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Everything posted by random

  1. Drm doc it's theory.............. and it appears you can't read a simple sentence without trying to reinterpret it or twist it around into somthing stupid so I have had my fun we'll let this thread fade off into the distance. I feel I clearly defined the difference between actual dreaming (deep sleep) and perhaps "conscious fantasy" is a suitable term. Continue to show your superiority, we're all saps and your brilliant.........geez I tire of know it all know nothings too quickly these days.
  2. Dreams don't make any sense, Yes we have all likely heard stories of dreaming precognition, meaningful dreams providing some level of insight etc, The dreams we remember are the ones just before waking while the brain is still swimming in melatonin but progressing to a waking state, So therefore it stands to reason (in my opinion) that the brain is actually producing conscious thought. What about all the illogical dreams ?????? flying, being chased by out of water sharks with machine guns? all the stupid crap? It seems to me if there was a "great message" to be heard during sleep it would be consistent in presence and form and persistent instead of random. No I will take the stance that it's either a placebo effect or it is a level of conscious thought. when we have a meaningful dream, it's not a dream at all but moreso a "in between" level of a sleepy brain and full alertness. We are still able to maintain a heightened level of connection to creativity which we only seem to have during sleep but we are able to consciously reason. It's like those lucid dreaming machines that allow you to control your dreams, they wake you up , your actually awake but still groggy enough to fantasize therefore........not really dreaming is it? It's conscious thought.
  3. It's all theory we don't KNOW for certain we just hypothesize Since this is a science forum I will stand by my statement medical professionals concur with that dreaming is indeed a form of psychosis it is not a close minded view by the medical profession it is the closest and soundest theory we have. However keep posting please I am viewing with an open mind. You make some sound arguments. sorry I meant logical arguments. It's still theory. I love theory. We would never get anywhere if everyone agreed.
  4. Actually dreaming is a form of psychosis though it's not considered psychotic because we are able to differentiate between what is real and imagined. That's not to say it is not a highly creative state, More than one person has been able to solve all the worlds problems in a be it medical or drug induced psychosis. It Seems your brain during sleep or psychosis goes into overdrive and you think faster but you can only cling to and remember a few fleeting thoughts the rest are dismissed You only remember the 1 just before you wake. Numerous studies have been done on tapping into the subconcious the problem is it is very difficult to control the information because you must enter a sleep like or trance like state, This is the same reason information retrieved through hypnosis is taken with a grain of salt, quite often the recalled memories are false memories created by the brain because of the situation. However if a person designs a new invention and say's "it came to me in my sleep" well there is a prime example of increased creativity while dreaming. Trying to develop the ability to switch from this "dream" state to awake state is delicate grounds I have heard of some sleep cycle a chap developed basically involving what we would consider sleep deprivation however the theory is the body adapts (hog wash) More than 1 person lapsed into psychosis from the lack of sleep although upon recuperation alot of them had gained an increased insight ( common with brief reactive psychosis) similar to a person who achieves a spiritual awakening. So I would say yes you can very much tap into increased creativity while asleep but playing around with stimulants and sleep deprivation in order to " dream at will" is likely gonna cause a whole lot of problems. years of meditation may give you the same effect as well.
  5. Actually I quite enjoy letting my posts and the threads evolve, It is so much more interesting and leads to some very intelligent and well thought out debates. It's not neccessary to stay exactly on topic all the time , however if we go from talking about schizophrenia to the moon is made of cheese (unless I lapse into psychosis and am utterly convinced of this) well then there is a problem.
  6. Well I take the stance that it is mathematically impossible for there to NOT be life on other planets but the distances are so huge and would require such a huge energy source to overcome that we'll not likely be able to send or receive visitors. The only thing we have that could possibly do it is nuclear energy for distance or possibly some elaborate 1 way stage rocket for speed. We are a young species and perhaps the smarter ones gave up on such a waste of valuable resources. I myself would rather have a stockpile of precious nuclear fuel on hand to take us out of here should we be staring at a doomsday asteroid than use it all up trying to reach another planet. That being said the earlier theory that perhaps they are sending signals and we haven't got the technology to receive them seems acceptable to me. If you don't have a TV you can't pick up the broadcast can you? it's alot cheaper to send signals than vehicles so unless they have some constant supply of fuel they ain't coming and we aint going.
