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Everything posted by Lance

  1. Has anybody tried buying a sample from Alfa Aesar? I have the catalog right here and its HUGE. Im just wondering if they sell to individuals.
  2. I think the anus walls are supposed to be much thinner than the vagina walls. Thin to the point that anything your partner has you have. Of course I do not know if this is completely true. Its just something I have read a few times. This could have made it wrong. Perhaps because kids at that age are already so confused. Having the boy down the street possibly attracted to you could be very disturbing when you're just starting to accept that guys like girls. If its not gays they will just find some other group to hate. Thats teenagers for you. I guess you didn't really want the above questions answered then...
  3. err.
  4. Milk does not directly cause people to contract aids. It does not directly cause little kids to be put into adult situations. If you said milk was dangerous because it can lead to aids logically you could say that sex-ed makes milk less dangerous because it helps prevent aids.
  5. But that still doesn't make milk dangerous any more than sex-ed makes milk healthy.
  6. I guess its OK for anybody over the age of 10 to drink milk then. And what makes you think hitting puberty early is dangerous? This could also be the effect of a million other things. Not necessarily milk.
  7. My aunt had her neck broken by a chiropractor. I would NOT want one to try to fix my neck in 5 minutes.
  8. I would see a doctor if its about your neck.
  9. Lance


    Yes, but its not somthing you would want to leave sitting out in the open anyway. It gets on everything.
  10. I'm feeling generous and bored so I wrote this guide to driving a flyback transformer. First you will need a broken TV or computer monitor. After you find one the first step will be to tear it apart. After you remove the case look for a large capacitor that looks something like this and put a screw driver between its leads to discharge it. You're looking for the flyback transformer which looks something like this: After you spot the flyback you will need to remove it. In my experience the best way to do this is to tear the board apart around its leads then cut as much off as possible and using a soldering iron remove the excess solder/board from the leads. Next you will need to locate the rest of the parts for this project. We will be using this schematic: The most important component is the NPN transistor. The transistor will have to be able to withstand the inductive kick back from the flyback. The transistor will see at LEAST a few hundred volts. If you look around on the web you will see that most people will suggest using the 2N3055 from Radioshack, which is the largest transistor they sell. However, if you look at the data sheet you will see that its only rated for 60 volts. Obviously this is not the best choice for this project. You can use the 2N3055 but it will die eventually. I would suggest the MJE13009, but you would need to order it. If you decide to buy one then go to digikey.com and do a search for it. You will also need a pair of resistors. One should be around 240ohms and the should be around 27ohms. You should be able to find these in the TV or monitor you took apart. You will not be able to find the exact resistors but the value is not critical. You can also put these in series to get the value you want. For example, If you find a 110, 10, 2, 50, 20 and 15 ohm resistors you can but the 110, 50 and 20 in series to get a total value of 180ohms which will be fine for the 240ohm resistor. The rest can then be put in series for the lower value. Note that they also must be high wattage resistors. You're looking for the large wire-wound potted resistors that look something like this: Along with your transistor you will need a a heatsink. The heat sink attaches to the back of the transistor and helps dissipate heat when power is flowing. You should be able to find a suitable transistor in your TV or monitor. Simply screw the heatsink on to the transistor and you're all set. Next we are going to wind our own primary on the flyback. If you examine the flyback you will notice that the ferrite core is protruding from the transformer. Obviously the flyback already has a primary, several in fact, but these were wound for a 120 (or 240) volt input. We will wind our own primary directly on the ferrite core for 12v input. For this we will use magnet wire from Radioshack. The wire comes in packages of 3 spools of different colors. We will use the largest(orange) wire. Simply wind 5 turns onto the core and put tape or glue over it to hold it in place. If you look at the schematic again you will see that the circuit actually has two primarys. One of them is labeled “feedback”. This will be wound right next to the primary but will be only 2 turns. Now that we have all the parts ready we can now put together the circuit. The hardest part of this stage will be looking up the data sheet for whatever transistor you chose and finding the pin out. If you connect the transistor wrong it will not work! Now we must find a power supply. If you have never made any electronic projects then this will probably be the hardest part. You will need a 12vdc supply that can supply the current needed for the circuit which is several amps. Radioshack sells a suitable 13.8 supply but not for cheap. If you have a computer power supply around this will also work. You can also get one on ebay for cheap. After you put this all together test it by bringing the thick output lead near the pins at the bottom if you get spark/arcs to any of them then your circuit is functioning properly. If not then reverse the primary OR feedback finding, not both. You now have a working relativity safe high voltage power supply. If your flyback is not internally rectified then you can use it for making a plasma globe out of a light bulb. Most modern flybacks are rectified though and will not work for This purpose. This project is dangerous and can result in injury or death. This article is given solely for information purposes. Neither I or SFN will take responsibility for your actions.
  11. Lance


    Tons of info. The fluid is mineral oil based. Yes, you can. Its a very weird feeling to put your finger in one of those spikes. However, I would not recommend it because it does stain your finger for some time.
  12. Lance


    Yea, except he ripped off my kit. Ah well, thats capitalism I guess.
  13. Did you forget the poll? I wear contacts. Edit: Nevermind. You should add an option for contacts.
  14. Lance


    You cant make real ferrofluid without chemicals and lab equipment. Try searching on http://forum.4hv.org/ I think "Andrew" successful did it. Other than that I have heard of no one else. There are ways to make crappy fluids. If you search google you will find many of these recipes. Generally mixing magnetite(from sand) with mineral oil or corn syrup. I have heard of people also taking the magnetic dust from VHS tapes and mixing it with a fluid. Rust is also slightly ferromagnetic so you could try that too. Unfortunately none of these will create the “spiking” that makes ferrofluid so cool.
  15. I suspect he was just messing with you.
  16. Lance


  17. Lance


    4 pounds for 30ml. Thats just a number of the top of my head so if you're serious we can work something out. I can probably find/buy a container somewhere depending on how much you would want. I have some small glass vials around.
  18. Lance


    To be honest I have no idea. The only real experience I have with them is seeing them pop up on ebay with ferrofluid in the name. Also, I'm pretty sure that they are only used in high-end speakers and if you find some you would probably be better off selling them and buying the ferrofluid.
  19. Lance


    I think they are used in a type of speaker called "tweeters" but I am not completely sure. Also I used to sell ferrofluid and I still have quite a but left if you're interested.
  20. Lance


    Are you talking about ferrofluid?
  21. I would guess that its the variable resistance. Keep in mind that wind can also affect the resistance.
  22. Lance


    Maybe I should have payed more attention in sex-ed but I'm relatively sure people have to decide to have sex for sex to take place. Nobody's erect penis just fall into the nearby vagina and pumped vigorously by an earthquake.
  23. Isnt the term "hip-hop"?
  24. The transistors are etched onto pieces of silicon. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=413&item=6147112337&rd=1
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