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Everything posted by Lance

  1. Wiki is indeed God.
  2. What's fascinating about this is that we never hear it mentioned that he was white but if he was any other race it would be thrown in our face repeatedly until there was multicultural blood dripping down from our broken noses.
  3. English...?
  4. I know he's not here anymore, but can somebody please explain to me how this is a myth?
  5. I'm not sure you have seen the size of projector bulbs. They have an extremely high power density. If you took 5W luxeon stars and lined them up in the same amount of space you wouldn't get anywhere near the required output requirement. Luxeon stars are not cheap either. If somebody can prove me wrong then they stand to gain a large sum of money assuming they know anything about marketing.
  6. The lamps have a MUCH higher power density.
  7. I have 6 photo flash capacitors strewn about my desk from a batch that somebody donated to me; various transistors, most dead from some horrible ailment that only the god's can diagnose, and have lost their magic smoke long ago; my multimeter which I am not actually sure how it left my lab and survived the journey to my desk; my camera, which usually ends up at my desk anyway; a plethora of unmarked CDs; a few element samples; and a few meals worth of crumbs and food scraps. Not to mention all the junk that is perfectly normal to find at a desk. Such as a copper plated doorknob missing a door.
  8. It is possible to build a receiver that can power a small LED indefinitely from ambient radio waves, but needless to say an LED doesn't draw much current and beyond this it's not very useful.
  9. Keep in mind that minors in most countries don't actually have the legal right to take their own risks.
  10. It's important to think about who your intented audience is and what type of security level you want on your site. If you don't set some type of guideline on what type of experiments you want on your site then you're going to get a torrent of kids trying to get information on explosives.
  11. As far as I know white vinegar is a relatively pure solution of acetic acid. I have never had a problem it.
  12. Lance

    Cold Fire

    Air becomes ionized if it's heated enough.
  13. Nearly every part of a tesla coil is easily adjustable and would make a good variable. Spark gap length and primary turns would have the most dramatic effect.
  14. All-In-One Sidebar BBCode Ebay Negs! FoxyTunes Gmail Notifier Paste and Go SmoothWheel
  15. I think the FDA forces everybody to coat the inside of drink bottles with plastic so the aluminum won't leach out into the drink and be consumed.
  16. Perhaps the fact that if we all pirated music and movies that music and movies wouldn't exist?
  17. Freezing is much easier if you use a flexible plastic cup and wait a few days so it is completely solid then use an eye dropper to take the liquid off the top. You can then thaw the large chunk and refreeze it multiple time. Then do the same in a smaller cup with all the H2O2 you collected. The key is patience.
  18. Your secondary is way too short assuming your NST is a 25-30ma model. Download TeslaMap
  19. That's the way I would go about it, add either or. The salt should cause them to shrivel and the water should cause them to bulge. Here's an interesting page on osmosis: http://arbl.cvmbs.colostate.edu/hbooks/cmb/cells/pmemb/osmosis.html
  20. It might be interesting to experiment with osmosis using a salt solution and pure water and then view the result under a microscope.
  21. Lance

    IE and css

    Yep, I fixed just about everything.
  22. Lance

    IE and css

    That was fixed too. IE didn't like "right:50px" property. I changed it to "margin-right:50px". But now for some reason the picture details are much lower in IE than in firefox. does anybody know why?
  23. Lance

    IE and css

    Right, so I got the thumbnails fixed. I guess I posted this thread too soon. I still have to figure out how to get it to center the image though.
  24. Lance

    IE and css

    For some reason my photo blog does not display correctly in IE. The problem is that IE is not displaying the thumbnails in a table-cell. This is the part on the template: <div class="thumbs"><#fbthumbs#></div> And on the css layout: .fbthumb, .fbrandthumb, .fbthisthumb, .fbmenuthumb { display: table-cell; padding: 5px 0px 10px 0px; width: 140px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; } .fbcomthumb { padding: 0px 0px 5px 5px; float: right; } .fbthumb img, .fbmenuthumb img { border: 1px solid #000; } .fbthisthumb img { border: 2px solid #000; } .fbthisthumb { background-color: #eee; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 10px; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 10px; } and: .thumbs { width: 700px; } You can view the blog here: http://shutterimpulse.com/ Also, for some reason on IE the image is aligned to the right. Template: <div class="mainimage"> <div style="float: left; line-height: 20px; margin-left: 10px; width: 80px; text-align: left;"><#fbprev#> </div> <div style="float: right; line-height: 20px; margin-right: 10px; width: 80px; text-align: right;"> <#fbnext#></div> <div style="line-height: 20px;"><#fbarchives#></div> <div style="border: #000000 1px solid; width:600px; height:450px; left:50px; right:50px; position:relative;"> <img src="<#fbimageurl#>" width="<#fbwidth#>" height="<#fbheight#>" alt="<#fbdate#>" usemap="#imgmap" /></div><br /> <map id="imgmap" name="imgmap"> <?php if("<#fbprevlink#>"!=$emptylink) { ?><area href="<#fbprevlink#>" coords="0,0,<?php echo floor(<#fbwidth#>/2); ?>,<?php echo <#fbheight#>; ?>" alt="« previous" /><?php } ?> <?php if("<#fbnextlink#>"!=$emptylink) { ?><area href="<#fbnextlink#>" coords="<?php echo ceil(<#fbwidth#>/2); ?>,0,<?php echo <#fbwidth#>; ?>,<?php echo <#fbheight#>; ?>" alt="next »" /><?php } ?> </map> Posted under: <#fbmemberof#><br/> <strong><#fbtitle#></strong> <em><#fbdate#></em> <#fbcaption#><br/><#fbcomlink#><br/> </div> and css: .mainimage { text-align: center; border: 0px solid #000; width: 700px; background-color: #eee; -moz-border-radius: 10px; } Now I understand that the the white border won't be rounded in IE but does anybody know how to fix either of these problems? It looks great in firefox but looks horrible in IE. I have also been told it doesn't look great in opera as well.
  25. Lance

    Coilgun MK1

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