  7. I was fiddling with a back molar and 2 small pieces came off I was able to crush them into a powder in my fingers!!!! I brush twice daily and listerine at least once daily I do not floss but my teeth are well spaced allowing tooth brush bristles to clean very well.. Needless to say I will be going to the dentist right smartly but I thought it very peculiar for the tooth to just crumble!!!! What would cause that!!???? and how would one correct it? Oh it's worth mentioning I am a smoker. I have no cavities and have not since I was a kid.
  8. Well with energy you cannot create it from nothing for example a hydro electric dam runs from the energy created by rushing water there is no creation only converting that force to turn a turbine which generates electricity. There is no such thing as free energy it can only be converted into another source never created. I am wondering if the same holds true for Carbon, We are carbon based life forms after all so is there a finite source of carbon or is it constantly being generated? Because Carbon is constantly being recycled and converted into other forms It makes sense to me there is only so much (albeit alot) So I guess the short question would be does nature as in our planet create carbon or just recycle it?
  9. So we know that energy cannot be created only converted my question is does the same hold true for carbon, Is there alot of things in the same type of non creation only conversion cycle?
  10. Not me buddy it's all Greek to me, I think I'll stick to Time travel is impossible with today's technology but nothing is impossible indefinitely, That's the extent of my intelligence in this area. Time after time as technology develops we find a way to accomplish.
  11. I have to disagree, To label it as a contributing factor when it is the only factor leading to the sickness/ self destructive behaviour minimalizes the reason behind the person's declining health. "he's sick because he won't eat" "he's sick because he hasn't slept in day's" "he's sick because he's an alcoholic" Those are contributing factors the reason behind them, The actual sickness is the broken heart, Feel free to call it chronic depression if that would be acceptable. Dying of a broken heart is common terminology for the depression that sets in after the loss of a significant other, Such as 2 elders in a nursing home.......1 dies...........a week later the other 1 follows..........is the depression a contributing factor to the death or is it the only factor? Quite likely without the depression and stress that accompanies it the person would have lived much longer.
  12. This should likely be in the psychology section but yes I believe so. We have very strong emotional needs, as anyone who has been through it knows having your heart broken can be traumatic and lead to self destructive behaviour. The Stress from the loss causes lack of appetite, severe depression, possible chronic addictions ........well you get the point. It's not the loss that will kill you it's how you react to the stress of the situation and if your body can endure it. During mine I starved myself, never slept, drank enormous amounts of caffeine ( no joke 40 cups a day) and smoked 4 packs a day, I lost 50 lb's and gained a recurrent psychotic mental illness. Quite possibly if I had not been institutionalized I would be dead.
  13. Schizophrenia is made up of both positive symptoms (tactile, audible visual hallucinations, delusions etc.) and negative symptoms which are mostly the same as depression.It is possible for either of the group of symptoms to be present individually, simultaneously or intermittently (however without positive symptoms a diagnosis of schizophrenia is unlikely) As far as psychosis I can honestly say it isn't unpleasant Rarely do I have frightening or horrific "visions" or voices. I think that much depends on the person , if I were paranoid people were trying to poison me or kill me or the voices were always ridiculing then yes I think It would be uncomfortable and any relief would be most wanted. My symptoms manifest themselves seemingly only while under stress and they consist mostly of the voices of deceased family members which is pleasant for me. Throw in the odd very erotic and realistic fantasy hallucination/ delusion (also not unpleasant) (not really a hallucination more like dreaming while awake) and then the occasional (but persistent when occuring) delusion of grandiosity and there you have my schizophrenic symptoms. After a while (and occasionally the psychosis becomes more persistent. Imagine if you will being able to control your day dreams to be whatever you wish and them being so realistic you cannot differentiate between real or imagined (until it stops) You constantly question in the beginning ( of the psychotic episode usually which lasts for 3-7 days) if it happened A state where you can go anywhere, be anything, and your brain adapts to this and throws in enough surprises as to make it unpredictable and life like and you have what I have a diagnosis of schizophrenia for. Then it seems to go away on it's own I'm very much aware of what was real and what was not at this stage (for the most part) and it won't occur again until I'm in a situation of too much stress R.E. a conflicting household or physical stress (lack of sleep) I am also very adept at not sharing what is happening so most people have no clue unless I tell them or they read somthing I wrote while it was occuring. You are not the first person to question if it really is schizophrenia and I myself believe schizophrenia is an umbrella term for psychosis in any form but it is what it is.
