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Nah we'll just do what we alway's do........build it bigger remember how big a simple computer used to be? occupying an entire room and 56 mb was a gigantic amount of combuting power? we now fit gigabytes into a key chain. Your cell phone can do more than the first huge computers could.
It was an intriguing read about how this organization basically puts drug addicts to sleep with anaesthesia and administers detoxifying drugs to clear the opiate from the brains receptors. But as with most things on the internet it is extremely difficult to get through the "media hype" to solid facts rather than sales pitches. Does this work as well as it appears it would? I think the detoxifying is half the battle with an addict who fears the physical withdrawal and discomfort associated with it What is a professional opinion please?
Yeah but the U.S. is so broke right now fighting pointless wars that I bet Obama's limo coasts down hills to save fuel. I agree the space program is important but not when money is so tight. If Nasa makes a manned mission to mars it will be an incredible feat who cares about the moon we've already been there. Long distance space travel is so much cooler we want our star trek fantasies to become real. And besides the cost of retrieving the minerals on the moon is so prohibitive it would be nothing more than an expensive hobby. to try out new technology that really has no valid purpose to exist anyway.
How to Regrow the Rainforest in 10 Minutes or Less
random replied to Smithsonjohn's topic in Science News
Yes and no I am a professional cabinet maker and wood afficianado and am familiar with numerous wood species from highly exotic and ultra rare to the lesser and more common. The technique is not very well thought out.(without looking at the link because it does not work) The idea would incorporate rapid growing trees often referred to as weed trees such as Aspen and poplar. These species are susceptible to disease and pests and as such rarely live past 30 years of age. They have a very invasive root system which is needed to support the rapid growth, are very easy to root (r.e. fallen branches) leading to rapid over growth and stunting of descendants. However poplar is the most successful agricultural tree in many countries so it does lend itself quite well to reforestation albeit in the short term. The main purpose of restoring the rain forest for the sake of this argument would I assume be carbon capture? as the altered species would require a great deal of adaptivity on the part of local animal species to stop their rapid extinction. Because of the relatively short life span the carbon would be continually recycled on the forest floor and quite regularily, It's also worth mentioning that the allelopathic reactions are not known and I would be rather pessimistic of an invasive new species of tree having a minimal effect. It would be better than leaving the land bare as any attempt to repair is better than nothing in my opinion but it is certainly not a restorative project. These trees suck up alot of water in their growth too such a plan could leave the highly fertile soil as sandy and useless as a desert in very little time. I would rather see these species used for fuel and the untouched rain forest be left as is their high energy in energy out ratio makes them perfect for this. As well the construction industry has taken note of these woods and they are now used in ply wood structural members fine trim etc. much more extensively than in the past. These uses allow the carbon to be stored for a much longer period of time but not indefinitely. I wish these highly intelligent people would look at the big picture before becoming gung ho about their ideas. There must be a more effective and long term way of storing carbon than just wood. We can turn highly volatile petroleum by products into almost eternal and useful hard plastics what is so difficult about doing the same with carbon? -
well kinda sorta, as an intelligent species our habitat is somewhat different than the animal kingdom. We can survive and thrive on less habitual space and have the resources to compact our agricultural area we need for food. In the animal kingdom a species could require 1 km square per member in order to effectively find food we do not need that much because we can combine our resources and efforts. Your number gave me a starting point crammed we would need .00065% of the earth's current land mass let's expand that to .001 only to make the figures easy though I have not yet computed the figures I am going to guess that we actually require in terms of food and housing less than 1% of the space on this planet to live comfortably. It is our drive for everything new and little re used that makes our world seem so small.
And that confirms my suspicions, we hardly occupy much of the earth. Now I'm going to find out the amount in lb's of food we consume per annum. If you are wondering why it is because of all the conspiracy talk about how we are over populating the earth. There is plenty of room and plenty of food as far as I am concerned we are just not very good at sharing. After I get all the neccessary info I'll start a new thread in the appropriate forum. Thanks for your help.
o.k. the question is if we take the earth's population at any given time in the present (what it is approximately) and we stood everyone side by side on one continent approximately how much of the earth's surface would be covered by living human being's. We will assume each person covers 1.5 square feet of space. to avoid a large debate about how to average the size. I became interested after viewing images from a satellite. from the eye in the sky it does not appear that humans occupy a significant amount of the earth's crust even when you include buildings roadway's etc. from up there a city looks like a bottle cap on the lawn.
As knowledge is gained the more it is sought. When we were incapable of terminating pregnancy we were as nature intended but now that we can tamper the more we wish to do so. Is it a better decision? Well "as nature intended" an unwanted baby is abandoned to die. Though rare in the wild world it does happen. This imply's to me that even in a lower intelligence scale or instinctual behaviour if you will.........that we are capable of independent thought to serve our own basic need for survival. Abortion just makes it easier to follow that impulse to survive and avoid the stressor chemical release that tells us we are doing somthing wrong for us. Then we have the other side of the coin, In our natural state , as intended, it would be a drastic measure to abandon off spring to death such as a famine. It offers the question........what are we doing so stressful and harmful to our bodies to warrant the death of our off spring? In my opinion the stress leading to such a drastic solution is what should be eliminated, but then I am anti-abortion. slightly off topic but how do you suppose we learned what each section of the brain controls? That knowledge was around long before we had technology to identify the electrical impulses in specific area's. Someone's NEED to seek knowledge and tamper led to some very brutal surgery. When science causes such horrendous violations to learn what you seek, it is no longer science, abortion should have never been discovered. The first rule of ethics is to do no harm.
