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About Thefourth

  • Birthday 07/15/1993

Profile Information

  • Location
    Mt. Pocono PA
  • Interests
    Astronomy, Quantum Physics, Philosophy.
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Biography
    17 years old, high school senior. Deep love of philosophy, and self-exploration.

Thefourth's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. The charges of the particles could be attracting one another.
  2. Makes sense, thanks for the reply.
  3. I am by no means an expert or even close to a novice when it comes to quantum physics matters but I am extremely curious about the subject and try my best to read about it. One thing that surprises me is that scientists never found the Graviton, the particle that could be responsible for Gravity. How is it that we haven't found it? If large objects, such as the Earth, have a gravitational field around them (around us at all times too) shouldn't this be one of the easiest particles to find? What if the Graviton doesn't exist after all, would we have to rethink our ideas on Gravity?
  4. Has anyone ever been able to describe how evolution seems to know of the surroundings of an animal? For example how is it animals whose natural fur color matches that of their surroundings? Or how did the eye come about? How would it know to make an organ that picks up light waves and how to even translate the information?
  5. I have been interested in a fourth spatial dimension for a while now. It's incredible to me that these basic shapes such as cubes and spheres can be continued on into a fourth dimension; a direction that doesn't even exist in our universe. As interesting this topic is, it's been quite hard for me to really dwell deeper into this subject, without having a good idea of what this shapes really are and how they might look. I know that a tesseract is basicly two cubes connected, but I still can't quite understand. Could anyone provide a good example for me? How would a hypersphere appear? That I don't understand in the least.
  6. Time is a dimension but do not consider it as the fourth. When speaking about our universe, you'd normally say three spatial dimensions plus time. There is an actual fourth dimension, do research about the tesseract or hypercube. Very intresting stuff.
  7. Hahah wow that's pretty amazing. Thanks for the reply. So I figure for the most part the landscape and the enviorment would be pretty much be in darkness to their natural vision?
  8. Suppose an alien visitor had come to Earth. Let's also say for arguments sake that this visitor had evolved on it's home planet with eyes that could only interpret and see ultraviolet light. What would he see on our planet? From what I've read the Earth's atmosphere blocks ~98% of the ultraviolet light that our star emits. Would this creature also be "blind" to normal light?
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