He may have made it up... I can't see him making it up with no premise; 100%. What I do believe is that he had backbone -- If I were to tell you I knew this backbone, I would be tagged as "psycho" or "pseudo", or "psuedo-psycho" whatever, all that matters is I know exactly what they group condemns, and all I had to do was look at the symbol, and watch a few videos of tom cruize. I got to the point where I'm uncomfortable, scared that my current experiences/knowledge may endanger me and my family. I've done a lot of scurrying down different rabbit holes, picking out parts here and there, comparing and re-comparing, doing the essential dirty work to understand certian aspects of life with better vision and thought. I just want to help people, and I know why. Confronted with so much gulli-goo, things that try and sway me away from anything that directly points to what I know/had found... It just doesn't appeal to me, this information that flows through society like a disease.
"The only man in the world who doesn't believe he's mad, is a mad man"