Im new to this forum so Im not up with all your degres but thought my input may provoke some interest. Ive recently been playing an online game and have never concidered it to be a source of anything but just fun. However as a female I am often a subject of ridicule as my playing statistics are higher than most of the guys who play on line- There are only a few guys who can beat me. On this particular subject I find i am attracted to the guys who are the best - a sort of alpha male thing - primitive but Im aware its only a game - 2 dimentional. Then one day i get an invite from the top guy to be shall we say 'demonstrative' regarding my attraction to him. He asked me for a sign - this confused me and I ignored it for ages.
Finally I jokingly hugged him then feighed death at his feet........and we've been playing sexual games ever since, always me submitting and him dominating? Its very primitive stuff but the truth is I'm addicted to it and so is he. This is only two dimentional and only required me to have two triggers - an alpha male attraction and his approached for attention. We perform a very basic sexual interactions, nothing is physical due to the limitations of the Avatars but it's real in our heads, and produces for both of the same arrousal and desires as would a three dimentional sexual trigger. I miss him when he doesn't come on line to 'play' and I can honestly say I feel a form of love, if there is such a querky emotion within the confines of our experiences.
So to ask you a more relevant question - Is this a direct result of a primitive sexual drive that was only ever required of us 'to get the ball rolling' prehistorically, so to speak.... or have we discovered a derivitive side-lined arousal path due to imagination.' Then what is imagination if not experience. I believe my feelings I have for him are very consistent to the arousals I have experienced with other men in my life, however this came on despite not ever having seen him or heard his voice or smelt him or any other factors that would be normally included in sexual triggers. Note; I dont include status or financial security because I think they are fairly predominant in my initial attraction to the Alpha male.
My question is about sex in general of all types. Again there ARE different types because different emotions will be tied to different experiences. Physically of course, the same things happen, but i want to talk more about the brain.
Anyway, YT said primitive urges come from the basal ganglia, implying that sex is a primitive urge, but is it really? We will always have it, the only other option really is cloning, which reduces diversity to nothing except occasional mutations. That wont work. So if we will always be needing sex through evolution, then can you really consider it a primitive drive?
Also, how do you think sexual behavior will evolve in the future. In the long run. Obviously right now its being practiced like crazy and spreading STDs all over the place, but i don't think this will survive. It seems to go along with the theory of evolution that as we progress, our sexual behavior will become cleaner and less carnal. Spiritually, emotionally, mentally (yes i know all of those are centered in the brain, but they sorta are different factors), connectiveness make us more careful in the execution of sex? Will it also increase the enjoyability of sex? Where is the balance where optimum pleasure is enough to cause addiction, that then screws the balance and has negative effects by overuse? Is there a way sex could be enjoyable without being addicting?
Just in case you are wondering, i'm not saying sex is a bad thing, i'm just pointing out the obvious that lots of our social problems come from people who cant control their sex drive. Then asking how you think evolution will eventually find us a way out of this problem.
If the last response didnt get through then Im sorry I must have pressed the wrong button - oops.
I have had an experience regarding Avatar sex that's obviously not real (no dody contact, smell, physical requirements) but still triggers the same arousal responses. If thats not an obvious proof of a basic instinct in full sail then I'm sure you will all be discussing this sublect on forums for the rest of your lives.