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Everything posted by Lance

  1. Lance


    Theres a chemical in swiming pools to make it turn green if you pee in it.
  2. The problem is directing the "lightning blast" and creating enough voltage to jump that far. Why would the lighting jump at the bad guy at not at yourself?
  3. Oh but the stench! Thats the most painful part.
  4. Unitednuclear.com sells Uranium
  5. Lance


    http://www.4hv.org/ -Stopped posting there; the people are arrogant fools. Great place to get information on high voltage/electronics. http://www.allthingstesla.com/index.php -I have not started posting there. http://pub97.ezboard.com/bnuclearspace -I look around every few months when I have nothing entertaining to read. http://www.sciforums.com/forumdisplay.php?f=30 -Have not really looked there but somebody else posted a link to it from this site. And many more I cant think of at the moment.
  6. I asked my doctor about that once and he said it’s from being in the womb and part of your eye doesn’t get enough oxygen or something like that. My brother thought he had a worm in his eye. It was hilarious.
  7. Real neon is not really used much these days except for little tiny ones you somtimes find. I got an 18" xenon from a computer mod store though.
  8. Yes you can upload it onto the Science forums server.
  9. Just find/build a sufficient high voltage generator and find a neon/xenon/whatever scanner tubes are filled with, and put them together in a nice case. Personally I would rather mess with he arc then look at the light but that’s just me.
  10. I think I have a phobia of ignorance. So when ever Im reminded that I dont know everthing Im forced to educate myself further.
  11. That would be external power, would it not?
  12. Yes ferrofluid is great stuff. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3181164551&category=11737
  13. Lance


    Oh right, We had better do the research on the ninjas then?
  14. Mine is the logo of a company I own.
  15. 10%? Might I ask how you figure that? If I was forced to Guess I would put it in the <1% range.
  16. I Have fish tank and I had a bottle from a few years ago and it listed sulfuric on bottle. I tried it a while ago and it worked fine. I had to buy more because I used it all and the new bottle does not list what it is.
  17. I have no idea but that stuff sounds great! I think ill pick some of that stuff up the next time I go to the store.
  18. Ph Down for aquariums works just as well (its the same thing). I think there is some other household item that contains sulfuric acid but I cant think of it at the moment.
  19. Plumbers
  20. So why is water not considered a semiconductor? Silicon is an insulator in its pure form.
  21. Ya sorta but it was more of a sphere. Did you use a pole pig for that arc? I just got my new neon sign transformer today for a tesla coil. To be honest im not sure I remember what it looks like.
  22. When I was about 5 I took apart a lamp and put Live and neutral together. Now I could have been imagining this because I was only 5 but a purple/blue sphere expanded outward tell the circuit breaker flipped then collapsed. Got any idea what that was?
  23. Lance


    Sex Ed? Your joking right? Sex Ed solves nothing. What are you going to educate people on? Guns only hurt sometimes? Guns don’t kill people, people kill people? I’m sure that’s really going to make people feel better. Educating people would only make people more scared. Look at sex Ed, As soon as they started doing that what do you think everybody started doing? It just gave people ideas. If you started educating people on how dangerous guns are do you really think that’s going to make people less afraid?
  24. It is much easier to get them from 6v lantern batteries. The rods are mush larger and all you have to do when you get the plastic case off is pull the little knobs with pliers.
  25. Lance

    Global Warming

    Yes temperatures have fluctuated literally thousands of times although it has never gotten this high. What ever you do just don’t talk about ozone in your report; it’s completely unrelated.
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