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Everything posted by Genecks

  1. Surely humans in the UK have thought the same things I have. Who have they spoken about as a business to invest in?
  2. Artifical selection. I suppose a few humans would live after that type of scenario; however, the population of humans immune may become so distant in the planet that reproducing would become difficult. The rest of the human race would die off while those immune remain; Darwinism would be playing a large hand. Some women prostitutes in Africa already hold immunity; Africa's population is whole different story of its own. I really don't like the eugenics done in Africa.
  3. Psychology is the study of behavior. If a person were to change the neurobiology/neurochemistry of an individual, then the behavior of the individual would change. Thus, a person would study the qualitative result from the quantified making. I suppose if I were to make a drug to change an individuals behavior, I would want a psychologist viewing the patient. To use a neuroscientist would probably be useful in brainscans, but not observable behavior among people.
  4. Your Type is ISTJ Strength of the preferences % - Introverted: 78 - Sensing: 1 - Thinking: 38 - Judging: 1 - very expressed introvert - slightly expressed sensing personality - moderately expressed thinking personality - slightly expressed judging personality - http://typelogic.com/istj.html - http://keirsey.com/personality/sjit.html
  5. Exactly. Psychology could be seen as the qualitative part of neuroscience.
  6. To increase intellect for obtainment of power. Yes; makes me have to ask for advice. I don't really care about people. I do get annoyed by super noobs that want to know how to use a computer. They could learn how to type on their own time. Do they know the answer? Does anyone ever know?
  7. Psychology is a social science. However, I believe it has more to do with science than the other social sciences. One could argue sociology is more of a science, but I disagree. Sociology comprises of people bitching about morals and society and how they think it works and why it works. I consider psychology part of neuroscience; neuroscience is part of science; therefore, psychology is more of a REAL science than history or other social sciences. It may not be a strict discipline, but at least it is a discipline that has the ability to be on a microscale and observable. I don't have a time machine right now; therefore, I can't go back into the past. I can't view the world's population; therefore, sociology seems somewhat futile and mutable. Psychology relates to neuroscience which is an actual science; since it has a tie to a real science, it has the ability to have science exported and imported. For the rest of my college career, I'm going to take psychology courses unless forced to do otherwise. All the other social sciences are crap and unrealistic in my opinion. Much of history was written by aristrocrats, which can alter the the true view of how the past really was. Much of sociology and other social sciences are biased. Psychology tries not to be biased at all, and psychology does not want to be biased unless things are left to interpretation. Some people in sociology avoid bias; however, bias is very reoccuring in sociology when it comes to social issues. I don't care about social issues. I call it all artificial and natural selection and say screw sociologists. Normal never existed anyway. There was, however, always a constant. Psychology is a subpart of neuroscience, which is part of science.
  8. Does testosterone really determine the final length of the penis? I don't really think that is the answer. I'm sure that the proteins and other biochemicals that comprise it make it what it is, but the master genes are what determines it in the end. The DNA must have a present gene that determines length, however the hormones will turn on that gene. Proteins, hormones, and other chemical signals act as biochemicals. - http://www.wiley.com/legacy/college/boyer/0470003790/cutting_edge/viagra/viagra.htm Heh; I can't give anymore sources because this thread is third or so on google. lol.
  9. Gas in the U.S. in the midwest is now $3.00 a gallon. This is slowly creeping up to minimum wage. A person working at minimum wage will now pay half of their earnings toward gasoline. The question has been stated, but is it really easy to pinpoint a hero? My interests are reasonably capitalistic and I'm wondering who to invest in. Does anyone know the company that many people are eyeballing? I'm sure In My Memory has some advice; although, I've never read much from her about this.
  10. I'm into neuroscience and nootropics. I'm glad to see another intellect around the forum for once. The other ones around here never talk much, and have little interest in what they do. The others simply come in and out with a little tad of info. I wonder if some of the people of betterhumans are coming around to these science community sites more and more. If so, he community of power is being created. I'm primarily interested in enhancing certain animals beyond humans. Many other people are interested in a certain animal: the parrot. With mirror neuorns and other interesting features, the questionable feats it could accomplish may be unfathomable, if enhanced. I'm sure beings could pinpoint humans; however, I have more belief in parrots. I'll watch it, but I'm more interested in the transhumanist that will come along to rise above all in order to destroy the world. *looks in mirror*
  11. Genecks


    Look people, you have two choices: Adultfriendfinder.com or Christian Singles' Night. Choose one. lol.
