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My hat is off to you Marat, your responses are always informative and well written, as per this website you have an uncanny ability to relay information without an emmotional response.......... I respect that. It shows discipline, and to accept the replies of a person such as me without hostility or a sense of aboveness (arrogance/ superiority?) shows character. I may not be able to communicate my ideas as efficiently as some of the more well spoken members but at least you make an attempt to understand and for that you should be recognized. Thank you Marat.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Highly-Sensitive-People---Traits-and-Characteristics&id=81866 This is a link to a more in depth description wikipedia also has a posting on HSP or what you consider an "EMPATH" There is science to back it up which these articles don't touch on just help with a diagnosis. Science attempts to explain that some people have the ability to process verbal cues and facial expression at a higher level and speed than what is average. You are making an outlandish claim that globalizes this ability amongst all schizophrenics and well.........I have to disagree. I've been committed to a mental institution and I can tell you first hand HSP is not an attribute of every schizophrenic. Some of us yes, I met 1 girl with the same characteristics and we were kindred spirits but it could be we were brought up in a similar fashion which gave us similar personalities and beliefs which would then reflect the "theme" of psychosis and delusions. I share your beliefs to an extent , it is important to analyze in a logical and objective fashion here as we are amongst "hard evidence" no nonsense factual thinkers. Do I believe I have a higher level of intuition than most? Yes........Do I believe the emmotions of others can influence my own? Yes........Do I believe I can communicate with those deceased ? Yes 1 and 2 are easily explained #3 is not. Could be brief psychotic episodes that's not to say they don't contain valuable information, as a HSP it could be the minds way of communicating somthing similar to dreams of premonition which I am sure everyone knows at least 1 person who has had 1. The HSP may have noticed subtleties others have not which the brain interprets as say a sign of illness it then communicates this to the conscious mind which the person interprets as impending death and they can therefore make an accurate prediction of death. Nothing magical about it really just extreme attention to details. Parents do it with children all the time noting which particular cry means what. An outsider would not understand the pitch and sense of urgency but the Mother knows. a HSP is just extremely in tune.
well you would like to think so but nonetheless i have the diagnosis. So anyway what is your level of agreement with me having caused PTSD from a psychotic episode? Since the event was very real for me and i relive it often causing quite a bit of discomfort.
Well I guess it's all in how you look at it the schizophrenia would not have presented itself without the stress and the stress would not have triggered the symptoms without the underlying illness being present. It's also important to note the many different types of psychotic illness which display schizophrenic like symptoms but do not meet the diagnostic criteria which defines schizophrenia. Anyway I tend to believe it is a social disease brought on by the individual's lifestyle. I hypothesize that the same individual in a different setting would not develop the illness and also that once it forms the brain actually creates pathway's to allow it's recurrence. Much like you can train yourself to retrieve memories easier. Also that a person susceptible to the disease will have a tendency to over analyze and or dwell on events moreso than the average individual which would create a lucid dreaming state and thus lead to the formation of the illness. But what do I know just the ramblings of a crazy man.
