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Everything posted by hoppimike

  1. Possibly just a LITTLE strong! Don't worry, if I do this it will be very co-ordinated, done with great care, and used first and foremost on myself! lol
  2. Well you see, I am not really pursuing this for financial reasons as I say, it's just to help out me and others Erm, the patent issue.. yeah it might present complications if it ever is taken further but to be honest it would just be nice to see it made and tested properly and if it actually has the intended effects! Otherwise patenting laws won't matter so much lol
  3. Yeah it doesn't look too tricky. Thing is I don't really have the means to make it myself - I don't have access to a lab or anything like that. I guess I was hoping to find someone who wouldn't mind getting a bit involved and putting something together. It really would help a lot of people, and may also have the potential of earning some money as a project at some point, if that's something you are interested in So that's two things really - possible money and also benevolence! I really hope someone comes along who is interested in giving this a go
  4. Basically, there is this chemical called "s-equol" (here is some information about it, if it's useful - I also have a full document on how to create it http://www.trc-canad...?CatNum=E593001 ) that I would love to create in fairly large amounts, as I think (through researching and looking through studies, etc) it has some significant implications for health and for the treatment of some conditions. S-equol is actually made naturally in the bodies of about 30% of the world's population from soy, as they have the gut microflora to produce it. However, although it is possible with time and effort to become a natural "producer" of this chemical, I believe it is highly bioavailable when taken orally anyway, and would have very instant and useful results for people in this form. With this in mind I would simply love the help of someone in making this chemical, and there is certainly a potential for selling this in the future although that is not why I have interest in this (financial gain is not the goal here really). So yes erm, that's about it, I apologize if this thread is not in the correct place or anything, to be honest I just thought it would be more suited in the Chemistry area because it is still in the early stages of simply creating the chemical at a quality fit for human consumption at an affordable cost Thanks so much everyone, I would very much appreciate any help, Mike, UK
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