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Everything posted by Khyati

  1. 1)Why can the use of high temperatures in the catalytic hydrogenation of alkenes to alkanes be self-defeating ? 2)We know that if the substituent is present at the equatorial position in cyclohexane then that compound is more stable, then why all trans-1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexaisopropylcyclohexane is a stable molecule in which all isopropyl groups are axial ?
  2. Why the speed of the image on an object moving with constant speed increases as it moves nearer and nearer to a stationary rear view (convex) mirror?
  3. Ohhhhhhh, thanks a lot Cypress I got it now the answer is a)PCl5 ---------------> PCl3 + Cl2
  4. 1)All strong acids in the aqueous solution appear almost equally strong ,i.e, they ionise completely and their relative strength cannot be compared. This phenomenon is known as levelling effect. What's the cause of this ? 2)Flourine is the most electronegative element in the periodic table, still HF is considered to be the strong acid and it has no basic properties at all ( I read this in one book). But I have a doubt since it is electronegative shouldnt it have the tendency of attracting the proton towards itself. And why is it so strong that even the strongest acid such as nitric acid also behave like base when treated with HF ?
  5. Okay. Then I think the answer is b)N2 + 3H2 ---------> 2NH3 Thanks
  6. 1)This problem gives only the information that I have written in the question. And the answer given is a)PCl5 ---------------> PCl3 + Cl2, but in this number of moles are increasing so how this can be the correct answer? Its only in option b & c the number of moles are reducing. 2)Got this one Thanks a lot for the help.
  7. 1)For which of the following reversible reactions Kp may be equal to 0.5 atm and how? a)PCl5 ---------------> PCl3 + Cl2 b)N2 + 3H2 ---------> 2NH3 c)2NO2 ---------------------> N2O4 2)A 1 litre container contains 2 moles of PCl5 initially. If at equilibrium Kc is found to be 1 the degree of dissociation for PCl5 is ? I am getting the answer as 1 but in the book its given as 1/2
  8. 1)The torque of the weight of any body about any vertical axis is 0. Is it always true? 2)A sphere rolls on a horizontal surface. Is there any point of the sphere which has a vertical velocity? 3) When several forces acts on a particle we take the torque of the resultant force. Is this result valid for the force acting on different particles of a body in such a way that their lines of action intersect at a common point ? 4)In pure rolling angular velocity is independent of the distance r from the axis of rotation. Why ?
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