  12. I was going through the store today being a thrifty shopper. I could have chose the Atkin's shakes I typically buy; however, I didn't want to buy those because I don't feel they should be recognized as an addition for the Atkin's nutritional approach. I had to find an alternative. I've always liked the idea of buying those StarKist Tuna Flavor Fresh Pouches; however, always found them too expensive for my liking. The Atkin's shakes were more expensive: $6.00 USD for four Atkin's and $5.56 for four tuna pouches. As I saw these prices on the shelf, I became aware to the fact that the tuna pouches were cheaper. Something that has been a question on my mind lately is why the Atkin's shakes were becoming more expensive. Four shakes in a package were once $5.00 or so, and during that time, four tuna pouches were more expensive. I've always been concerned about the protein intake when it comes to these shakes and pouches. There are about 14 g of protein per shake, and there is 40+ grams per pouch. Certainly, the tuna is the better deal for those who want to increase their protein intake for a decent price; therefore, I chose the tuna pouches.
  13. Depends on age group. I like your advice herme3: hikikomori. I don't like the idea of people inflicting misery on themself; I like the idea of people recognizing they are hurting others; however, people don't seem to care about others; that is what is wrong with this world. A relationship is not necessary except for reproduction or an alliance. Although, most alliances and relationships turn bitter and rabid as each being turns against the other. Pain and hate can only come from relationships, and yet the blind do not notice how good they have it when they do not have a relationship. It is more painful to let go of those you love than it is to be alone. It is worse to be alone forever after letting those you love go.
  14. Somewhere in this following block of text:
  15. When you refuse to transcend, and when you decide to become immutable. You only fail when you choose to fail.
  16. Will you have my children? On a lighter note, I've never had any true physical relationship with a human. I think all humans are mushy and childish; humans never seem to become sociopathic idealists or vagabonds with a quest.
  17. I came from a distant planet before my rebirth in the 1980s. I don't know what you're talking about human!
  18. Why kill yourself when you can.... maybe I shouldn't go there. Go to Christian Singles. Atleast there is a slight chance women might be interested in having a decent relationship.
  19. Who says they didn't test it on those who didn't know they were being tested on?
  20. To this day, many people request using eBooks as an alternative to regular books for intellectual discovery. The ability to transport a library in a moment satisfies many people. The sad part of this controversy is how many eBook reading devices are being shut down and put out of production. Other eBook devices are sprouting in foreign lands. The devices in North America and the U.S. have come to be large and expensive PDAs. It's very interesting to see how low grade these eBook device technologies are. I'm suprised an electrical engineer hasn't created a solar powered eBook with the same technological attributes of a laptop for power conservation, but at the same time only stuffing the essentials to lower cost of production. Seriously, think about it. Why are these type of crappy P.o.S. eBook devices still around? I've been into electronics and computer science for over a decade and I'm amazed to see people are using a PDA style format for people to read a book. All these devices are simply a really big PDA that is overpriced. The laptop is the superior choice when choosing to read an eBook. However, the inferior support the battery life of a laptop gives can frustrate the user. The old devices that amaze me are SoftBook, Everybook, and Qubit. - http://www.writerswrite.com/epublishing/edevices.htm I'm sure most people would be interested in the recently developed $100 USD MIT laptop; however, they created it more out of capitalist idea and foreign relations than supporting those who are less fortunate in foreign lands. I'm sure if I post something up to a hacker site, a few people would get to work. This item is money in the making; however, so many publishers refuse to let books turn into eBooks
  21. It's all about desire and motivation. I'm sure if you want to destroy the world or rule it, then you might be able to become a recluse.
  22. You call it a simulation, but is it really? What if it were to become self-aware? Would it become Skynet?
  23. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_gene_therapy I read that a virus will inject its DNA into a somatic cell in the body and then create therapeutic proteins that are required for an organism. I kept reading and learned that this injection, in situations, would lead to a permanent cure for a defect in an organism. Questions: Is the virus fought off and eventually erased from the human organism? Is the virus a permanent addition of the human creature after injection?
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