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Everything posted by JesuBungle

  1. You have the right idea. Most of an airplane's energy is in momentum. That's why runways have to be few thousand feet long. An airplane has to slowly build up speed and take off. There are a few planes out there such as the Harrier Jump Jet that can take off vertically, but the majority of planes need a runway. So in short, a normal airplane's engine either pitched slightly up to lift it or pitched down to push it up would not be create enough force or be practical.
  2. That's crossed my mind but I didn't want to say anything. I have a verbal warning.
  3. It's an equilateral triangle but the sides are different lengths...?
  4. The "inclined fin" factor that you mentioned is basically what makes flight possible. An airfoil, being the wing (symmetrical or not), is also used to deflect air causing downwash. This is the force that allows a plane to overcome gravity. The vacuum over the airfoil gets it started, and the wing is pitched to an angle to deflect air downwards, causing a force which pushes the plane up. I know my examples aren't the best lol, but here's another. An airplane wing is the exact same thing as a helicopter blade. The airfoil of a helicopter blade is always spinning at the same speed. But when the collective, or pitch, of the blade is increased, this creates downwash which pushes the helicopter up. An airplane has to move to get air over it's airfoil, then the pilot can pull the stick back and increase the pitch of the wing, creating downwash and pushing the plane into the air.
  5. Thank you bignose. As he said, there is a lot more than just a vacuum at work. There's also flow turning and downwash. Downwash is a big factor in lift. When the air coming off the top of the wing meets back up with the air that went under the bottom, it is forced down which causes thrust and adds to the lift.
  6. But couldn't this process be quite unreliable? I mean, who's never met a woman that sounded like a man or the other way around. I just think that there's a lot more factors that go into a person's voice than just looks.
  7. I forgot to add this, but there are also planes that have no airfoil at all, or a symmetrical wing shape. In that case, speed is the only thing keeping it in the air. I guess the only way i can really explain it is to compare it to waterskiing. Over 18mph, the water basically turns to a solid(not literally of course) but at that speed, a skiier is able to ski on top of the water. Similarly, with air, when a plane gets up to a certain speed, dependent on weight and wing area, the airplane is able to stay up.
  8. I know what you're asking, and it's kind of difficult to explain. But lift does increase with speed. Now it won't reach a "perfect vacuum", but there are other things involved, such as the elevators. But I don't quite understand what you're saying. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you make it sound like speed has nothing to do with it. So you could basically get a 747 going at 25mph and take off. No, you have to get the pressure over the wing low enough, so the weight of the aircraft can be mostly overcome, and you can pull the nose up.
  9. I think the main thing you're forgetting is the speed involved. To take off, a jumbo jet has to be going in the area of 150mph. At that speed the lift is quite incredible. But once the plane drops below that speed, or stall speed, it can no longer remain in the air.
  10. The problem with that is, Al Qaeda is all about martyrdom. They don't care if they die. Just as long as they destroy "the infidel" in the process.
  11. How about an in window air conditioner? eh? eh? Idk, that's just the route I'd go.
  12. Hi, I'm Danny. I like computers and can answer a lot of your questions about drugs;)
  13. Yeah, I don't believe anything after about the first 10 minutes of the movie. When they start saying that you can control things in the world with your brain, that's just kinda...eh. Also think I fell asleep during the part with all the blobs jumpin around at the wedding.
  14. Good luck man(though you probly don't need it). And have fun with it:-)
  15. That's what the Ryder truck was invented for lol.
  16. I'd suggest doing a little background check of your family's mental health first. You can never be too careful when experimenting with hallucinagenic drugs. I found this out the hard way. The negative side effects are a lot more common than erowid.org lets on. The disclaimer, everyone reacts differently to different substances.
  17. The only thing I'm concerned about related to magnetic fields is if the poles of the earth were to suddenly switch. Then I'll start freakin out:eek:
  18. Yes yes. As long as it gets me away from these god forsaken inches and feet and cups and pounds and etc...
  19. Mooeypoo, are you Israeli? Just wonderin what military you were in.
  20. Fight Club lol. But I like the ol' electrolysis with a 9 volt battery and epsom salt water solution. Kinda homemade. EDIT: Sorry I broke the first rule of Fight Club... well all of em I guess :/
  21. Thanks for the response. Yeah I'm thinkin they're kinda lazy like that, wouldn't do it the fun way. But I know for a fact those fools would blow one up the second they got their hands on it. Kinda scary.
  22. I'm kinda rusty on my network setups, but I remember hearing that 2 wireless access points cannot be linked except by ethernet cable. But there are things called wireless repeaters that you might try looking into. Actually now that I think of it, there are access points with a repeater mode built in. What model are you using btw? EDIT: I was looking in my wireless settings a little while ago and noticed it said something about all components to be in the same wireless network must share the same name, or SSID. Was wondering if you made those the same already.
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