I'm going to be a jerk and go with the leave LSD illegal crowd. I did months of research before I took my first and last LSD trip, so I thought I was ready for it. I took a small dose and figured it would just be kind of a fun ride that I could just sit and relax on. The first 3 hours were fun as hell I do admit, but after that everything went wrong. Questions started to make their way into my mind, would I ever come down? I watched the clock, 8, 12, 14, 20 hours had passed and I was still tripping very hard. There was a point, I knew I wasnt going to do it, but I thought about filling my tub and drowning myself. But right when the thought entered my head, my gf called me and began to calm me down when I told her about what was going on. She just said to focus on one thing and go as deep into thought as I could about it. Keep in mind I had been awake for about 50 hours at this point so I knew I was never going to fall asleep. But I did. And the next morning I woke up like everything the day before was a bad dream. It was over...wrong, that night I began to trip again not having taken any lsd. I figured ok, just a flashback, they happen. But it didn't stop. It's now about 2 months since that day and my chairs still hover once in a while. The blinds turn different colors. And I see people in any kind of textured surface. Usually in some sort of disgusting lesbian pose:mad: I went to my doctor and after weeks of not knowing what it was, I was diagnosed with HPPD. In my case luckily, it's purely visual. But there are people out there who have it who feel like their life is just a dream, like they're not real. And these brave souls have my sympathy. My point is that even though lsd is a relatively safe drug physically, there is no way to know how your brain will react to it in the long run. There must be more research before it is ever legalised.
Also, I'm thinkin alchohol's legal and lsd isnt, because someone making booze isnt going to take waste product from the making of it, and dump it in a storm drain. Where it would eventually make it's way into the water supply causing thousands of people to be mentally crippled for the rest of their lives.