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  1. Prove that P = a ± b? ABSTRACT. The aim of this proof is to create a system that can solve itself without human intervention which encompasses an AI choice mechanism, a self awareness system and a model for an expanding universe. The AI choice mechanism and the self awareness system is after the model must have been created. Basic number theory shows that it is possible to combine any number by the addition of two other suitable numbers.Still in general, it is not impossible to prove that P = a ± b because the said "Proof P = a ± b" support the infinite list of possible numbers which when added together sum to any given number. The proof: Prove that P = a ± b? using a formula. (Optional: when P ≠ a ± b at a point to infinity i.e. when P = 1 to both positive infinity and negative infinity).Given that P is arbitrary number where a and b are entities of the arbitrary number. The knowledge base (encapsulated, appropriate for public use): Prove that A = B when A ≠ B at a point to infinity i.e. a point to both positive infinity and negative infinity. Note: Both the Proof and the knowledge base amount to the same thing. Firstly, in order establish that P ≠ a ± b. Let's consider that a = P where P is arbitrary number. a + b = P implies a - P = -b. a - b = P implies a - P = +b. Thereby ±b can equally occupy a given space. And If and only if -b = b when b = 0. Then the logic demands that a + b = a - b. Such that P = a(+b - b ) Therefore for every negative b, there is a positive b where P is arbitrary number. So that P = a(0) Also that P = 0 Thus P ≠ P and P ≠ a ± b end. Note:If we can generate a proof that P = a ± b.Then P = a ± b can resurrect from here. Since 0 = 1 in quantum mechanics and 0 = 1 is infinite with the Proof P = a ± b. Therefore P = a(1) and P = a. Since a = P when P = 1. Then P = 1. Thus P = P and P = a ± b end. However, P = P with the proof P = a ± b where 0 = 1 at a certain point of the application. Alternatively, P = P if 0 = 1 like in quantum mechanics but it has a limit. Though the proof P = a ± b has no limit.So the proof P = a ± b can aid "0 = 1" in quantum mechanics! Now. From the proof P = a ± b which implies a - P = ±b. Let's consider that: a - P = ±b. To the extent that: a - P = 0( + b - b ). Such that a - P = 0(0). REASON {THE ENTANGLEMENT}: Importantly, both the proof P = a ± b and the knowledge base simultaneously yielded equal variables until b = 0. When b = 0, the proof P = a ± b yielded -b and the knowledge base yielded b respectively. Therefore +b and -b can coexist but logic demands that -b = b when b = 0. Thus everything amount to zero (0). Also. From the Knowledge base: Given that B is the existence of A. If A ≠ B.Then there is no evidence to show that A and B exist to an extent that B is not visible at this point. Therefore, A and B are consider to be nonexistent illusion when A ≠ B. If A = B.Then there is an evidence to show that A once existed and B exist to an extent that B is visible at this point. Thus B is the only evidence that A once existed. ILLUSTRATION: Assuming space system is the domain that hold each group of orientation in space according to the concept. While movement (m) is movement of an object (P) in space from an infinite origin. Now, let's assume this orientation in space, ( -b, 0 , b ) or ( b, 0, -b ) is in relation with the expansion of the universe.Such that we have the following result at each movement (m) ranging from a negative infinity to a positive infinity passing through the origin 0.i.e From an infinite origin... The Proof P = a ± b at a certain system yields this where system here is considered to be the difference between P and b from a + b = P: At this stage before the turning point P ≠ a ± b or A ≠ B. When movement (m) = -5 contraction of the universe is ( -3.0, 0, 3.0 ) When movement (m) = -4 contraction of the universe is ( -2.5, 0, 2.5 ) When movement (m) = -3 contraction of the universe is ( -2.0, 0, 2.0 ) When movement (m) = -2 contraction of the universe is ( -1.5, 0, 1.5 ) When movement (m) = -1 contraction of the universe is ( -1.0, 0, 1.0 ) When movement (m) = 0 contraction of the universe is ( -0.5, 0, 0.5 ) When movement (m) = 1 size of the universe is ( 0, 0, 0 ) Thereby there is a turning here and a turning point can be determined. Note: P is consider to loose its form when movement(m) ≤ 1 i.e when P ≤ 1.Thereby b is not visible until when P ≥ 2. At this stage after the turning point P = a ± b or A = B when A ≠ B. When movement (m) = 2 expansion of the universe is ( 0.5, 0, -0.5 ) When movement (m) = 3 expansion of the universe is ( 1.0, 0, -1.0 ) When movement (m) = 4 expansion of the universe is ( 1.5, 0, -1.5 ) When movement (m) = 5 expansion of the universe is ( 2.0, 0, -2.0 ) When movement (m) = 6 expansion of the universe is ( 2.5, 0, -2.5 ) When movement (m) = 7 expansion of the universe is ( 3.0, 0, -3.0 ) This continue to infinity... Thus: Let consider that when contraction of the universe is in DISORDER or CHAOS ( -b, 0, b ) is less than or equal to ( -0.5, 0, 0.5 ). Such that there is a turning point when expansion of the universe is ( 0, 0, 0 ). So that there is a turning when expansion of the universe is in ORDER ( b, 0, -b ) is greater than or equal to ( 0.5, 0, -0.5 ). Therefore the turning point which is the point of the Big Bang could be determined when there is a sufficient reason. This tells us that DISORDER beget ORDER.i.e DISORDER = ORDER. Therefore, the universe can be said to be homogeneous in this manner for every arbitrary number as it is expanding from when b = 0 to infinity, when b ≠ 0. As a result, lightest element i.e. hydrogen atom “lifted” in a linear super positioning would be an appropriate tool for the model. All this explanation is in relation with what quantum entanglement is all about. What we're doing is also to generate something out of nothing where nothing is quantified as space. Wisdom is needed to understand all that i have written. Wisdom is the right application of knowledge. It's a math for singularity. Cheers!
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