At the height of my psychotic state yes I did very much have auditory hallucinations and grandiose delusions as well as tactile and visual hallucinations. I am not arguing all the symptoms match but all the symptoms can also be caused by poor diet and sleep deprivation as well as isolation and use of stimulants. All of which I was subjecting myself to. These contributing factors were ignored. Considered the ramblings of a crazy man and therefore unimportant. However the experience has left me much more susceptible to mild psychotic episodes. Current symptoms are triggered by an extreme fear of confrontation as in when a person yells or I see a violent act in a movie I have a huge shot of adrenaline and become very uncomfortable. This in turn causes a state of paranoia where I find myself trying to think of what other people are thinking as if I am trying to read their thoughts which is an internal auditory voice of the person whose thoughts I wish to know. Adrenaline seems to cause the most severe episodes. I think it's also important to note the people whom I wish to contact in panic are most often deceased relatives whom I consult with for advice. The experience is very real and comforting for me. On occasion I do try and read the thoughts of people I know in everyday life but I am very much aware that this is nothing more than an attempt to guess what they are thinking however during the experience I very clearly hear the persons voice conveying the thoughts. Which I do question as being a hallucination or real. Different psychosis I also believe is a result of a persons individuality I was very much into psychic's and clairvoyants so my psychotic state conforms to those beliefs Much as a person who believed in aliens would likely have a state of psychosis which reflected their beliefs. I think because psychic ability is widely accepted as possible enforces my delusions so I can sit here and say all day long I understand it isn't but in my mind I believe I am psychic and I actually contact these people. The advice and guidance given from my deceased relatives is very accurate to each of their personalities and it can be argued that it's coming from my memory of these people but I choose not to believe so. Back to your original question though I have not noticed a decreased ability to track movement but I have a great deal of difficulty integrating new memories and concentrating. I also have visual hallucinations, though rare which I believe to be apparitions and I also on occasion experience tactile sensations of someone grabbing me around the throat with their arm and pulling me back. I think I actually caused PTSD within myself because during one of my most lucid episodes I was the female victim of a murder where in I experienced every sensation from having hands bound to being smothered to being zipped up in a sleeping bag (actually feeling the fabric) and being dragged up the stairs feeling my head hit in each and every stair and being cast into the water and feeling it's coldness and wetness. When you experience things so clearly and realistically well ........you'll never convince me it wasn't real that this wasn't the spirit of a dead girl who wanted someone to know what happened to her. But you know you can't say stuff like that to a psychiatrist now can you because then you'll be diagnosed as schizophrenic. Unless of course they were inclined to share your beliefs and see it as a heightened form of awareness or a religious awakening. So yes in some circles I'll address the psychosis and in some circles I'll deny the psychosis. I only argue that antipsychotics are not appropriate for me because they have such severe side effects which I do not feel out weigh the symptoms. As I am not launched into a severe psychosis where I am constantly being bombarded with intrusive thoughts nor do I find the experiences frightening in the majority of cases. The symptoms that concern me are the memory loss and difficulty concentrating or learning new things. All of which are often amplified by antipsychotics. Being awakened at night and getting very little sleep is a pain in the ass too. Often the result of a flashback of the murder I "experienced" or my own abusive relationship I was in. Hope this has provided some insight into the thread topic and nature of the illness. I wish I could have provided a first hand account of a person whose delusions and psychosis was not so widely accepted as possible because I have no doubt some will argue I have a gift but the individual case is what it is hopefully people stay on topic. We are not discussing if psychics are real. When I was what I term full blown psychotic grandiose delusions such as i was an angel of god having a great battle with the antichrist or i communicated telepathically with neighbours who all knew of my purpose but we couldn't speak out loud about it only telepathically were also present. It's as though your brain will take steps to make sure you do not end the psychosis because the fantasy world is better than the real world. Sleep and real food ceased this symptom in a matter of days but it was present.
I believe the majority of psychiatry is speculation. Having suffered a series of traumatic events then subsequently exhibiting schizophrenic like symptoms and then being branded as schizophrenic I can tell you from experience that it is common for a psychiatrist to treat the symptoms and not the cause. I was prescribed an anti psychotic named invega which i never took only said I did and over time the symptoms disippated with no treatment. However I find now that similar situations do trigger the symptoms and I honestly believe alot of diagnosed schizophrenics are the same way. If I reduce stress in area's of my life I am fine when I am subjected to stressors I am not. As it can be said schizophrenia is much like dreaming while awake in some psychotic episodes you can be a great and powerful person secretly admired by the world and in others you can feel as though everyone is watching you and people are trying to communicate with you through telepathy. I find sleep or rather the lack of quality sleep ( dreaming state) is also a major contributor and so it is quite possible for me to self medicate with melatonin in rather large doses (6 mg before bed 6 mg upon waking in the night) and to reduce symptoms that way. For those interested onset of my symptoms was caused by poor diet (I lived on lettuce and potato for 2 month's) lack of sleep, consumption of caffeine and nicotine in extreme doses ( 3 pks a day and likely 30 cups a day) As well as the stress of extreme isolation since I lived in the middle of nowhere ( Yes you drive to nowhere and then go a little further and that's my house) The personal stress I will keep to myself as that is no one's business. Also being struck in the head with a very heavy object which knocked me unconscious. I am also 30 yrs old which is an uncommon age group for schizophrenia to begin. So the experienced can try and define what or which factors caused the development of schizophrenia or that I am not schizophrenic but somthing else the information is only provided to allow forum members to hear first hand from someone diagnosed with the disease.
