I'm going to take her out Friday to the library. I thought about showing her around the college. Yes, I'm a freakin' dork. I don't know what to do. I'm not good with girls. I don't know what to do. I'm trying to save up some cash, and I really don't want to spend lots of money. Someone always told me to never spend money on a girl. Hopefully, we can find something to do. I told her that I was a broke fool, and she didn't care too much about that. I've always been paranoid about girls because of past relationships I had. However, this girl seems different in a sense that I ask her a question and she gives an honest answer. I don't feel that she's holding back anything. I like to know that someone isn't holding back. I like those type of people. However, I can't say I've never been with a girl. I was with one for the first time earlier this month, but that was kind of weird in itself. I went to with her but nothing happened. She was a teddy bear. By the way, I don't go out and socialize and the girl asked me out. ; That's kind of bad in a way. Because I don't know exactly how to socialize, I'm going to stay calm and reserved. Sometimes I say stupid stuff, and people don't take it very well. But she's open and considerate. That's why I considered dating her, because she's wise. What do you think I should do? I take her out on Friday.
  4. Which law of science applies to salads? Don't click this link until you've thought about it for an hour. (link)
  5. All the political and economic activity against the Internet is making me think an individual will have to be leet to have his or her own website in the near future. Makes me think the past is becoming the future.
  6. http://savetheinternet.com/ I've been reading some stuff on the web about congress shutting down the Internet. I don't think it's very possible. People can create their own Internet these days. To take down the Internet would mean taking down telecommunications, phone wires, satellites, etc.. I don't think it's possible for the government to ban the Internet. It's possible to destroy the Internet, yes. But for someone to ban it, no.
  7. I looked at one of my posts and thought, "Man.. I have some writing issues in this." I was slightly tired the other day; therefore, my posts weren't on top of things. I should have made the sentence double negative; it would have been more accurate. However, I can't edit, because the ability to edit has been locked away after a certain period of time. Would it be possible for an administrator to bring the editing time up to 24 hours? If the editing time feature can not be brought up a few hours, then how much time do I have to edit?
  8. Math is abstract; therefore, anything can be as abstract as any person would like it to be. If Andy Warhol were a mathematician, then he would be able to point out the truth of his math to someone whom was expecting more. Andy would say, "What do you expect? This is what it is." The creator gives the clothes made of math to the tailor. The tailor may keep the clothes the same, for the creator had an original design that was perfect. Some people may have altered the clothes, while others without the pattern decided to make their own. And when you say their pattern is wrong, you may be right. Something or someone, if not somebody, knows the true pattern.
  9. This site's better than SFC, but I still like sciencemadness. I would say electrolysis of water. All you need is wire, some pencils, water, a glass, and a powersource.
  10. Makes me think there's a spaceship in the shop! Me wanna go in! I think I've heard this noise before. I like it.
  11. Lift fast and bring back down slow. If you can lift something in five seconds, bring it back down in ten seconds. Talking about routines is like talking about politics: Everybody has his or her own view. I perfer high intensity training. If you lift slow, then you're going to waste some energy. The idea is to lift quickly, and lift slowly; thus, this creates better resistance. If you lift slowly, one could assume that you wouldn't have as much energy to slowly bring the weight down.
  12. The deletion of hotmail is exactly why I stay with Gmail.
  13. Summarized: The average amount of sleep required for a task depends on the individual and the task at hand. -------- I've been told that soldiers in the U.S. military during the time of the Vietnam War would sleep an average duration of three hours while in training. Many people would commit suicide due to the lack of sleep and hard rigorous work. However, a person can function on low amounts of sleep, but he or she is recommended to stay away from hard labor or intensive thinking. Sleep allows a person to recover physically and mentally. If a person doesn't recover physically or mentally, then he or she will not be fit enough to partake in an activity that takes full physical and mental awareness. However, soldiers in the U.S. military obtain an average of six hours of sleep a day. The soldiers keep up this sleeping pattern for about 90 days or 9 weeks (I can't remember). Lack of sleep disables someone from thinking clearly. Some people can function well on six hours of sleep. I can do well on six hours of sleep. On a test day, however, I need my full eight hours of sleep; the full eight enable me to think clearly about my next course of action.
