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Yes, especially Singapore. The main motivation for development of Jerusalem is rather political. For example, there is a huge multi-billion usd$ light railway project now in the city, which has a single purprose - to connect the occupied Jerusalem with other parts of it and create an impression of a united, indivisible city. The most interesting thing is that the light rail will pass in arab neighborhods but won't even have stops there. This WiFi project has probably the same goal. Everything to present Jerusalem as a unified capital of Israel, indivisable and not negotiable -- not any part of it will be given to the Palestinian.
"Jerusalem rebuilt as a city that brings about connectivity" is a very rough translation of Psalm 122,3 - but it could be coming true, as modern-day city fathers prepare Jerusalem to become the first city in the world to enable full wireless connectivity to the internet." http://www.israelnn.com/news.php3?id=66031
Latest update: France: Sharon's persona non grata
Marry Ethan Levin Honey!
Come on people, woman is in need. Only 165 days left for her engagment and she needs more candidates. Where's your altruism? VOLUNTEER NOW! Don't ask want Blaire can do for you, ask what you can do for Blaire!
It's Time For Blaire To Get Married....and She Needs Your Help!
awwww baby... chaos, panic, confusion. can't help but love it
Sharon Urges Jews to Flee France "They have to move immediately." / Le Premier ministre israélien a appelé dimanche les juifs de France à "immigrer" immédiatement en Israël * The Jewish Agency has already chartered a plane that next week will bring 200 Jews from Paris, the agency's spokesman said. UPI Los Angeles Times: "Sharon Urges Exodus of Jews From France" BBC Report Paris proteste contre l'appel de Sharon aux juifs de France Le Premier ministre israélien, Ariel Sharon, a exhorté dimanche les juifs de France à immigrer en Israël "aussi vite que possible", pour fuir, a-t-il dit, un "des antisémitismes les plus sauvages". Link Big News Network Report ninemsn Report XNA Report Sydney Morning Report Washington Times Report Globe and Mail Report PA Report TSO Report Teletext Report Guardian Unlimited Report Sky News Report
Then I rather scuba doobie doo than post here. Goodbye.
I tend to ignore rules that do not fit my conception.
& It's not like Haaretz is going to sue you, you know - you're not really someone worthy of the attention of their lawyers.
In any case, it's not like Israel cares about NZ sanctions. Israel has 0 embassies in Australia/New Zealand, and 6 in New York alone.
As a Jew and an Israeli myself, I speculate whather Mossad itself is responsible for this vandalism. There haven't been anti-semitic attacks in NZ for 25 years, zero - and suddenly someone comes and destroy a Jewish grave yard? 16 graves? It's more than a work of one person, and I don't see the average citizen of NZ being motivated to do that just because Israeli tried to produce counterfeit passwords of his country. I do on the other hand spot great interest for the Israeli government to do this/for this to happen, as it can present the situation in totally different light. Just my paranoid speculations...
What is the point of posting a link if it's only for registered members? I assumed no one her was, so I didn't post it.
Read the article: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2004...l?oneclick=true There is a link to read without registering at the bottom of the left-hand column.
and i don't think she's crazy, just someone who was trying really hard to become famous.. don't you all want to be stars on sunset boulevard?
I accidently used "new thread" instead of "post reply"
Remember the 23 years old french woman that claimed she and her baby were attacked on a suburban paris train? she claimed 6 arabs approached her, kicked her baby out of her hands, took her wallet, cut her hair and t-shirt and drew a svastika on her body after discovering she lives in the very wealthy neighborhood in paris were obviously a lot of jews live so they took her for a jew. anyway, c'est rien que de la merde. she just admitted at the police that she made up the story, the one who drew the svastika and cut heir hair was one of her girlfriends. they used the jewish thing to draw attention because wouldn't the attack be portrayed as anti-semitic it would probably not be heard at all, but since we jews get very vocal about any attack against members of our tribe she counted on that to make her famous. What a chienne foutue!! But I really really like what she did. Isn't that amazing that people try to become famous no matter how hard it is. Now she could be sentenced to 1 year in jail, but who cares, she'll probably won't go there but to some lunatic house where she'll be able to draw attention by shouting out phrases like: "Baise moi sil vous plait!". Bahahahaha.
