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Everything posted by Prince

  1. Volcanic eruptions can be controlled. The extent of the control of each individual volcanic eruption is different. To stop a volcano from erupting, or reducing its eruption, you don't drill where the volcano is active in order relieve the pressure deep down in the earth. That would be a waist of time. In order to relieve the pressure that is backing up to a volcano, you would find out where the pressure is backed up from, and for volcanoes it's always behind them, just like any other creation of the Earth. Here is an example of what I'm talking about. Let's say for instance there is a pond high on top of a hill that contains water. Farther down the valley from the pond is an artesian water well where the water from the pond above spurts out above the land further down hill. The only way to cut off the supply of water from the pond above is to block off the water coming from the pond above. Drilling around the artesian well is not going to block off the water, just as drilling around a volcano will not stop the supply of magma. End of example. In order to control a volcanic eruption you find where the flow is backing up from. Magma is only exiting from a volcano because it is the route of least resistance. If you can make another route deep in the ground, the new route of least resistance, then the volcano will not explode. The only reason why a volcano explodes is because another route of least resistance has become blocked by an earthquake. A man made earthquake is all that is needed in the regular route of such underground flow of magma. There are two ways to discover such underground routes of magma. One is simply to go to the volcanoes and aim a piezoseismic directional optical telescope down into the ground and follow the detected flow that is probably tens of miles below the earths surface. The other option is to learn where the volcanoes link is at, and then cause one or more man made earthquakes in the linked area that are known to be directly linked by timed observations. You can view some of my videos on such matters on YouTube. http://www.youtube.c...MexicoGeologist I touched on the subject of how to control volcanic eruptions in one of my videos in 2009.
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