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Posts posted by Genecks

  1. Long ago, the Nazis did experiments with breaking bones of humans. That was a sure-fire way to figure out that bones do grow back stronger. Dr. Mengele was one of the contributors to this fascinating field of bone research.


    Perhaps there are different types of bone that repair due to osteoclasts and osteoblasts, and then there may be parts of bone without these cells. I'm not aware, however, of such a type of bone. There may be some type of bone like that, but I'm not aware.

  2. You want an electronic device to make?


    Here you go:


    Make an earpiece alarm clock. The ability to wakeup to an earpiece without disturbing others in the surroundings is the idea behind such a device. The proximity of the earpiece will allow the user to wake up in a timely manner without disturbing the noise level of the environment he or she sleeps in.


    I'd like one of those.

  3. Here's a lesson that you should learn well: Very few thoughts are original; always source if you can.


    Anybody who says he or she is original, better be pretty top-notch. Otherwise, that person is full of himself or herself.


    Here's a quote:


    "Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation." - Oscar Wilde


    If you truly did not plagerize(sp?), then tough shit for the teacher.


    That is the problem with the Internet these days. One day, all persons will have the same damn thought, posted somewhere on the Internet, and each person will claim copyright infringement; however, I assume you did copy.


    Also, who is to say Wikipedians don't plagerize. Exactly! You did learn the facts from somewhere, and you did not source those. Always source information unless it is common sense. Common sense= what the class should have learned over a duration while being in the class or what is covered in the class thoughout the term.


    Maybe you did; maybe you did not. Only you truly know. I'm not going to side with you here. I can only provide the tools in defense.

  4. It is best to be right the first time, then to have to do everything again 100 times over.


    I dislike the whole mathetmatics proof B.S. I leave that crap to the geeks who have a lot of free time. For me, biology is the only way to fly.


    Biology is a lot more interesting and productive; the results can be slow or sudden; however, things do change overtime with an organism; the changes make things less dull.


    I'm sure if someone were a pyro or crazy ballistics lover, then working with extensive chemistry and physics detail wouldn't be too bad. I assume it's all about why someone wants to do something in the end and why that person chose that career.


    - http://www.hhmi.org/becoming/


    Of course, in today's society scientists are getting screwed over more.


    - http://www.physics.wustl.edu/~katz/scientist.html


    Only an elite few will make it so far.


    I'm toggling between medical and scientific careers. Depends on where I am after next year.


    In the end it boils down to intrinsic motivation or hate or love or something.

  5. The thing is, "time paradoxes" are not time paradoxes at all. They are human reasoning paradoxes, and without the ability to test them they have no idea how the universe would deal with such scenarios.


    Exactly human reasoning.

  6. A human would burn out, overload, and kill over. The brain is a resistor for electrical current; therefore, if it was used to its full potential, then the electrons from biochemical would short it out.


    I assume a cybernetic implant would be in order.


    Efficiency is different than usage. The neurons may be used, but are they being used efficiently?


    The possibilities for the abilities accessed from full brain potential are unlimited. By the time one reaches 99 percent efficency, that someone would most likely have the cybernetic implant already embedded.

  7. Do what great hackers do: dumpster dive.


    A true scientist can sum up resources from around the person to the surroundings abound.


    I believe you could sum up many resources from dumpster diving within an eight month time frame.

  8. Studies show humans need to spend their money on something. These humans are spending money on objects such as cellphones or rims for their vehicle(s).


    For those who are not trying to look cool, smoking is a stimulant for the mind. I think others should ban cigarettes and replace with pot; that's just my opinion.

  9. I'm Irish-American; I have Roman Catholic origins; I can hold down me liquor.


    My brother talked to some people and he learned something:

    The family name on my father's side means blood in German.


    From my mother's side I have Native American Cherokee.

  10. Artifical selection. I suppose a few humans would live after that type of scenario; however, the population of humans immune may become so distant in the planet that reproducing would become difficult.


    The rest of the human race would die off while those immune remain; Darwinism would be playing a large hand.


    Some women prostitutes in Africa already hold immunity; Africa's population is whole different story of its own. I really don't like the eugenics done in Africa.

  11. Psychology is the study of behavior.


    If a person were to change the neurobiology/neurochemistry of an individual, then the behavior of the individual would change.


    Thus, a person would study the qualitative result from the quantified making.


    I suppose if I were to make a drug to change an individuals behavior, I would want a psychologist viewing the patient. To use a neuroscientist would probably be useful in brainscans, but not observable behavior among people.

  12. What is your opinion about people asking for advice?


    To increase intellect for obtainment of power.


    Does it irritate you?

    Yes; makes me have to ask for advice.


    Does it make you happy that people need your help?

    I don't really care about people. I do get annoyed by super noobs that want to know how to use a computer. They could learn how to type on their own time.


    Why do you think they ask for advice when they know the answer to their question?

    Do they know the answer? Does anyone ever know?

  13. Psychology is a social science.


    However, I believe it has more to do with science than the other social sciences. One could argue sociology is more of a science, but I disagree. Sociology comprises of people bitching about morals and society and how they think it works and why it works.


    I consider psychology part of neuroscience; neuroscience is part of science; therefore, psychology is more of a REAL science than history or other social sciences.


    It may not be a strict discipline, but at least it is a discipline that has the ability to be on a microscale and observable.


    I don't have a time machine right now; therefore, I can't go back into the past. I can't view the world's population; therefore, sociology seems somewhat futile and mutable. Psychology relates to neuroscience which is an actual science; since it has a tie to a real science, it has the ability to have science exported and imported.


    For the rest of my college career, I'm going to take psychology courses unless forced to do otherwise. All the other social sciences are crap and unrealistic in my opinion. Much of history was written by aristrocrats, which can alter the the true view of how the past really was. Much of sociology and other social sciences are biased. Psychology tries not to be biased at all, and psychology does not want to be biased unless things are left to interpretation. Some people in sociology avoid bias; however, bias is very reoccuring in sociology when it comes to social issues.


    I don't care about social issues. I call it all artificial and natural selection and say screw sociologists.


    Normal never existed anyway. There was, however, always a constant.


    Psychology is a subpart of neuroscience, which is part of science.

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