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Dr. Dalek

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Everything posted by Dr. Dalek

  1. We humans, just like any other animal, must put our interests befor the interest of other animals. Does a wolf think about the interest or pain of a lamb that it needs to kill in order to eat? We need to test animals with drugs and medicines in order to make sure they are safe. However I could care less for vivisection or cosmetics. So you have no good strong argument but you make up for it with a big font?
  2. So that being said probably a lot of genetic disorders arise from very small mutations. One change could screw up the whole protein.
  3. No it dosn't, Man made CO2 only represents about 3% of the total CO2 released annulay the rest being natural. There is a very big and obvious hole in your facts. http://www.ujae.org/globalwarming/Presentations%20on%20GW/slideshow%20january%202002.pdf Page 16
  4. Thats why I hate cities.
  5. I'll certainly be interested to see the results. I still feel uncertain about the ethics though. I always wondered about using animal stem cells modified to seem human.
  6. I recently read a book by David Grinspoon, who is a comparative planetologist for NASA. His book was titled "Lonely Planets" The Natural Philosophy of alien life. Using real scientific knowledge and the history of belief in extraterrestrials he presents a number of ideas and facts in order to educated readers and encourage them to speculate on the subject. At one point in the book he states that the characteristic of carbon to form long polymers is necessary in life as we know it, then he goes on to say that this property of carbon is shared by sulfur. Under certain conditions sulfer can form polymer compunds, molton sulfur is found in abundance on Io, and like some carbon compounds sulfur compounds can be broken down for energy. Speculating of course, could sulfur be the basis of life on some other planet rather than carbon?
  7. This sounds feasible, at least initially. I'll do some research and get back to you.
  8. Given that the amount of CO2, produced by mankind annually is only 2% of all the CO2 (the rest being natural) produced, I would say there is an over emphasis on CO2. Quite frankly I doubt much human impact in the way of CO2, or greenhouse gasses because the supposed climate scientists and environmentalists can't get there stories strait! I also doubt that Global warming will bring about end of the world! The only thing related to man made climate change I would give attention to would relate to surface albedo. Cities absorb tremendous amounts of heat and are often located near water. Water temperature effects the weather and therefore the climate. Granted the effect of heating up water near cities would not bring about the end of the world, and probably would not cause too much trouble altogether, but it is something to think about.
  9. I agree; I have always wondered if people were more skilled and tough during my grandfathers boy hood. People were ultimatly concerned with survival and work. These things, as I understand it, in the long term promote a heathier gene pool as neutrino86 has pointed out. Also in the short term people develop more skills and work ethic out of need for it, where as today people in the USA are obese and lazy. Sometimes I think I would be happier if I had to work harder for my food, and clothes, I'd appreciate it more. Also I ask that no one point out the conflict between my opinion and my signature, because I am already aware.
  10. Don't forget the most obvious one; Lemmings! As far as I know they arn't sentient though, or even that smart.
  11. I thought when one part of a protein, or other complex hydrogen containing organic molicule, changes it alters the the shape of the molicule because of changing hydrogen bonds. Are you refurring to the vast number of redundancies in the Genetic Code => amino acid translation: IE the multiple ways of coding for the same amino acid?
  12. I was reading about Directed Energy Weapons on Wikipedia and I came across this article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MARAUDER I find it interesting, it seems to be talking about a Plasma weapon with anti-aircraft potential. However I can't find much information about it on the websites the article cites or on the web in general. Does anyone here know about this MARAUDER project?
  13. So your logic is that our interference has caused a population problem so we need to interfere MORE!? in order to fix it. How long did you actually think about this? Genocide; Mass-Sterilization. Six of one half dozen of the other. There close enough, besides you are treating the ability to sustain ones self as if it is and inheritable trait. People get, rich, well off, finically independent with luck as much as with skill and intelligence. People who could sustain themselves wouldn't necessary produce children who have enough money or resources to sustain themselves.
  14. I read that one could clone using eggs of other animals, just using DNA of the desired animal (in this case a human).
  15. How do we know that the entire history of the world is screwed up for us? I've read articles about people who have found human artifacts in rock older than they are supposed to be in. There are natural explanations (as I recall), but its attracted the attention for many conspiracies.
  16. Yes, but that means the converse is true, if you are wrong then you are also likely to give in to another persons argument. It probably is more related to tenacity then how much or how hard you think about something. Perhaps caffeine makes you more apatetic.
  17. I did some research and the Guy who is making the claims on alien life is a Physics reader. If he were a Professor of Biology he may have come to a more sound conclusion. What does a Physics Reader do anyway, I can guess his job has to do with physics and reading, but how do you get paid for that? And why did he come to a conclusion involving Astrobiology research if he has no credentials in Biology?
  18. Hit with the right force in the right place, Krack!!!!!!!!!!!! sempre ubi sub ubi: Always wear under wear! I learned that in Latin I
  19. I hate to nit-pick but if it has no DNA it is not really Bacteria, it needs some other designation. (Just kidding, I love to nit-pick)
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