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Everything posted by pierre_s

  1. Hi, I have two very specific questions. I was trying to read this paper : http://downloads.bbc..._connection.pdf and i noticed that equation 3 and equation A6 were different : Eq3 : L(t)=Q(t)/£(t) (not dimensionally correct) and Eq A6 : L(t)=Q(t)/£(t) * delta_t When you read under equation 3, you understand why this is like that ; they say : "As seen in Eq.(A6) of Appendix A, lifetime indeed has the dimension of time, being multiplied by the sampling time interval (which is here equal to unity–1 day)." Questions : 1/ Is it ok to have a dimensionally wrong equation if you say why in the text right next to it (i.e. numbers have a dimension and here because the time interval chosen is unity ) ? 2/ Is it common practice in Physics to do that ? Thank you ! Note : i do not want a comment on the paper itself, just on this specific point.
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