Well then we need to get into definition of addiction and reach an agreement as to what defines addiction. Many medical journals and user testimonials state addiction happened (happens) with first time use. So is addiction an intense desire to use the substance again for the pleasure inducing experience or is addiction only defined as a negative physical reaction if the drug is not present in the body? I personally define it as the intense desire to use the substance again which will with constant use eventually induce the physical aspects of addiction.
Well where I come from we have a prescription narcotic abuse crisis. Many after being prescribed and then becoming addicted and then having to overcome the horrible physical withdrawal switch to pot. As too many pot smokers won't touch em. People smoke dope for many reasons recreational use of any mind altering substance is always going to be with us. Alcohol is responsibly consumed by many as it is also abused and in my honest opinion alcohol is much more harmful. I also know many with medical problems who would not be functional without it such diseases as lupus and HIV. So my thing is that since it isn't that bad legalize it. Narcotics like cocaine and heroin that cause addiction with first time use are the ones we need to look out for not the ones that more or less make you feel a little drunk.
actually tobacco use hasn't done much what happened was i gave up coffee and drank tea for approx 6 month's. This I discontinued but the stain's just will not go!!! i have heard of doc's asking to rinse with hydrogen peroxide to avoid infection so assume it is safe but stilll i think bleach if done ever so carefully would totally clean it but i worry about setting myself up for major tooth decay. i'll check the links soon. thanks.
Why is there no forum for (insert field here)?
random replied to Sayonara's topic in Suggestions, Comments and Support
I'd like to see one for design and creativity where individuals were free to think outside the box without some know it all coming along and calling them an idiot. (albeit politely) Seems there is alot of focus on what we know in the engineering section as opposed to creativity and adaptivity. Engineers are supposed to "make it work" not quote a whole lotta reasons it won't. Sorry I just like science to be fun and ever expanding where has all the experimentation gone? With all the intelligent people here we should be able to build somthing awesome!!!!!! I remember in readers digest a story about a 12 year old kid who took apart smoke detectors and enhanced the radioactive material to weapons grade and essentially built himself a nuclear weapon or generator i forget which. Now come on if a kid can do all that (which alot of our "engineers" would say is impossible) Let's do somthing cool!!!! NOTE: NOT BUILDING THINGS TO BLOW THINGS UP!!!!! -
What would happen if you carefully put a small amount of bleach on yellow teeth? being very careful not to ingest it of course say using an artists brush. Same goes for anal bleaching aside from that hurting like hell I imagine. Alot of these pursuits of vanity are outrageously expensive and yet I believe they use the same basic product but perhaps in a stronger or weaker formula. I have also seen girls use ordinary household hydrogen peroxide to bleach their hair albeit in a few sessions because the concentration is not as strong as the hair dressers so perhaps this would be a better and safer option than household bleach for the other tasks? though I still would like the answer to what bleach would do. Perhaps it is so caustic it would destroy enamel I don't have a clue. But if it would do a good job and not lead to teeth decay from a 1 time use it sure beats blowing 500 at the dentist IMO. I quit drinking tea and have been using whitening tooth paste to no avail. It is only 4 bottom teeth giving me a hassle. Butt bleaching is just outta curiosity I saw it on you tube as becoming popular but expensive!! The things women do to please men I tell ya. I routinely use bleach to remove nicotine stains from my fingers so that's where the idea came from. It does burn a bit but works perfectly. Can't imagine it on delicate area's though
Well perhaps where the death would act as a deterrent it is worthy of consideration but in all reality that's pretty rare. If they aren't killed they are imprisoned for the rest of their lives and neither of those punishments will deter mentally ill or extremists or sociopath's etc. Now if they were of sound mind and subjected to a very public and brutally torturous death lasting a long while then that would act as a deterrent for that type of killer IMO But then what happens once they see an innoccent person subjected to this type of punishment? We get a huge public outcry and shun the act so why mess with what works reasonably well now?