  14. OK so not really a super computer but I have decided to build 1 with say 8 gigs ram 3 terrabytes hard drive a couple CD/RW's all that stuff (thanks EBAY!) but what does the giga hertz and all that mean with the processors? you see nice ones with 4 gig ram with 2.6 Ghz and fairly generic ones with 1 or 2 gig ram and 3.6 Ghz I want the best of the best, my theory is to build 1 and avoid all this upgrade.......upgrade expense just update the OS as needed every 5 years or so. It'll be an Asus motherboard designed for 8 gigs ram and run windows 7 I guess because XP won't read that much ram. Anything else you think might be useful for my project please include it..........of course in simple terms please The goal is to click and there is the program no waiting even while multiple programs are running.........be nice to burn a dvd while doing somthing else like watching a movie and surfing the internet etc. I'm not a gamer either just movies
  15. Thanks for your reply the drug I took is called Invega the mildest A typical anti-psychotic out there and I was taking a very low dose which still caused side effects which I feel outweighed any potential benefits. Call me a hippie because I hate pharmaceuticals but I would rather deal with mild psychosis than sleep my life away, gain 20% of my body weight, potentially suffer from Tardive dyskinesia and of course the memory problems anti psychotics cause, memory loss/ poor functioning is the symptom I find the most distressing and enhancing that loss was very distressing for me.
  16. Yes It seems to me there should be some sort of "hiccup" that would tell of the impending disaster.........there probably is and some likely knew about the earthquake shortly before it happened, The problem is how do you almost immediately warn an entire country? or even a city for that matter? In time of war there is a warning system for impending attacks that functions without the use of mass media, sure maybe sirens are ugly and require ongoing maitenance to only be used for 5 minutes every 30-40 years but come on look at how many lives would have been saved. As well those in the know likely knew a Tsunami would follow (i'm not sure how long after the quake) if the general public had of known I doubt they would have casually sat by the water. I watched the speed of the Tsunami and maybe it was misleading but it sure seemed to me you'd have time to get to high ground in a vehicle. And as a final note Japan knows it is earthquake and Tsunami prone so it makes sense to me if you know it's gonna happen you don't build at or below sea level, The bridges were above the Tsunami wave so should have been all streets. I'm sure some safe guards will be put in place to keep people happy but will it be a false sense of security? Seeming as there will be alot of building happening I think it makes sense to construct buildings able to withstand (not all will be constructed in this fashion I am referring to the ones that are) with more stairs to enable ascent to higher ground and more exits. If your stuck on a lower floor inside while it's filling with water your going to drown and be pummelled.
  17. So I've been starting to slip so to speak ( those not familiar with me I am diagnosed schizophrenic) lapsing into dream like states and not being able to differentiate between being awake or dreaming. So yeah sounds like psychosis. just random acute attacks. This was the same way a long lasting psychotic episode developed within me before. (which was the first one in 11 years earlier ones were alcohol withdrawal) I do not take anti psychotic medication because I do not like the side effects associated with them and I recovered fine before without them. I'm just curious to other peoples take on my situation. Would a brief dosing of anti psychotics be worthwhile? I understand that starting and then subsequently stopping this medication can in itself cause schizophrenic like symptoms to appear. As well I did take this medication for about 6 weeks and saw no improvement however it caused me to sleep about 16 hours a day and a total loss of sex drive and energy for alot of activities. My gut tells me to stay away from them so maybe our educated users have some other suggestion so I do not end up in a mental institution again. Thanks in advance.
