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Everything posted by holly_2009

  1. i think the relitives should honor the wishes of the decesed, it isnt going to hurt anyone by donating if that is their choice and the point of a donor card is to make a choice in case of death
  2. iseriously didnt know that differnt contries were so differnt in their numbers and i never thpought about 13-19 i guess it wasnt ever that important to me... oh well i still dont get why england uses base-20?!?! i mean it just seems silly to me that they wouldnt use the first number in the tens place... but life goes on we will all get over it or atlast most of it but i am glad to know now that one billion - one billion doesnt always equal 0 (im going to trick some people at school on monday about that lol)
  3. well i have to say that spelling doesnt have anything to do with intelligence especialy if you are like me and cant spell at all and it is only worsened by the fact that typing i dont pay attention sometimes and i will constantly miss spell things and that doesnt mean that you cant to use spell check ... it is a great invention but as for the blonde thing i do belive that culture has alot to do with the way blonde women act as far as intelligence goes and i personaly being a farily intelligent blond think that being blond doesnt make you stupid BEING STUPID MAKES YOU STUPID!!! also most of the smartest people in my school are blonde and they are straight A 4.0 gpa geniuses.... now im not saying that everyone with a 4.0 gpa is smart because there are a few exeptions to that rule... well i have said my peace and im moving on
  4. being a chick i can only say that i have no idea what to compare that to but i do know it would probably be like..........having a breast removed and that would be really awefull experiance.... i am truelly sorry and i agree that you couldnt compare it to a nwborn they never really got the chance to experiance being with it
  5. wow im going to do a journal entrie in 3rd blk tomorrow about this and see what my english teacher thinks
  6. that is kindof the point .....it is a test to see how well you follow directions (7th grade science class first day)
  7. it is either 31 mutilated fish or just 10 as you stated in the begining..
  8. you never said how tall the tunnle was..... sohe could have just turned around and walked back.... im prolly not right but it was worth a shot...
  9. wow...... i havent heard that in ages....... of course it is nothing unless you dont belive in god or the devil and the answer would be ....42.....(think from the movie hitch hickers guild to the galaxy for those who dont know)lol
  10. I used to do problems like this in the 5th grade in my gifted and talented class and they are so much fun!!!
  11. "god is no where" prolly cause i dont belive in the convetional monothiestic aproach or logic to "god"
  12. ok .... one question if all of what you say is true then the big bang theroy is flawed if it stared the expansion of the univese where did the 2 intersectiong masses come from? what were they? and where were they because if this theroy is correct space did not exist and therefore the theroy could not possibly be complete because the masses would not have existed..... another thing if they (the masses) were from a previouse universe where did it come from??? this seems to be an ongoing dilema what happened to trigger such a giant chain reacton in the fist place....... those are just some of my thoughts while reading this....
  13. i do not belive a deisese is killing off the human race any time soon....... but mabey the dieseses are trying tokill us off so we dont over populate and since we have all but lost our naural selection survival of th fittest thing i think it is trying to make up for it by sicknesses..... just my idea though
  14. i need help ....... so i chalenge any one to come up with the longest list of energy transfers that they can! i need at least 10+. the first thing must start with the sun thanks for your help:-)
  15. but wouldnt less people do drugs if they were leagle??? i mean doing leagle things takes all the fun out of it for some people but i do get where you are coming from that most people dont have self control and i dont think that all drugs shold be leagleized (sorry i cant spell) i also agree that no under the influence should be allowed to us machienery...... also i bet with proper funding our government could come up with a road side test in no time that is fairly acurate ...... i also think the show House is cool
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