I think we worry too much. I find it impossible to believe that throughout the earth's history there have not been other climate changing burps of C02. The earth herself can recover naturally, what we need to do is stop the constant belching of pollution, in favor of more sustainable methods, before the effects are more than we can bear as a species. We've done alot of harm and there is and will be consequences but by trying to find methods to effectively put a band aid on the obvious wound we're ignoring the need to change our whole energy structure. I believe we have the technology to cut emissions in half very easily within the next 10 years and that's for the entire world. But we would have to work together and share resources and "oh heaven forbid we do that" Might cost some money. An interesting fact..........the war in Iraq and Afghanistan has used enough money and resources to completely solve world hunger in the entire world. I believe it was 3x over. We can afford to blow the hell out of each other but not to solve our problems. THe solution to climate change is a world wide effort where money is non existent in the formulation of a solution..............good luck with that.
My main interests go along these lines would you define it as philosophy? Everything relates, The smallest decision one makes can have a tremendous and lasting difference on your life, For instance A woman and her child are walking down the street and are met by a man in purple pants. They notice him because of his unusual attire. They watch as the man bends over and picks up a quarter on the sidewalk he smiles and the woman smiles back. They engage in conversation about a penny saved is a penny earned and realize they enjoy each others company and as such set a date for the future. The man continues on to a job interview and the woman shopping for her son. The man gets his job because he is in great spirits now. The woman is not so fortunate. She lives on a fixed income and though she meant to only buy new clothing for her son she feels it neccessary to buy a new dress for the occasion. as a direct result of this their grocery budget is much smaller, not desperately but enough she will have to use the food bank because of her poor choice in order to make ends meet. A few day's later the woman is on her way to the food bank and is noticed by her ex husband on the street. Secretly he follows her to see where she is going. The food bank is located in an unpopulated area behind some old warehouses. Her ex husband is in dis belief she is using these services and feels he is to blame. He hurry's back up the route she took and waits on a bench for her. As the woman approaches he glances up feigning surprise and offers to carry her groceries home. Once there he also takes out his wallet and gives her a few hundred dollars. To neither of their knowledge a homeless man from the unpopulated area has followed them to her home. He sees the exchange and watches the husband leave enter's the home rapes and assaults the woman, takes all her money, and leaves. The man in the purple pants turns out to be the Head nurse at the sexual assault clinic she goes to. Strangely enough the quarter that was found earlier had been dropped by a man fumbling for change to give to the homeless man. Please ignore the very obvious coincidences they are only meant to portray the circle of connections within a vast chain of events in a very brief fashion. All of this entire story can be traced back to that small and insignificant quarter being dropped which organized a specific chain of events. What would have happened had the man not dropped it? What would have happened had the man not wore his purple pants? what would have happened had the Mother not splurged? Would any of the subsequent decisions been any different or is the sequence of events already set in motion and unalterable? How much does a minor change/decision effect the events to follow? It's safe to say if that quarter had not been there the woman would not have engaged in conversation with him so would everything then have turned out entirely different? Thanks for reading If you know what kind of science this is please direct me.
random accusations of Einstein stealing theories from his wife
random replied to random's topic in Speculations
Whatever, the second article tells you which authors and documents to compare and I have no desire to dig them up if your interested, go look if your not forget about it. I'd much rather learn from others on this forum than debate credibility of a long since past Einstein. Even if we agree or agree to disagree others will disagree with us. Doesn't seem like it accomplishes much more than finding who's willing to dedicate the most time finding facts on a topic of little interest. At least........it doesn't interest me anyway. -
random accusations of Einstein stealing theories from his wife
random replied to random's topic in Speculations
Okay some references to the accusations firstly a little history on Einstein and his career choices http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/einstein.htm Secondly, Evidence please just scroll to the bottom if you are impatient to the heading entitled plagiarism charges and then compare the cited documentation to the original works and draw your own conclusions http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein These are not the links I wished to show you. The one I drew my conclusions from had the original documentation there to view If I stumble across it I will share it. I believe it is an e-book but regardless you can still find the works somwhere to view it'll just take some leg work. When Einstein repeatedly published his own works that were almost word for word to some presented many years before his birth well.......it's just obvious. His only significant work was to get people thinking outside of the box. as the saying goes.........Bull shit baffles brains. -
random accusations of Einstein stealing theories from his wife
random replied to random's topic in Speculations
Sorry guy's I just found this thread if you are so insistent well give me a couple day's and I'll post the link to where I heard this. Accordingly it is one set of beliefs against another but I do remember the author citing the opposite. ......That it was commonly accepted in the science community that Einstein was little more than a plagarist and the author cites historical documentation to prove it. Such as papers dated before Einsteins and almost word for word. Let me dig it up. Just a note.......how is one supposed to know about the threads they are involved in? I am new to the forum and don't know all the tools. -
yes please. What is the theory behind why the big bang explosion created sodium and chlorine anyway? I do not much care for speculative science where we really do not know just make best guess but I would like to hear the explanation for this one.