Well if you had read the post I made before you would see I agree with you on needing more money and I never mentioned violating the laws of physics I just suggested a little more be considered possible before throwing the author's idea's on the fire. What ticks me off is when someone posts and then someone comes along and criticizes (somtimes very rudely) It does nothing Maybe I'm in the wrong place because I'd like to see more constructive criticism and valuable input rather than say "It'll never work I read it in a book" "I'm smarter than you and your idea's are useless" cause that is how alot of people respond. It would be alot more fun for say all of us to input our idea's on the subject, someone interested and knowledgeable to come along and advise where it needs further work, so on and so forth. Until it was a feasible and possibly developed model.
Yeah but it seems we have alot of book smart people and not very many unorthodox thinkers. Seems to me if we combined the 2 in a positive manner then alot more would be learned and expanded upon as opposed to simply saying it's impossible in a polite way. I believe nothing is impossible we just haven't figured out how to do it.
Just once on this forum it would be nice for someone to take an idea and build on it rather than "quash all hope" with their superior intellect. Intelligence should be able to understand and expand rather than be so negative all the time. I can quote all the reasons why something won't work too that's easy, someone already figured that out, but I like to find ways to make things work and I think alot of people come here looking for help in that regard. That being said we know in space when an object is set in motion it tends to stay in motion because of no friction or gravity etc. So If you set into motion a ship at say 1000 kph I believe if once that speed has been attained you could then launch another vessel from this one which is already travelling at 1000 kph and achieve (just for arguments sake) an additional 1000 kph so now your travelling at 2000 kph do this several times and eventually your travelling pretty fast. Another thought i had was simply a slingshot effect. The moon spins at x number kph what would be so hard about attaching a hefty cable with a quick release and once the vessel has gotten it's momentum up and is pointed in the right direction just let it go. I don't know why people smarter than us don't look at low tech as feasible. There are alot of things we can do with today's technology and just a little creative thinking as opposed to over complicating things excessively to justify huge budgets and employ 1000 scientists or so to dream about what they could someday do if they had unlimited resources. Nuclear power was a pipe dream til someone put foot to ass on development and then it was ready to blow shit up in very little time all we need is for space exploration to become as much of a neccessity and we'll be vacationing on mars in 10 years.
Yeah check out Avery vinyl and you'll come up with somthing they were our signage raw materials supplier when I did that for a living.
What is needed to synchronize christmas lights to music
random replied to random's topic in Engineering
Ahhh o.k. I kinda get it. I remember as a kid wiring x-mas lights in to a speaker terminal (bout 1 light per watt of output) and the lights would flash according to the beat so that explains why i couldn't find anything like that. I was hoping it would be some sort of crossover that would work the same way but input the sound and convert it to AC to run the huge amounts of lights neccessary. Yeah I'll just use my method on a christmas tree rather than go so huge I guess. Even that will be pretty cool Thanks though guy's I appreciate it -
Just playing on you tube and decided these were very cool!! this one starts lame and then becomes amazing!!!
Yeah this is definitely turning into a personal ethics debate and therefore nothing productive is coming out of it. It seems many are unwilling to show any form of empathy or compassion at all. Rather they are stuck on how their opinion is perceived by people they will never meet off line. Supposed to be a forum for intelligent conversation and debate but it seems the people allow emmotion to overide structured thinking. Several have admitted acceptance to what they believe is "justifiable" homicide hmmmmm. So........... It's perfectly o.k. for an individual of sound mind to kill for a reason society considers protective or out of neccessity but it is unacceptable for the mentally ill to kill for what their disorganized thinking and delusional frame of mind considers reasonable ?. Not to mention the stable person was clearly coherent but their defence will argue some form of temporary mental incapacity as present to justify the actions. Seems that in many cases of "justifiable" homicide the only reason the person is allowed to escape or minimize punishment is with the vague "temporary insanity" plea. Therefore society does not even consider such acts as acceptable and it therefore places your opinion of "justifiable" as just that, a personal opinion. So I believe I have just provided a good argument as to why your thinking is flawed and hypocritical and now I await your reply.
