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Violet Mistress

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About Violet Mistress

  • Birthday 08/11/1994

Profile Information

  • Location
    On this forum.
  • Interests
    In order of interest:

    Writing, Make-up, Science, Gaming (like video games), Drawing (even though I'm not so good at it), Reading, and Physical Activites (mainly dancing and running).
  • College Major/Degree
    I'm a high school student.
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Biology and Psychology.
  • Biography
    I like to think big. Like, for example, I could one day be a big famous writer. =)
  • Occupation
    Aspiring Writer

Violet Mistress's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



About Me

I like to think big. Like, in a couple years I might be a big famous writer (I adore writing above all else). So far, it hasn't worked against me. In fact, it's worked in my favour. I am attending a writing school and now know the way the professional writing market works, and I hope to be published very soon, having one of my short stories in a magazine. I have a hard time empathizing with others, mainly because of my inexperienced background. But I try to be compassionate, and see the way the other person is thinking. It's not always easy, especially when the people you hang around with all day are constantly negative and full of assumptions about the way other people think. In fact, it's a constant battle between my reasoning and my tempermental instincts. I'm a very patient person, but when people are constantly like that even I tend to blow a fuse once in a while. I'm very open-minded, but this can work against me sometimes as I notice how easily influenced I am by other people, particularly by my closest friends. But I've tried to make an identity for myself anyways. I still seem to be a shadow of my parents, though, which often comes back to haunt me, mainly because they're exactly the kind of people I don't want to become like. But if I fight against, that's exactly what I will be. I notice when I act like my Mum or Dad, but I don't stop myself anymore. I'll just continue to allow myself to be influenced by other people until I have a good indetity for myself. Provided the people I hang with are good people. I tend to stray away from the wrong crowd, which is how I was raised and how I want to be. I don't want to become a drug addict or something because I hung out with the wrong people. Nope.


So I guess that's all about me, and I think I even went into detail. =P I hope this gives you a good picture of the way I am!



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