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Everything posted by Lance

  1. I think that would be disastrous. How do you propose each house generates that much power? Don’t use that much power? How much is 'much' power? Maybe in Australia people don’t use as much power but have you ever looked at the meter on the side of your house?
  2. Most of my test tubes have had manganese dioxide in them at one time. That cant be good.
  3. Who's that? Gilded? Anyway, I just bought 64oz of 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and I'm going to see how pure I can get it.
  4. After I graduate I’m going on a uranium prospecting trip in New Mexico. ROAD TRIP!!!! woohoo!
  5. I say we place a ban on toilet paper and start using toilet plastic.
  6. I think that if you keep refreezing and draining it a bunch of times you should be able to get it pretty pure… He was talking about pure H2O2. Pure H2O2 can burn and bleach your skin.
  7. The cap your thinking of was rated at 3-12v. Those things are rated at 400-500v. The largest cap in his picture is 300J while a 1F cap rated at 12v is only 72J. A 5.5V cap would be just over 15J.
  8. How could a wing possibly brake off? Lightning can not damage modern planes anyway...
  9. Thats what I said...
  10. No you would not. That hapened more than 40 years ago. http://www.usatoday.com/weather/resources/askjack/2003-05-06-lightning-airplanes_x.htm
  11. Lance

    van der graff

    Indeed. During the winter I always drag a chain connected to the ground behind me. Wouldn’t want to build up those lethal static charges.
  12. Also... say you have two different coils, if the two magnets are in opposite positions one will generate say -1v and the other +1v. The overall output would be 0v.
  13. I would not bid then. Although if you already bid than I suppose it’s a legally binding contract. Bummer. Does he accept paypal? Just out of curiosity what is his username? Also, how much is the item worth? He shouldn’t need any details but your shipping address. Ask him exactly what details he needs and exactly why he needs them.
  14. Look at his feedback. Just click on the number by his username and then decide wether you trust him or not.
  15. I have not gotten to a high enough voltage to actually bother testing the circuit. But anyway it wouldn’t really matter. Bigger is better.
  16. I just downloaded the demo and beat the first level. I find shooters so boring... don’t think I'm going to bother buying it.
  17. Erm... did you look at the schematic? 'D' is a LED. A LED is simply a diode. Without the resistor the cap would completely discharge through the LED in a fraction of a second. You can’t both reduce the diameter of a wire AND lower is resistance. Adding coils adds resistance. I’m using a Neodymium magnet (can’t get stronger than that) Reducing the full wave rectifier to half-wave will lower efficiency. Edit: Doh... Just noticed I named my bridge 'D' too...
  18. Sounds like an urban legend to me...
  19. Why does it matter if a caged dog goes mad...?
  20. In 1982 there was a TV series/movie. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00005YUNJ/qid=1093982912/sr=8-3/ref=pd_ka_3/102-6603450-9273737?v=glance&s=dvd&n=507846 never seen it...
  21. I just finished The hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and it was hilarious. I just ordered the second book in the series from Amazon. I think next year there is supposed to be a remake of the movie coming out. You can see a trailer here but it doesn’t reveal much.
  22. And I was talking about the Band.
  23. If that band didn’t exist it would be sooo much easier to find things on ebay.
  24. Well I could never pick an all-time favorite song but today my favorite song is "Under the bridge"' date=' Red Hot Chili peppers. I only Have 145 on my 5-star list but I have 174 4-star songs that I only like slightly less. Edit: wait, wait, my new favorite song for the day is "If it Were Up to Me", Rooney. Edit 2: Whoa, looks like I was getting a bit hasty, My [i']real[/i] favorite song for the day is "Somebody Told me", The killers.
  25. Last week I bought "Temple of Elemental Evil".
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