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sam one

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Hey guy, I learn to exam in IP, well I have one question: http://www.cis.rit.edu/class/simg782/( the question is in Final-Exam 3 q3) You have the job of designing an algorithm that will count the number of objects with holes and the number of objects without holes in images of the kind shown here. Assume that the images are binary with 0 corresponding to black and 1 corresponding to white. The imaging system is of low quality and produces images that are corrupted with salt and pepper noise. The objects do not overlap or touch, but may be close to each other in any direction. They may be of any shape or size. The algorithm should not be confused by the salt and pepper noise, and should not count noise pixels as objects. Write a pseudo-code description of your algorithm. You may also include a block diagram and other information to make it understandable to a programmer. State any assumptions you make, such as: "Objects must contain at least 50 pixels." thanks
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