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Everything posted by horizon_mj1

  1. Thank you all very much for your input. One last question. Is it possible if "rubbeized" polymers were dropped from the process to attempt recreating H2S and could this increase the yield?
  2. I realize that a high molecular weight would not destabilize the molecule. The information I recieved is from a site that was explaining the extraction of poymers from fossil fuels. After further research, I found that polymers will return to hydrogen sulfide when placed in an oxygen free, pressurized environment. Has any research been done on this, I can not find any and would greatly appricate any information. My reasoning behind these questions pertain to the possibility of placing plasics into pressurized, deoxified containment to make hydrogen sulfide.
  3. I am not a student, but am a hobbiest of most all sciences. I would like to know if it would be plausable to put poly base materials into a deoxygenated, compression chamber to recreate hydrogen sulfide? I realize that polymers have an unstable atomic weight and am curious if this would cause an unstable atmosphere during the process.
  4. Knowledge is always there, it is a fact of finding it.

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