  18. It is rather common in less developed countries for deficiencies to cause symptoms that on the surface appear to be a severe mental illness however when proper nutrition is provided quite often (more often than not) it is realized the psychosis or other odd behaviour was an acute reaction. This is very common where there is not an adequate meat supply, upon consuming meat the symptoms go away. It is my personal belief that in our more developed countries these potential causes are often over looked, and purely for the reason another user stated, Because it's not expected, Stress often causes loss of appetite, lack of nutrition renders the body less capable of handling stress, (so even more susceptible) therefore the body responds and presents symptoms commonly associated with mental illness, So I don't know how much that helps but it is my perspective.
  19. Psychology is too hypothetical. there is no way to draw conclusive evidence that theories are indeed correct, Who should be able to define normal and abnormal? Why are they correct when a large portion of the general public disagrees? Diagnostic criteria is too broad so as to encompass many ailments under an umbrella term such as schizophrenia, Should a science not scrutinize and seek out causes and correalations before coming to a conclusion? Psychology is nothing more than "best guess" No other medical profession has anywhere near the number of mis-diagnosis as psychiatry and psychology where it seems "if the shoe fits........wear it" Maybe psychology is a science but those practicing it are poor scientists.
  20. I wouldn't consider it a science at all. My defining criteria is that same or similar input should result in same or similar output. Such as in chemistry a specific combination of elements results in a specific reaction. Wherein psychiatry/psychology which to a large extent relies on self reporting or the reporting of a close family member is entirely subject to human error and misconception and weither the doctor has had coffee yet Thus I believe results in a diagnosis which is nothing more than "best guess" The same scenario with a different explanation of symptoms can and quite often does result in a different diagnosis as well 2 or more doctors could also interpret the information differently and arrive at 2 entirely different and contradictory diagnosis for the same patient. Show me consistent repeatability and maybe it'll pass for a science but nope not yet. The DSM is open to interpretation as much as the Christian bible and that hinders repeatability. But then what do I know I'm a diagnosed schizophrenic.
  21. Atheists choose not to believe because the existence of God has not been proven to them satisfactorily. Much like Christians reject the notion of Hindu God's, Greek God's etc. Alot of it comes down to, Why are we here? How are we here? Unanswered questions. As Human's we like to believe there is an explanation for everything and put it into terms we can understand. If you take into account the scientific knowledge of the era when Christianity developed Well a great mysterious creator was probably the most logical explanation. When you take a look at what we know now you can see we have learned alot more about how the earth and the human race developed but it still leaves the perplexing notion...............Maybe God planned it that way. So that's my unbiased opinion my heart tells me there most certainly is a God and an afterlife, Each and everyone of us knows at least 1 person who has had some form of paranormal experience, The Atheist say's it was your mind playing tricks on you but I also think most of them possess a little doubt as to the certainty of that. Scientifically we know energy cannot be created only converted, Life is a form of energy, Is intelligence? Ahh we'll leave that to the deep thinking philosophers to sort out over the next thousand years.
  22. Yes the brain can certainly survive a huge amount of injury, check out a site called rotten.com. A man quite literally blew his head off with a shotgun , all of it it looks like 2 masses resting on his shoulders and he survived, though i do not know if indefinitely the site is too disturbing for me to go and check.
  23. I think the question refers to aluminum wire used in the transmission of high voltage current in power lines. There is nothing to even consider using uninsulated aluminum wire in a residential or light industrial setting as safe.
  24. Seems to me you will need to give yourself a history lesson into the installation methods of knob and tube wiring which was non insulated aluminum wire and ceramic holders to support the wire. Modern aluminum wire is insulated. nope scratch that i was second guessing myself and for good reason KT wiring wasn't aluminum KT wiring came earlier and was insulated though poorly. share your answer when you get it because I cannot find a single reference of any aluminum wire ever being installed uninsulated. except for overhead power lines so perhaps we're looking for the wrong answer
  25. specifically how does a psychologist determine what is truth and what is false. Seems there has been a number of cases where the psychologist through the course of study actually creates the environment to produce them. My interest lies with a young child of 9 who is making accounts of his father which could be quite harmful. His Mother encourages anything negative about the father and does not challenge anything from the child but should the psychologist not do this? Would a psychologist not have a moral obligation to find the truth? I am mostly interested in the process of determining fact from fiction in cases such as this.
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