  14. I'd assume the motor cortex, Wernicke's area, and the occipital lobe. However, it would probably go in a circle; a person would have to read or visualize what he or she was writing. The writing process may include other parts of the brain. Perhaps you could describe more about ability. Define ability within the context of your question.
  15. TI-83 calculator (or other) with keyboard attachment. If I could go back in time, then I would have bought a really nice calculator with that keyboard. Think about this: Laptops take batteries that take hours to recharge; calculators need a few AAs or AAAs. Laptops take batteries that can cost about $100; Texas Instrument calculators take batteries that cost around $5.00 USD. Laptops need an external power source. Calculators run on batteries. A person needs a special spot in the classroom to use the power-cord. A person simply needs inexpensive batteries for the calculator. Laptops are a hot commodity to steal at schools and can sell for a very high price. Calculators can be stolen, but a the owner could always buy another, because he or she has money left over from not buying the expensive laptop. Laptops are heavy; the calculators are not heavy. Trust me. I would have chosen the calculator and keyboard setup. My laptop has broken a few times. I wasn't happy about the times it broke. I had the thing replaced multiple times. Imagine being on a trip. You wouldn't be able to power the laptop after the five hours are up. But a calculator and keyboard can always have new batteries put into it as if it were a Gameboy. People talk about laptops being the greatest thing on earth and a bag of chips, but they aren't. I've thought about selling my laptop more than once. I rather have an inexpensive desktop computer and the calculator with keyboard setup.
  16. I recently changed my password. I thought about changing mine on Wikibooks, but most people ignore Wikibooks.
  17. The idea I'm pushing here is reusability without need for replacement parts. The magenetic attributes allow a person to use the device like an etch-a-sketch or other magnetic drawing board. No electricity is required. Markers will not need to be replaced. No writing utensil will need to be replaced unless lost. The greatest downside would be the inability to erase/edit small things that were written; however, all things written could be erased if a person were to swipe the board. I suppose the ideal magentic drawing board includes aspects of chemistry, mechanics, and magnetics to a degree.
  18. But how much do they cost? I'm looking at ease of use, production costs, transportation, and other factors. Your school has electronic boards; artists have electronic boards; others have a tablet personal computer. But were they affordable choices? What would be the cost to replace those electronic goods?
  19. Here's a good one that would invoke conversation: What attributes and ideas do you think would create the next Great American Novel? It may not be the best pick-up line, but it'd get the person to talk. I assume it could draw out many talks. Or this one: Me: Is your name line? Person: Excuse me? Me: Is your name line? Person: No. Me: Oh, I have to pick-up line. However, this next one is my personal favorite: "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were a piece of blueberry pie." Crazy talk does wonders.
  20. Despite this idea being stolen from an on-looker, I decided if someone can do it faster than I can, then good riddens. Recently I've been pondering something on and off for the past few months: What if someone could make a magnetic drawing board like the ones for children? I notice these things work off magnetic concepts with iron fillings, but the hexagonal shapes that contain the iron fillings disable a person from making an extra fine and detailed picture. However, toys such as Pixter allow someone an electronic drawing area. Now these things are for kids, but I see uses for cranking out tons of homework problems, and a person wouldn't need paper to write out long and complex series of steps. However, that toy is electronic and requires batteries. A magnetic board simply works off magnetics. A person only needs a stylus and the ability to swipe (or shake) the writings away. A person could carry the device in his or her bookbag. The device could be used in math or math-related courses for schoolwork. It would have many applications for engineers. Such a magnetic board could be created for a lower cost than electronics. It would be like the new chalkboard; it would compete against whiteboards, too. Yet I don't see any magnetic drawing boards that allow someone to create a detailed sketch. How do you think someone would go about accomplishing this type of device?
  21. http://theunfunnytruth.ytmnd.com/ It's more serious than the other stuff on YTMND.
  22. That's right. I always forget about the ditch diggers. The other aspect of bring a dino back to life would be comparing physiology and immunology with other species. I'm sure there are tons of things people are curious about. I think there could be enough reason to support bringing back a dinosaur. I'm still curious about how long a dinosaur could live, despite the theories and assumptions. However, something like Jurassic Park? The park setting would not exist. I'm sure people would set up different labs in different parts of the world to mess with the dinosaurs. As fun as it would be to watch a park full of dinosaurs terrorize each other, I don't think it would be reasonable. More harm than good could come.
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