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Everything posted by 7th

  1. 7th


    He may have made it up... I can't see him making it up with no premise; 100%. What I do believe is that he had backbone -- If I were to tell you I knew this backbone, I would be tagged as "psycho" or "pseudo", or "psuedo-psycho" whatever, all that matters is I know exactly what they group condemns, and all I had to do was look at the symbol, and watch a few videos of tom cruize. I got to the point where I'm uncomfortable, scared that my current experiences/knowledge may endanger me and my family. I've done a lot of scurrying down different rabbit holes, picking out parts here and there, comparing and re-comparing, doing the essential dirty work to understand certian aspects of life with better vision and thought. I just want to help people, and I know why. Confronted with so much gulli-goo, things that try and sway me away from anything that directly points to what I know/had found... It just doesn't appeal to me, this information that flows through society like a disease. "The only man in the world who doesn't believe he's mad, is a mad man"
  2. 7th


    If I were the media, and scientology somehow came up with unfailable logic that may have changed a few things, a few views on the current world, politics and some sciences. That could potentially overtake many religions with logic rather than... 'faith'; I would use the following ploy: Scientology is a group that thinks aliens, leaded by master Xeon who found out that his planets were over-populated, so he dropped us here with all of our current technology and from that we progressed and populated each square meter of land. The group itself asks for much money, millions to be a level 10 scientologist and use mind control techniques: pseudoscience.
  3. 7th


    If I were the media that's exactly how I'd interpret them.
  4. 7th


    a quote from www.skepdic.com, a site I recently starting using Just wanted to get everyones opinion on scientology, is it a religion worth getting into?
  5. 7th

    Fertility Rate

    Thanks ser, wrapped it up for me Oh, and my fear was decrease in the amount of people who follow my religion. It's okay, I was just a bit jaded from that video.
  6. 7th

    Fertility Rate

    My link -Total F.rate- http://en.wikipedia...._fertility_rate -Muslim Pop-Rate- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Muslim_population Some of this also comes from my own experience, there has been a increase in the amount of Muslims in my are over the past few years - a big increase. Asking whether this happens.
  7. 7th

    Fertility Rate

    Oh!! Very sorry miss, I'll go find it. I should of said prior that I was asking a question >.< I'll find the numbers real fast.
  8. 7th

    Fertility Rate

    well, is the video incorrect?
  9. 7th

    Fertility Rate

    A random youtube video and did some quick research on wiki.
  10. G'day, I've recently be told that the fertility rate for a country to grow is a minimum 2.1, and in the US at this very moment it is 1.8 - however with the amount of illegal muslim immigrants with their rate of 8.1, soon enough, America will become a muslim country.
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