I think a lot of arabs are being angry because how Jews in various positions treat them. It's no secret that the war on Iraq, Afghanistan was masterminded by people who were mostly Jewish and that is no secret to anyone since it was even published in Israeli newspaper "Yediot Ahronot". Of course, there is also the thing with Israel which causes all these feelings. But what is amazing is that muslims are murdering countless blacks in Africa each week just because they are christian, and nobody even hears of it! It's somewhere on page, uhm, 59? People like to blame America, Jews for everthing when the fact is that these arabs are responsible for a larger portion of world problems. Do you think if Israel just stopped the occupation there would be world-peace? If the US became a laid-back nation with no foreign policy? People read that several iraqis/palestinians were killed an immediately shout "Genocide", when in fact it's a lot better to be an Iraqi or a Palestinian than a christian in an arab nation. Everyone remember that sharon gave weapons to christians who killed 500 muslims, but nobody remember that arafat directed a group which executed nearly a 1,000 christians in a village in lebanon in 3 days. So really, these arabs really should know when to stop.
In china they raped a girl in a bus and 40 passengers did nothing
VERSAILLES, France - A young woman and her baby were attacked in a suburban train near Paris on Saturday by unidentified men who drew swastikas on her stomach with a pen in what police said was an anti-Semitic assault. The six attackers who were armed with knives clipped the 23-year-old woman's hair, and cut her t-shirt and pants before drawing three swastikas on her body. The men of North African origin also overturned the pram with her baby of 13 months. In the attack they robbed her backpack which contained her identity papers, a bank card and 200 euros ($250). Police said the attackers erroneously assumed the woman was Jewish because she was living in Paris' posh 16th district. "Only Jews live in the 16th district," one of the men was quoted as having said. French President Jacques Chirac expressed his horror and condemned what he called "a shameful attack." The perpetrators must be found, held accountable and condemned with the full severity of the law, a statement issued by his office said. French Interior Minister Dominique de Villepin asked police to find the attackers within the shortest possible time, his ministry said in a statement. The attack was "all the more serious because it was marked by racism and anti-Semitism," he said.
Think more concretely. If you have a report to prepare, and you're extremely uninterested in its subject how do you get through it? Answers you given me were far too general. Really, I don't need to hear a lecture about the role of science in our lives, I just want to know how students/researchers get through assignments which they find painfully boring and seziphic. I am a student, and I find some subjects were interesting so I don't need encouragment to explore them, but there are specific assignments - not many which I'm terribly uninterested in performing. So think you're in my position, you got a huge report to prepare, you don't really want to do it - how do you actually do it the most effective way? I expect rather than conceptual/philosophical answers a more practical and down to earth reply. I for example tend to break such assignments into several parts, spread them across my time so I wouldn't have to plunge into them that much, which results in a somewhat dilitant but over-all good work. I have a bit of attention deficit, so I never sit on something for 10 hours or something - I usually integrate play into work and mix flirting with studying. To be slightly more focused I have asked a perscription for 'Concerta' which is a 24-hours ritallin and I use it despite the absence of ADHD diagnosis simply to improve my concentration. But really, what I want to do here is ask you how you do it, not share my imperfect way of doing so. I'd like to hear from experienced insightful people who are capable of giving answers that are of any use to me. I'm a lovely person who shouldn't be taking drugs that aren't designed for my problem because they'll be more of a hindrance than a help and invite you all to stay in my lovely thread wonderland and maybe have cookies before we all come together to form a solution. Sincerely, Juanita Goldstein.
i do hope your reports are more articulate than your reply.