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Everything posted by -Demosthenes-

  1. Meh, I made an retarded web page that does work, it's still cool.
  2. Coded a web browser all by himself and it works? Sounds pretty cool to me.
  3. I don't really have a point, just commenting on your argument. Technically the sperm and the egg are alive aren't they? That's why this whole mess is so sticky (little or no pun intended). Yes, according the that ruling laws against abortion infringe on our right against unlawful search and seizure. Come on, why do we have branch distinction in government if we don't use them? If only it were that simple.
  4. That's quite an accomplishment.
  5. If? Who is he god?
  6. Do we? Protecting privacy? It should obviously be decided in Congress (whatever they decide), the Constitution is not involved. Can the government force your to give up a kidney to save someone else's life? These arguments are some of the more morbid, but there are those who use them seriously. I'd want to say more, but the whole subject has just been done to death.
  7. Wow, I'll look into XHTML first then, it'll take me a while to be useful at any of this
  8. I generally dislike this whole debate (in general), but wouldn't that mean if there was any chance that a fetus (at some stage) was in anyway "human" (in the sense that it was important to protect because of some level of conscienceless) then we should avoid action that would destroy it? Would we not have to be "absolutely sure" in both cases? In any case, there is only one think I know for sure, I use way too many parenthesis.
  9. It exploded on digg.
  10. Looks like quite a bit to learn. I'll probably have to look into programs like dreamweaver too, right?
  11. That is an amazing site, I'll be on it for a while .
  12. I'm really interested in learning more about the web design part of computers. I image I should look at HTML and PHP, are there any good books for these? What other things should I be looking at?
  13. I had problems setting up our connection when re-installing windows ("can't connect to internet" in the installer), and they had me turn everything off for 30 seconds (unplug modem and router) plug in the modem then router then the PC. It worked... I don't know exactly why, but worth a try I guess.
  14. Then there are those of us who have liberated ourselves from print media.
  15. Ah, are solar panals more expensive?
  16. Doesn't all of our energy come from the sun anyway? Our gasoline from the sun to plant and animal tissue to peat to oil to gas. Doesn't that make the material we currently use less efficient than gathering energy from the sun itself, or are plants that much more efficient at absorbing sunlight for energy?
  17. There's a sticker on my RAM telling me the speed, alternatively you can use the software suggested in this thread.
  18. And there's me, with my poor pc133 RAM...
  19. "Why isn't solar practical" -"We'd need millions of acres of area exposed to the sun" "So where exactly is the area that is not exposed to the sun?" Most of the energy we use (such as petroleum) comes from the sun in some way, doesn't it (sun to plant to peat to oil, etc)? Why not go to the source? Replace gasoline... why use cars? Public transportation (solar powered ) coupled with the reintroduction to the arcaic form of transportation: "walking" would seem to fix everything.
  20. Hey thanks guys, I think I'm going to wait a while and see how well I get by with my current desktop for a semester, then decide if I need a laptop.
  21. My thanks to everyone who helped me get figure out what to do with my current laptop. It can't quite handle windows, and you guys helped me pick a linux distro to use on it. Anyway, I need something that will run windows, or dual boot, so I can use it when I need it. We have a copy of Visual Sudio .net which I'd like to play around with. I also need itunes (no really good substitute on linux that I could find), and the ocasional thing that will only work on windows (eg. putting ipod linux and compressed video on my ipod nano using mv player - way easier for me on windows). Anyway, I was looking for suggestions for a laptop to buy. Originally I looked into ebay, but I thought I might buy something new since the Core 2 duos came out (and AMD's responce soon) so prices should be down, right? A cheap Dell seems like a good idea, still using Pentium M, so it's not as expensive as the Core duos. I don't need it for gaming or anything, just enough to run windows well (which is a surprising amount). Any other ideas, are mine very good?
  22. Yes, I use mplayer. The only hitch... win32codecs (the ones needed to player realplayer/quicktime/windows media player) are vaguely illegal. PS, to use in firefox I use the media extension that find a media plalyer automatically (forgot the name). For the lazy guy like me
  23. They did a special on it on DL.tv: cutepdf. A pdf "printer" anything you can print you can print into a pdf file. You install, then when you print something choose cutepdf as a printer (instead of the normal printer), and it will create a pdf file. Of course this is built into openoffice.org, but cutepdf will work with other things like webpages etc.
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