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  • College Major/Degree
    Massechusetts Institute of Technology
  • Favorite Area of Science

Sidthestloth's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. I really like the feel of that. That's somthing I can picture myself researching over the next year or so. The only glitch is my lack of ready access to a nuetrino detector. However it does fit directly into my research intrests and is certainly worth my time to contact some people to see about arranging time with a neutrino detector. What I do have at my disposal at any moment is a halfway decent radio telescope. I am interested in other's veiwpoints on the topic as well. I've downloaded the reffrences at the bottom of your post and am going over them now. Any other thought seeds? [related to this topic or not] Thanks so far! you've helped me get out of a serious rut and I at least feel like my toughts are headed in the right direction now.
  2. I know of Sid the Science kid. That's relativly new. When I was in pre-k even all the way through middle school I watched Bill Nye the Science Guy. I don't know if that's still running but it was really good and fun to watch.
  3. Hello all, I'm trying to decide on a thesis topic in the feild of theoretical astrophysics. My courses are mostly online and all my texts and lectures say to "bounce around ideas" with your fellow students and the scientific community, so lacking in that area i was hoping to get a bit of brainstorming here. My main areas of research are dark matter/energy and solar-terrestrial interactions. feel free to ask me any questions you want to, i'm not looking for somone to hand me an answer. i'd rather discuss it back and forth. Thanks in advance, Sid
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