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Everything posted by Lance

  1. I was thinking about having 555 driver boards custom made and then selling them alone or in kits. Would anybody be interesting in buying them? Depending on the resistors/cap you use it can be made to do a lot of stuff. Some of the more entertaining uses would be driving a flyback or ignition coil. Obviously having them made for cost a fair bit of money so I don’t want to jump in to this if nobody has any interest. So what do you think? Market or no?
  2. Ahhhhhh! I'm not the person to answer these questions. Surly somebody knows more about port forwarding than I?
  3. Look through the setings. You should be able to change what port it uses. Then you can forward each port to a different computer.
  4. Well, I drew the schematic before I tested it. If I had known that the power output would be so low I would not have included the cap or the resistor. I probably dont even need the bridge. I dont think I need to worry about high voltage...
  5. I posted a schematic I drew in post #1. The cap is charged through a bridge rectifier. I have no idea what the rating is on the think geek light because buying it would detract from the point of building it.
  6. I'm not trying to invent anything. It was just a normal project like any other. http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/lights/5a9f/
  7. What is it with you and destorying pine tables??
  8. Lance

    Clone Me An Army

    I’m sure there’s an obvious answer to this question but how exactly would you go about cloning ants that can think to the size of rats? Also ants of that size wouldn’t be able to find enough food and they would all die out. A million rat-ants can’t exactly feed off of flowers.
  9. Lance

    Clone Me An Army

    Considering there’s already an army of good sized people that can think, I’d say no.
  10. I decided not to make woods metal because it contains lead. I did however make a tin-indium-bismuth alloy that melts near the same temperature. It will melt in hot water. I got metal oxides stuck on the inside of one of my boiling flasks because I dropped a piece of the alloy in boiling water. I had to get it out with sand. If you mix gallium with the alloy it will melt below room temperature. The alloy will also stay molten well below its melting point so you can touch the molten metal and a thin layer dries on your finger. Very odd.
  11. I really like bismuth for some reason. You can melt it at low temperature and make bismuth crystals. If you break a piece of bismuth it’s nice and shiny. It’s heavier than lead and the heaviest element with a stable isotope. It’s ferromagnetic so you can make magnets levitate. It’s also dirt cheap. Oh and it expands when it freezes. I really like all the low melting point elements. They are fun to mix together and make alloys that melt at REALLY low temperatures. Indium is also fun because you can scratch it with a fingernail. jdurg: Oh man I'm so jealous. That’s really cool. I hope to have a collection like that some day.
  12. It seems it also has a pretty decent spam filter.
  13. Yea, those were good times. Back in the day that is.
  14. Alright, alright, I would think any less of you if you didnt. What type of router do you have? If you go here and click on your router it should tell you exacly what should go in that box. My router settings didnt have that box.
  15. Correct. Let me think about this. There has got to be more than that. hmmmm...
  16. I think you have to edit the first post.
  17. No, I was asking you which one the debate was about.
  18. Is the debate about whether they directly or indirectly affect literacy rates?
  19. Well if it works fine then why do it at all? I only did it because I couldnt host games on warcraft III.
  20. The router assigns each computer a different IP address. The problem you are experiencing is the router doesn’t know which IP to send information to. That’s why you have to assign ports to a specific IP address. If you already have a static IP address then you can just skip that step and use that IP. The routers don’t really have an address it just has the first few segments and the last segment is unique to the computer. The difference between static and dynamic is if it’s static you assign the IP that the computer will use every time it starts up. Generally if it’s dynamic the router will randomly assign a different IP address to each computer. If you don’t have a static IP and you forward anyway then after you restart the router will forward to the wrong address. Make sure you make all the computer for your router static so the router wont assign eh same IP as your computer.
  21. Get a new job...? They can only take away rights that were not yours to begin with. Unless of course you’re not from the US. Where are you from?
  22. First you need a static IP address. Then you put that IP in the HOST IP box. I think the private box can be blank. I did this a few months ago. Go here for info on how to get a static Ip.
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