Why has no one thought of this food product?
random replied to Green Xenon's topic in Medical Science
Dieting is big business I often wondered myself about why no one has developed a product that contains all vitamins minerals and protein required per day but with practically no calories. kinda stupid we have operations to suck away all the fat or restrict the stomach to super tiny size but not a simple product that has everything you need with alot less calories needed per day. Pill form would be ideal and some sort of inert "filler" kind of like yeast that makes you feel full. -
Surrounding a 7 year old boy who claims to be able to alter time with his brain and events as well. Claims to have imaginary friends as is acceptable with this age group however he has a pronounced inability to concentrate or focus and converses with hs imaginary friends in a complex manner. Poor upbringing for this boy as he is somewhat isolated and left to his own amusement more frequently than is acceptable. So is the delusional beliefs an issue or will he simply grow out of it? He has not blamed his imaginary friends for his behaviour as would be a childlike interpretation of schizophrenia so I don't know but some of his actions are bizarre to say the least.
Can you explain love with science?
random replied to WendyK's topic in Anatomy, Physiology and Neuroscience
Well my feeling is we can explain love with science thoroughly and justly. Provided the psychological aspects are considered sound and not just speculatory. Throughout history we have seen a variety within what is considered a desirable mate We also know of those who considerably lower their standards with regard to physical attraction because of their own low self esteem. This suggests to me that love can be learned. Since there is no scientific study of this and to do so would be unethical (r.e. a control group brought up without demonstrated love and affection) we need to look throughout history and how societies views of relationships adapted and then altered what was considered to be love. Also some people are incapable of love for 1 psychological reason or another so we know love is certainly not a trait hard wired into our genes such as the need to mate is. We love because it feels good and when that stops we no longer love anymore. Pleasure is a chemical reaction as is the stress that ends love so it seems to me someone alot smarter and knowledgeable could put it all together in a easily understood format. -
know any good shoulder exercises?
random replied to random's topic in Anatomy, Physiology and Neuroscience
Should mention I'm still lifting weights too though not as much in an effort to straighten it out. -
So I tore the ligaments in my shoulder about 5 weeks ago was told to move it but take it very easy for a week so I did stretching and stuff. problem is it still hurts like hell and i cannot reach over my other shoulder to wash it etc, cause it hurts . Doc reccommended physio when I did it but I'm lazy and would rather learn the exercises here and do em at home than have some specialist bend me all over.
Is the person who is extremely brutal in a murder more ill than one who kills humanely? Dahmer I believe was the one who thought pouring acid through a hole in the skull onto the frontal lobe would create a somewhat lobotomized sex "toy" That failing he killed and ate them. He was given life imprisonment though it could clearly be argued he was extremely mentally ill. In my opinion he was a monster but it wasn't his fault. So he does not deserve to die but society must protect society. Government likely spent more on plastic ice cream scoops and eccentricities than the cost of humanity in cases like these. What about the mentally stable child molesters who are deemed significant risk to re-offend? They are released into society when it's been proven rehabilitation is useless. (should be castrated IMO before) Only to re-offend and be apprehended again and again. A psychotic individual who is put into remission with medication is very unlikely to relapse while taking their medication. Soooooo it is in essence a rehabilitated individual whom at the time had no control over themselves and should not be held accountable for somthing which they had no control over. That's why we have charges like involuntary man slaughter and the like. But it needs to be guaranteed this person will not discontinue treatment and then become a significant risk to re-offend That's where the issue of trust come in isn't it? Can we trust this person to not make an error in judgement?