There is not enough information for anyone to make even a "best guess" diagnosis He could just be an eccentric individual, he could be schizophrenic, he could be mentally challenged. Yuo will have to be more specific and provide as much detail as possible to get an educated guess. and that is all it will be.
well my question was answered the reason we have salt water to begin with is a direct result of an abundance of sodium and chlorine in the universe. I could ask what the speculation is as to why this was formed to begin with but...........that's just opening another can of worms for the great debaters of this forum. ah heck with it I'm asking?
How do you treat Dependant personality disorder
random replied to random's topic in Psychiatry and Psychology
Well I guess he has nothing to worry about compared to these people. Though he is also diagnosed with DPD. This man prefers to simply have women make all his decisions and he will act accordingly in exchange he will do whatever they ask of him he feels it's in his best interest to allow someone else to control his life This man however can structure his day's with just a bit of direction not eery minor detail needs to be decided for him. like those you described. In short you would never know he has DPD provided he is in a relationship once that guiding person is gone he deteriorates drastically and will find a replacement very quickly. I thought it was a bad case but it is minor compared to what you described. Once "connected" to a female he is or appears to be the same as you or I, how much direction is going on behind the scenes is uncertain short of casting off hobbies, relationships, etc. associated with the previous relationship and developing new ones centered around his new partner as well as the frequent "I have to ask so & so he appears outwardly normal. Without the relationship and guidance he's lpretty much FUBAR til he gets a new one. His life goes on hold until he's directed in where to focus his energy. -
why wouldn't you just let the darn things grow? They'll live for hundreds of years continuing to trap carbon and would return our planet to it's original state. Or are you considering weed trees like Aspen and poplar that grow very quickly or the new hybrids which sprout up 30 ft in a season? Global warming will only be solved using a culmination of efforts but burying trees won't be part of it. But.........why not sink them in the northern ocean where they'll be preserved indefinitely. Trees are very good at converting carbon into a usable solid I wish some scientist would figure out another way to do this forming a sort of plastic which we could recycle over and over. We seem to just love the latest gadgets and gizmo's that we're a throw away society It would be an excellent solution just not possible yet.
How do you treat it, can you treat it? I know a guy who has a very severe case of this condition there is alot of info about the condition but very little on actually treating it. Can he be helped to become an individual? He's like a chameleon with personalities it's amazing to watch him adapt himself to any situation. When he gets a girl her likes become his and he does whatever she wants him to he actualy say's he does not have his own personality anymore. He becomes whatever is needed.
Thanks Marat you do need to understand the psychiatrists diagnosis was made entirely due to the self reporting of the patient who really was not in a competent state to describe accurately what his hallucinations were. If i said I hear voices and only that i'd get a diagnosis of schizophrenia where as if i said when i am in a situation that triggers a memory of her I am flooded with images and auditory hallucinations of her yelling at me I get a panic attack as well. I'd be PTSD. IT is a brief reactive psychosis from an identifiable trigger event.
come now lemur don't get all technical but how about...............The witness testimony was very convincing and backed up by a secondary eye witness deemed credible enough to be fully believed at the judge only trial. You had no alibi to support your story and the prosecuting attorney had a great deal of experience prosecuting such cases. And to top it off your lawyer drank a fifth of scotch before the trial no money for an appeal no one to do it pro bono so your stuck. Now back to the topic at hand please.
Thanks Marat that's true but the accepted method of diagnosing the illness is to find the illness of which the patient exhibits the most symptoms of having. He exhibits 1 single symptom of schizophrenia which could also be attributed to other illnesses and a host of those from complex PTSD as an update he has dependant personality disorder according to psychological testing. This just screams traumatized inducing complex PTSD if you ask me.
But why is there so much salt? What part of the world's evolution created it?
That's a good point pioneer thank you. "Nag" doesn't quite serve justice to what she put him through though. She was and is more like a Dominatrix by that I mean she had complete control over him, Gave her all his money, severed all outside social contacts for him because she didn't approve of him having friends, moved to a quiet place in the country and wouldn't allow him to drive, IT's just the tip of the iceberg. He has been secluded from the world more or less for about 11 years then she ups and leaves him for a new man. He had a strong home based business running too she managed to bleed that and him dry and is now herself living on welfare. Hell she even charged him with assault and anyone who knows him knows it isn't true She likes to see him suffer and he lets her. Without a fight
Just wondering why all our huge bodies of water are salt water? if you put salt in a glass of water it eventually all settles to the bottom are the oceans slowly doing this? What happened to cause salt water? when water was formed on earth and most of the planet was water was it salt water then?